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Tazi = Dog. Tayy the name of an ancient Arab tribe based in Najd but thought originally to be from Yemen. How do those two have any connection?


Is this correct?

We say "Köpek" to dogs.
We call Tazı to fast dogs like this.

Also word "Tazı" is Persian originated.

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Well according to @rmi5 farsis refer to Arabs as "tazi" due to them thinking that Arabs equaled the ancient Arabian tribe of Tayy that was based in Syria, Southern Iraq and Northern Najd or it means invader, LOL.

See post 3996 in this thread.

It looks like our Arabian Saluki dogs.

Saluki dog is a royal dog and probably the fastest dog in the world. Ideal for hunting. I have been out hunting with them.

Yes, the word "tazi" is not Arabic at all. We use "saluqi/saluki".

[quote="al-Hasani, post: 6287910, member: 144723

Sumatra girls are also beautiful from what I have seen. Many look different from other Indonesians? Do you agree with this?


The looks a bit difference. And I can say White Javanese/ White Sundanese looks more like Chinese, since base on DNA, Javanese/Sundanese have more Hmong (Chinese) DNA than Sumatran. And White Sumatran tend to have ME features.


Elvira Devinamira (Javanese)


Cut Tari (Sumatran/Aceh)


Nia Ramadhani (West Sumatra/ Sundanese)

Brown One


Titi Rajo Bintang (West Sumatra)
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Mate, they didn't translate whole of his speech. I don't like Erdoğan much but his speech was good.

He said , When Sunnis blow up Shias, who benefits ?, When Shias blow up Sunnis who benefits ? We shall remove the Sykes-Picot borders. Not geographically but in our minds. As Imperialist powers designed this region to have conflicts, and till this day they have contributed nothing but only sucked natural resources of the region. Do you think they have (U.S) come with their Jets and Missiles to bring peace to the region ? No, they have comed so they can secure the oil wells in the region (Iraq).Assad killed 200.000 people in Syria, but Westerns only acted when ISIS threatened oil facilities.

Also he bashed Iranian Cleric Hamaney.
Erdoğan said "When we ask them (Iran) Why do you support Assad, They tell us "Because he is the only one standing against Assad"..... what non-sense. Has Assad fired one bullet against Israel ?. Assad killed 250.000 of his people and you are still sending money and weaponary to him. How could this man be a religous leader (Hamaney) ?

Also he said. "When word Arab comes, we say traitors. When word Palestine comes, we say, what's Palestine to us.... This must change. We say these because Imperialist not only draw borders on the map. They also draw borders on our minds to limit us. We shall remove these borders. Our Historians, Professors, Scientists. will re-investigate WW1 history. And we will free ourselves from Imperialist version of history....

Whole speech... but there are no subtitles.
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This song is in Urdu. I wish I could translate for you.

Here is a Pakistani serial with Arabic. If you are interested in learning Pakistan culture, watch this serial.

Serials are for women, but this serial will help you understand basic Pakistani culture. The plot of this story was of excellence.

Now Watch the start:

We Bakistanis are better looking than you hummus eating beobles. :lol:
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Brother, can you please post some photos of traditional mosques in Indonesia? My father told me that many of the mosques in Indonesia were wooden with beautiful decorations. Is this truth?

Menara Kudus Mosque




The Menara Kudus Mosque or Al-Aqsha Mosque is located in Kudus in the Indonesian province of Central Java. Dating from 1549, it is one of the oldest mosques in Indonesia, built at the time of Islam's spread through Java.[1] The mosque preserves the tomb of Sunan Kudus, one of the nine Islamic saints of Java (the Wali Sanga), and it is a popular pilgrimage point.[2]

Menara Kudus Mosque - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As far as I know, many Modern Mosque in Jakarta are not really that different from mosque every where in Moslem world. The wooden part are not quite many though for the mosque I have visited in Jakarta. Only one small mosque that has many wooden part in Bandung, West Java that I know, but it is not a famous one.

The things that is quite extraordinary for Muslim visitor in Jakarta is that some of our famous mall has very good place for praying. Even one of the best just like in Pondok Indah Mall, Jakarta, the praying place are awesome and luxury and each floor has at least one praying place, in which men and women are praying in a separable place as well.

Pondok Indah Mall, Jakarta



As far as I know there is only one Malay Malaysian member here that is not quite active ( though he doesn't declare it but it can be read by his supportive argument regarding Malay ethnic).

There is no Indonesian section here, we are just in China and Far East section, together with China, SEA countries, and also Australia.
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Brother, don't discuss with that stateless Pathan moron in that other thread. He obviously suffers from inferiority complexes when it comes to Arabs just like many others from those regions of the world who have a problem with Arabs for some strange reason. He is a serial troll. Seen his posts before but did not bother commenting. As long as he is not polluting this section or the ME/Africa section then I don't care. Those creatures blame all their miseries in life on Arabs.:lol:

Also, LOL, at comparing "Pathan military history" with that of us Arabs. We founded 3 of the 10 largest empires the world has ever seen. More than any other ethnic group in the top 10. We founded dozens of kingdoms, sultanates, emirates, sheikdoms, imamates, sharifates etc. on 3 continents.

List of largest empires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Our religious, cultural, linguistic (Arabic is the 4th most spoken language in the world and has influenced all languages spoken in the Muslim world nearly by a great deal and 20-25% of all Spanish and Portuguese words derive from Arabic), military, architectural, musical, scientific, literal etc. influence is comparable to very few other peoples. None can ever doubt that. Let alone any historian. Our influence is widely accepted and respected all across the world.

With all due respect to the Pashtuns who are generally good people from my experience then a comparison between Arabs and them is totally unfair for them on all fronts. I would not bother so safe your time.

Arabs, especially Sadah families, are the most respected people in Afghanistan. See this video too.

Look at the reception of the UAE soldiers among the Afghans.

Many Afghans also claim Arab ancestry. The Afghans/Pashtuns who live in their native lands are good people. Trust me on this. Anyway all this "superiority" nonsense is quite pathetic but facts are facts. We must be fair. It's not about bragging. It's just the reality.

Just like I accept the huge influence of English peoples.

Better tell me how life is in Riyadh? No need to bother with ignorants and simpletons. Save your time.
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Hi sorry to bother you but I have a question I'd like to ask you if you don't mind,It's about norway.

Bro, please ignore that serial troll and double user. As usual they have to turn every thread into a troll thread and during such discussions you will have clueless Indians and others who have nothing to do with the ME joining in.

I have to go but if you got the time then contact the moderators about that serial troll. The fact that he is a serial double user should warrant a permanent ban and his insults in that thread too.

We do not care about any races or any "racial superiority" we just stick to historical facts and don't tolerate bullshit written about our people.

It is the average farsi nationalist that thinks that he is a cousin of the German people despite the average Farsi and Iranian too being closer to fellow ME people than any other peoples out there.:lol:
Goes for all ME people.

Bro, please ignore that serial troll and double user. As usual they have to turn every thread into a troll thread and during such discussions you will have clueless Indians and others who have nothing to do with the ME.

I have to go but if you got the time then contact the moderators about that serial troll. The fact that he is a serial double user should warrant a permanent ban and his insults in that thread too.

Yes, it's their strategy to troll such threads in order to get them closed. After all, even if they get banned, they would create another new account.

Anyway, I was going to make such thread in ME section, but I got happy when I saw that you created it. It's really informative and has better quality than what I had in my mind to make.
Yes, it's their strategy to troll such threads in order to get them closed. After all, even if they get banned, they would create another new account.

Anyway, I was going to make such thread in ME section, but I got happy when I saw that you created it. It's really informative and has better quality than what I had in my mind to make.

I am writing from my iPhone so bare with me my friend. Please reread the post that you have quoted as I have edited it.

Indeed it is.

This guy is a joke. Arabs and Turks are two of the most fiercely proud people out there and I don't know any tendencies of us trying to associate us with people that we have nothing to do with. Only to fellow Semites and Turkic peoples. Which is only normal. The Farsis themselves take "pride" in being connected with Baluch, Kurd, Pathans etc. Or so they claim.

It is them and their "Aryan" bullshit that is the biggest sign of inferiority complexes out there and their weird fetish with Germany that they have nothing to do with.
I am writing from my iPhone so bare with me my friend. Please reread the post that you have quoted as I have edited it.

Indeed it is.

This guy is a joke. Arabs and Turks are two of the most fiercely proud people out there and I don't know any tendencies of us trying to associate us with people that we have nothing to do with. Only to fellow Semites and Turkic peoples. Which is only normal. The Farsis themselves take "pride" in being connected with Baluch, Kurd, Pathans etc. Or so they claim.

It is them and their "Aryan" bullshit that is the biggest sign of inferiority complexes out there and their weird fetish with Germany that they have nothing to do with.

Well, Turks and arabs have made and ruled big empires, stretching from south europe to the heart of africa, and from Jabal Al tariq to India and West china. So, we have many real stuff to be proud of. It's not the case for every nation though.
In general, Arabs and turks have no problems, rather have been friends. Always, Al-ahwaz arab activists interview with our(South Azeri) media, like Gunaz TV, ... and our relations with them is literally the best among all ethnic groups of Iran.
If a person has nothing to be proud of, he would tend to develop weird inferiority complexes. Their Aryan BS, is the most hilarious one. :lol:

@al-Hasani I reported that moron in GHQ section, and deleted my off-topic posts in order to keep that thread clean ;)
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Well, Turks and arabs have made and ruled big empires, stretching from south europe to the heart of africa, and from Jabal Al tariq to India and West china. So, we have many real stuff to be proud of. It's not the case for every nation though.
In general, Arabs and turks have no problems, rather have been friends. Always, Al-ahwaz arab activists interview with our(South Azeri) media, like Gunaz TV, ... and our relations with them is literally the best among all ethnic groups of Iran.
If a person has nothing to be proud of, he would tend to develop weird inferiority complexes. Their Aryan BS, is the most hilarious one. :lol:

The funniest thing of all is that we Arabs/Semites are Caucasian people and always were that. We also always took pride in our skin color and even wrote that in poems, literature etc. All this can be researched easily. I even think that the Wikipedia page concerning the "White Race" and "Caucasian race" mentions this directly and it is also sourced material.
Just like all other native ME populations. Even European racial "experts" and anthropologists categorized us racially together with the nearby "Mediterranean peoples" outside of very few differences mostly in terms of nuances of skin color. Obviously those categorizations are what they are but it says a lot and obviously shatters that Indians nonsense. It was written during the times when racial theories were popular and all non-Western people were looked down upon.

Arabid race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caucasian race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

White people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nor do they understand this:

Afro-Arab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arab slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's their people who have complexes in this regard and they are also famous for this. Hence the big consumption of lightening creams. I am not saying that you can't find that among us ME people, you can, but they are mostly a minority and are ridiculed.

Also as a mixed person of Arab/ME and European ancestry I do not believe in a "pure race" firstly nor "racial superiority" but I do believe that certain peoples/civilizations had greater cultures/more impact than others. I don't think that this makes me a racist.

Another thing that annoys me is that there is a ton of Indian users (there are also many good Indian users) have a habit of meddling in internal ME affairs and mostly those persons are EXTREMELY ignorant. On the other hand I am yet to see a single ME person caring about their internal events. As usual they are discussing with the Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans and obviously the Chinese.

Arabs and Turks are brotherly people and have had close ties throughout history. We are also neighbors. Arabs and Turks have very excellent ties in Europe and operate businesses together etc. I often frequent a restaurant here in Copenhagen that makes ME cuisine and it is co-owned by Arabs and Turks and the personal is exclusively that too.

@Sinan and @xenon54 can confirm what I say about those Indian trolls and @BronzePlaque I think has a relative or sister even that is married with an Moroccan Arab and he also knows the differences between Arabs of Morocco and the Berbers there. Correct me if I am wrong here my friend but are Berbers not the majority among the Moroccan immigrant group in the Netherlands? @BronzePlaque

Farsis are also a hilarious bunch. They have been heavily influenced by us Semites before the appearance of Islam (culturally, in terms of architecture, music, religious Gods, alphabet (Phoenician) language (Aramaic was adopted as a state language) and they also ironically found our areas so interesting that they occupied Iraq, Eastern Arabia, Yemen, Oman, parts of Levant and Egypt. Although they only controlled Egypt, Levant, Yemen for a short while. Also they were influenced and ruled by Turkic peoples for a long time too.

Let's not even talk about what happened after this had occurred.

Muslim conquest of Persia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Wikipedia is a really bad source. You need books about the history of the ME, Arab world, Semitic peoples (which Arabs are a part of) and read up on genetics etc.

I don't know where they get those 2 million Arabs in Sri Lanka from? I really have to read up on that. Is there any source and what kind of source is used? I don't know much about Sri Lanka aside from the basics. Will have to study it.
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@al-Hasani It definitely talks about the Sri Lankan Moors that make up most of the Muslims in Sri Lanka. Generally they identified as Arab migrants to Sri Lanka but I think in reality, it's just a little number of them who are actually Arabs while majority are Tamil people as they also speak the Tamil language. But then again, I have read in some other sources that their existence in Sri Lanka predates Islam so I am not very educated on this subject. There are conflicting views about them and the government tries to recognize them as a separate ethnic group to prevent number of Tamils increasing. Overall I don't know much about their ancestry. I was surprised to see that Sri Lanka has more than 1 million Arabs.
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