Wow the second video really did that justice, that's incredible how you got out of traffic like that to score. I tried doing stuff as a kid and I gave up completely on soccer from how hard it was.
I would get open sometimes but completely screw up my attempted scores. Although tbf I never had interest in soccer and didn't bother to learn how to kick properly.
Thanks for the big love, ya Big Basha!

Salah is truly gifted.
Regarding the dislike of the sport, I feel the same way but for different reasons. The problem is that 98.7% of the match time played is the most boring stuff imaginable.
This is the reality of that sport:
- goalie has the ball
- goalie bounces the ball for 2 minutes
- goalie dribbles the ball from left of square to right of square
- goalie picks up ball and looks around
- goalie drops the ball and dribbles back to left end of square
- goalie picks up the ball and yells directives at defensemen
- goalie throws ball to left defenseman
- left defenseman dribbles ball to towards right defenseman
- left defenseman passes ball to right defenseman
- right defenseman dribbles ball and passes it to right midfielder
- right midfielder passer ball to center midfielder
- center midfielder dribbles ball and passed to left fielder
- left fielder pass to center forward
- center forward passes to left forward
- left forward passed
- right midfielder dribbles ball, gets love-tapped on his right
- right midfielder falls to the ground holding his left
- right midfielder rolls around on the ground in agonizing pain
- medical staff runs to right midfielder and brings a stretcher
- medical staff gives out water to players from both teams
- medical staff sprays something on his left
- referee and linesmen get a drink of water
- referee blows whistle and everyone ignores it
- hurt player gets up really slowly holding
- medical staff takes another 8 minutes to leave the field
- medical staff walks as slow as they can back to sidelines
- referee gives out yellow card to shoulder bumper
- shoulder bumper yells and complains
- teammates join the fray and yell at referee
- referee pulls out red card and throws out shoulder bumper
- entire team argues with referee and other team
- malley ensues in midfield coaches yell at players to get back in position
- referee takes 4 minutes to write down player number & name
- referee blows whistle right midfielders takes 6 minutes to set ball
- right midfielder passes to center forward
- center forward passes to right forward
- right forward passes back to center forward
- center forward passes back to center midfielder
- center midfielder passes back to left defenseman
- left defenseman passes ball back to goalie
Worst sport ever! lol