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Sri Lankan Moors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have not read about them at all and I have no idea if those are Arabs or just local people who adopted Arabic and who now identify with Arabic culture. All I can see is that Arab sailors/merchants/administrators settled in Sri Lanka and spread Islam.

I will have to read up about this topic but you must know something more than me since you are Sri Lankan.

In this link it says that most of them are indeed of Arab origins but that they intermarried with local Sinhalese and Dravidian peoples.

See this PDF link for more information:


There are references. It seems rather interesting so I might take a look at it.

Here is a link to a paper from the Colorado University dealing with this issue;

Arabs, Moors and Muslims: Sri Lankan Muslim ethnicity in regional perspective

So from what I can see the ones who they call Arabs are basically mostly off-spring of Arab merchants/sailors/administrators/soldiers/Sadah families who intermarried with locals. They mostly came a long time ago so they are more local than Arab in appearance but their paternal ancestry might be Arab or partial Arab at least. This seems very probable as the same is the case among parts of the Muslim community in nearby India (Kerala).;)

It reminds me of certain communities in Eastern Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa who also have Arab ancestry but mostly from a very long time now and in appearance they look like locals due to marrying locals for centuries upon centuries.

For a similar thing see this thread made by an Chinese expert on Arab history and affairs who even studies Arabic and history in Taiwan. The widely respected user @Wholegrain

His knowledge about the Arab world is eminent. I even learnt things from him.

Arabs in sub-Saharan Africa.

@al-Hasani I reported that moron in GHQ section, and deleted my off-topic posts in order to keep that thread clean ;)

Thank you bro. If they have not dealt with that suicide troll by tomorrow I will contact them too. Now I just don't bother as I have complained about several farsi double users/suicide trolls and they were also mostly banned except one who is still here for some reason but I discussed this with @Kaan though.


Bro, do you remember me posting this video to show the differences of how Farsis are treated in the GCC compared to Arabs in Iran?

Do you know what the original song is? The remix/background track. It's pretty awesome. I am not talking about that Farsi song but that is even OK due to the soundtrack in the background. Whatever it is, it is awesome and the creator deserves a bottle of vodka and red bull or gin and juice.:lol:

I like such "Mullah's" too:

It's that Halloween somewhere in the US/Canada or what?:lol: Don't think that anyone would have the balls to risk doing that in Iran.

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Bro, do you remember me posting this video to show the differences of how Farsis are treated in the GCC compared to Arabs in Iran?

Do you know what the original song is? The remix/background track. It's pretty awesome. I am not talking about that Farsi song but that is even OK due to the soundtrack in the background. Whatever it is, it is awesome and the creator deserves a bottle of vodka and red bull or gin and juice.:lol:
I like such "Mullah's" too:

It's that Halloween somewhere in the US/Canada or what?:lol: Don't think that anyone would have the balls to risk doing that in Iran.

:rofl: Thanks for sharing.
It was the best video that I have seen in the last month.
Farsi mullahs are a joke! They know nothing about Shiism, rather are bunch of clowns.

Indeed. No wonder why all of those Farsis are educated under Iraqi Shia Arab/Arab Shia clerics or learn from Azerbaijani Shia clerics.

Anyway we lost brother @Full Moon (who has always been pro-Azerbaijani I have noticed) today because he posted the very "civilized" burial method of those Zoroastrians. Somebody should have warned him that graphic photos now result in an instant ban. We await his comeback and thank him for the laughs and very good replies to that farsi serial double user/suicide troll who is still not banned for some strange reason.

Also bro, if you have any interest in Sufism then you should really listen to some Arab inspired Sufi anasheed or Sufi Music. After all Sufism originates in the Arab world and a lot (!) Arabs are into that or have been strongly influenced by it. In Hijaz Sufism has traditionally always been strong and still is.

I have to admit that some people also make silly things during such Sufi gatherings. But that is part of the "charm". Especially those Naqshbandi Order dudes in Iraq.:lol:

If you can please educate us about similar Azerbaijani anasheed or just music. I am curious.:D

Anyway I hope that I get a ban. This forum is turning into a joke. Too many idiotic trolls.

That Ceylal clown is indeed a clown. No arguing with him. He has entered my ignore list. I recommend doing the same.
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Anyway we lost brother @Full Moon (who has always been pro-Azerbaijani I have noticed) today because he posted the very "civilized" burial method of those Zoroastrians. Somebody should have warned him that graphic photos now result in an instant ban. We await his comeback and thank him for the laughs and very good replies to that farsi serial double user/suicide troll who is still not banned for some strange reason.

That's really sad. Actually, I think that the picture he posted does not contain any bloods or chopped limbs, and such stuff.
@WebMaster @Horus @Chak Bamu @Oscar
Can you please reconsider your decision about the ban of @Full Moon ?
I think the picture that he posted is a typical picture of cemeteries, and cannot be categorized as a "Graphic Picture", and he has not been informed about this rule.

Also bro, if you have any interest in Sufism then you should really listen to some Arab inspired Sufi anasheed or Sufi Music. After all Sufism originates in the Arab world and a lot (!) Arabs are into that or have been strongly influenced by it. In Hijaz Sufism has traditionally always been strong and still is.

I have to admit that some people also make silly things during such Sufi gatherings. But that is part of the "charm". Especially those Naqshbandi Order dudes in Iraq.:lol:

If you can please educate us about similar Azerbaijani anasheed or just music. I am curious.:D

That is a nice sounding poem. I generally like Qasidah and Ghazal over Masnavi. Well, about Sufis, one of our relatives was the head of one of those sufi groups, but my father hated such stuff, hence we never get close to such stuff. About Azerbaijani music, I prefer its classic music compared to its pop music. My favorite singer is Reshid Behbudov(RIP).

I listen to this playlist everyday: :)
Popular Rashid Behbudov Videos - YouTube

I will listen to all this my friend but I am leaving the forum for a while. Too many retarded trolls, no moderation almost and the same trolls are able to provoke people without reason and spread their poison and piss people off.

Now a few of those trolls pissed me off in other threads.

Anyway I wish all the best for Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis across the world and I hope to visit Azerbaijan one day. The Euro's 2020 could be a good time.;)

I like classical music too. italians, Germans and Russians are quite good in this discipline.



A bit alternative ones:


I will listen to all this my friend but I am leaving the forum for a while. Too many retarded trolls, no moderation almost and the same trolls are able to provoke people without reason and spread their poison and piss people off.

Now a few of those trolls pissed me off in other threads.

Anyway I wish all the best for Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis across the world and I hope to visit Azerbaijan one day. The Euro's 2020 could be a good time.;)

I like classical music too. italians, Germans and Russians are quite good in this discipline.

Don't leave the forum, bro. In this situations, I tend to get a break from the from for a few days, then I will come back.
Thanks bro! You are more than welcome to come to Azerbaijan :)
If you like classical Russian music, you may find this one interesting as well:
Don't leave the forum, bro. In this situations, I tend to get a break from the from for a few days, then I will come back.
Thanks bro! You are more than welcome to come to Azerbaijan :)
If you like classical Russian music, you may find this one interesting as well:

Just planning to take a break. There is a holiday here in Denmark this week 42. So I have had no classes at the University, only assignments, but when the holiday ends on Monday I will be very busy so I will not have much time for PDF or at least I should not have time much for PDF.

Russians are good indeed.

I like Tchaikovsky especially but I hear that he was apparently an Ukrainian/Pole originally.;)

Just planning to take a break. There is a holiday here in Denmark this week 42. So I have had no classes at the University, only assignments, but when the holiday ends on Monday I will be very busy so I will not have much time for PDF or at least I should not have time much for PDF.
Russians are good indeed.

:lol: Yes, in terms of their classical music, classical literature, beautiful ladies, and being smart. Their politicians are something else, though.

I like Tchaikovsky especially but I hear that he was apparently an Ukrainian/Pole originally.;)

Me too. Yes, that's right.
He is my favorite musician of classical music of Europe.
I also like Puccini;

And more recent Sopranos such as Pavarotti which I am a big fan of. It is a shame that he died.


Yes, Russians are funny people and overall I got no problem with them. Their leadership is just a bit irresponsible.:lol:

LOL, he does not look like a musician :lol: although he was a great one :lol:
Have you seen Friends TV series? He looks like Joey in some extent. :rofl:

Indeed. He looks like a eccentric. I really liked him. Even my father liked him.:rofl:

Yes, of course. Joey Tribbiani.:lol: Yes, I can understand where you are coming from. There is indeed a bit of resemblance there.

Interesting video.;)

Indeed. He looks like a eccentric. I really liked him. Even my father liked him.:rofl:

Yes, of course. Joey Tribbiani.:lol: Yes, I can understand where you are coming from. There is indeed a bit of resemblance there.
:lol: Yup, specially if you notice their close ups from the video that you posted with Joey :lol:

Interesting video.;)

Well, I think I posted the promo video for European Games 2015 as well, that one was also a good short video about Azerbaijan:
BTW @rmi5 and everyone else that is seeing this. I just stumbled across this via Facebook. Very interesting. Now I am finding out what has been happening/changing in the world since I was born.

BBC - Earth - Your life on earth

My heart has beaten 880 million times since I was born and a Blue Whale in comparison has only 67 million heart beats in that time period.

Some of the facts are very interesting.
I need to go now, see you later, bro ;)

PS. very interesting link. I am a grandpa on the Mercury :lol:

I also need to go. Have a nice time and stay safe.

Yes, I am too.:lol:


Brother, please update us a bit more about Ethiopia. It's a great country and no need to be shy. I will hold your back as I like Ethiopia if anyone starts trolling. Habesha people are very, very friendly people and friends of Arabs for a very long time.

I hope that Habesha people are now not anti-Arab because of few unfortunate incidents.
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