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Army Destroyed Pakistan, This Army Has To Bow Before Civilian Govt - Javed Hashmi Blasts on Pak Army


You are nice, intelligent guy, and I respect you, but your opinion regarding this is completely wrong. It is Nawaz Harami going around saying that 'Pakistani terrorists' attacked India, not army. Zara hosh me ajao.

You think reputation of Pakistan can ever recover from a statement made like this by a former prime minister? West needs an excuse to go after Pakistan, and this ganja paan y'va sold his country for his 'business'. Tanday dimagh nal soch.
He did the same thing in the past, shooting his mouth off about Kargil and giving out exaggerated casualty figures in his anger at the Army.

Ganja will not exist if not for army.
Correct, but that was a long time ago - now Ganja exists because enough Pakistanis vote for him.

And Ganja will continue to exist as long as Pakistanis continue to vote for him.
Sorry but Pakistan is in chaos because of army generals. Afghani/secterian terrorism thanks to Zia. Altaf Hussain terrorism in Karachi thanks to Zia and especially Musharraf who gave them free hand.

So if Pakistan is going to be dismembered then blame will go to army who instead of protecting borders started governing country themselves.
Meanwhile you defend Zia’s bastard son as your khuda?
Look who is talking , being a minster in.the cabinet of shd ziaul haq ?lol

Meanwhile you defend Zia’s bastard son as your khuda?
Sorry , bt if zai ull haq wasnt was there today u ill be living in a soviet part of world , thats the reality ?
Our media is been sourced by the CIA , to feed against pak army while pakistan progressed under pakarmy 100 times more rather then that damo-carzy thing ?

He did the same thing in the past, shooting his mouth off about Kargil and giving out exaggerated casualty figures in his anger at the Army.

Correct, but that was a long time ago - now Ganja exists because enough Pakistanis vote for him.

And Ganja will continue to exist as long as Pakistanis continue to vote for him.
Correction sir , ganja still exists because mister kiyani gave him the power , there were not enough votes for him to get the power ? Reality shines ?
Hashmi ask good questions from army. Did army make Pakistan? No, they were tatus of British till last moment and refused even Jinnah orders to fight for Kashmir because their gora master told them. These people used to wash dirty dogs of British before Pakistan. Since then they have used IoK as emotional tool to advance their agenda.

Was army responsible for nuclear program? No, Ayub foolishly said he will buy them from USA if India ever get them.

What are army responsible for? Destroying Pakistan and importing afghani terrorism.
I think the military is also responsible for the defence of Pakistan...they are not be perfect but since I still see Pakistan on the map, they are holding up...
He always used to bark, even when he was with PTI but back than all was holy whatever used to come out of his mouth.
Nuclear weapon program was started by Bhutto and completed by Nawaz Sharif. Ayub instead said he will import bomb from USA.

I'm talking about nuclear bomb here. Abdus Salam was always against bomb from day 1 .
How could a loyal citizen of Pakistan Dr Abdus Salam be against the bomb for his country(?)

Ganja will not exist if not for army.
Ganja will not exist if not for his parents, therefore his parents are to blame, and his parents would not exist, if not for their parents, ad nauseum.... Ganja is not a pre-pubescent child for whom the "Urdu" is responsible for...Ganja is a bloody grown man who was three times PM...look at Bhutto, he took it like a man....
Send this SOB Javed Hashmi to the border.. give him a rifle and helmet... And after 24 hours ask his haarami corpse if the army has destroyed pakistan..???
This is the reason you can’t work forever. Hashmi is old dog & mentally retarded, the guy should had retired ages ago but he is only making fun of himself.
So all are naked before public eyes now, loot and plundering is blamed on Army .

Looks another ploy to defame Army and Military establishment.
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