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Are these Indian personalities as well know in Iran as this article claims?

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There is a physical Quran in the Museums, if that's what you're asking.

We have dozen of copies in book store.

Who said that?

No, actually that was the bible.

Do you understand that we are talking about the historical authenticity of religious texts and not the content?

The three main Semitic religions are. Christianity, Judaism and Islam. You belong to same blood line, even Mohammed (570-632) came after Christ (4BC-AD30 approx).

And scientifically Human being or pure scientific word is hominid came on earth 4 million year found by Kiptalam Chepboi near lake Baringo, kenya in Feb 1984. They others too not only Kiptalam and method was used carbon dating and potassium argon dating.


Earliest Known: The earliest dinosaur Herrerasaurus the complete skeleton discovered in 1989 in the foothhills of the Andes in Argentina. The specimen was 230 million old.

Largest: The brachiosaurs (arm lizards) of Tendaguru and Morrison Formations of Africa and North America respectively, which lumbered across the landscape 150 million year ago.

Longest: sorry no remember

Largest land predator: The largest flesh-eating dinosaur Tyrannosaurus which 70 million year ago.

In case if you want more proof I can provide you with reference just I have dig my Phd research material which take time. but no problem.


I don't really mind intermarrying, it is a good thing. :wink:

Well its good thing. If you do in your cousin or within your family member (as most Muslim do, no offence) which is not good thing because what happen if someone carry any genetic disease for example Myopia (eye problem, people can't see far object) this disease will forward to your next generations in will exist in your blood line but if you do in other family the chance of Myopia is very minimum. However I read somewhere cross-breed create an improvement in function.

No, NO, NO!

Joe please en-light your sword of knowledge, I really want learn
Iranians too love Pakistan. We also like India as you can tell from the original post.

I never knew before that part of the hostilities between India and Pakistan was race based, I always thought it was solely on religion.

Its not exactly the race based hostility........ actually Most of north India and Pakistan are of same race...but some people were not strong enough and bowed down to foreign invaders while others continue to follow the Great Indus Valley Vedic Culture.
If you want to find out the Historical Authenticity of a book/scripture then you have to delve into its contents.....


No-one can go back in time and confirm History....so the only option is to logically and scientifically analyse old remains....

Incorrect, for two reasons:

History is evaluated in the light of historical evidence, that consists of two types reference material, primary and secondary. These are largely written records, although epigraphical records and archaeological records are used where available.

History starts with Written records of a people, an ethnic group, a language group or a religious group, or a political entity, kingdom or city-state.

Proto-history starts when a people do not have history, but other cultures around it have. The proto-history of the Hioung Nu started with their mention in Chinese records. This also refers to the period between the coming of literacy and the writings of the first historians. Finally, this refers to situations where oral traditions exist but written traditions do not. In Indian history, by a strict definition, the Vedic and Puranic 'periods', the advent of Buddhism and Jainism, until the invasion of Alexander III the Great, is proto-historic.

Pre-historic Is the period from which life appears, in this case, referring to human life, until the commencement of writing. The Indus Valley Civilisation is, for us, pre-historic; there is no written record.

The ages of the artifacts found in the remains of the Ancient Civilizations throughout ancient India has been confirmed by carbon dating....and the contents of the Vedas have striking similarities with the artifacts found.....this is how the approximate date of the Vedas has been confirmed......


Please do some elementary exploration of how the age of the Vedas is estimated.

It is one of the platitudes of Indian history that the linguistic record and the archaeological records do not touch, and you have it exactly opposite.

This is how History is confirmed world wide......If you have any other method, let us know....

History finding archaeological connections is pure bonus, and historical research is not conducted based on archaeology, but on the comparative analysis of historical, meaning written sources, including epigraphical sources.
Baluch regiment.


Very Aryan looking fellows.

Look at these Aryan Pakistani Punjabis protesting.


he wont reply you now:D
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