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Apollo completes 500 liver transplants on Pakistani patients

actually you should only be thankful to babus for making medical visa easy. And those who got special discount/free care on humanitarian ground might be thankful to those who waived off fees.
Rest, you guys are medical tourists, like afgans or or american or bangladeshi. We should be thankful to you for choosing us as destination and not going to other places who are competing with us.
This bit is only available to local people and not Pakistanis...

rest I agree... I was happy to see that when you try to obtain Indian visa, it's like a war - but when you seek visa on medical grounds, it is possible to get visa within a day. It is technically possible to complete all the formalities, apply/obtain visa and travel to India all in the same week if it's a emergency situation and you already know all the sources etc. The amount they charge is obviously not affordable by most people but it seemed relatively cheaper as compared to China for the treatment I enquired about.
we should not offer healthcare services to pakistanis ! They are a bunch of ingrates !

The typical Indian mindset - nothing surprising, It's second thread opened and screwed up by saffron chaddis.

But anyway, it's business and Indians got paid for their services.

Excellent work, worth a commendation.

I don't know 10% failure in lever transplant comes in excellent work category or not?
This bit is only available to local people and not Pakistanis...
That's not true, many Pakistanis (of low income group) have been given heavy discounts by the hospitals. I remember reading about several such cases. In the very first high profile case of Noor Fatima in 2003, many Indian individuals and groups volunteered to donate money for the surgery. (Her parents declined, as they could afford to pay. They said that the love and prayers were sufficient.) In other cases, labourers and other low income people (one I remember was a young child of a police constable) have had most of their bills waived by the hospitals. (It's not unique to Pakistanis, they do that for many poor Indians as well.)

Curious, did you go through with the medical procedures you enquired about in India?
No the doctors said it's too late for transplant but he is better with the grace of Allah All-mighty
Glad to hear that. Hope he enjoys good health and happiness for the rest of his life.
This bit is only available to local people and not Pakistanis...

rest I agree... I was happy to see that when you try to obtain Indian visa, it's like a war - but when you seek visa on medical grounds, it is possible to get visa within a day. It is technically possible to complete all the formalities, apply/obtain visa and travel to India all in the same week if it's a emergency situation and you already know all the sources etc. The amount they charge is obviously not affordable by most people but it seemed relatively cheaper as compared to China for the treatment I enquired about.
for me it should be strictly business. These are business entities with profit motivation and they can do whatever they like(without breaking law). If they wish to give discount to certain country to make the deal attractive, its their wish.
The more we remove emotion from any dealing when it involves india-pak, the better.

Also pakistani patients are here because its cheaper and possibly referal from other people who they know. which means the hospitals should keep it affordable to compete with others like chinese.

The special cases I was talking about are a few odd cases that were reported on pdf and in news. I dont want to post link as Indians never stop posting them which actually is quite annoying. Also not sure whether they were political gestures or a goodwill gesture from those hospitals.
The typical Indian mindset - nothing surprising, It's second thread opened and screwed up by saffron chaddis.

But anyway, it's business and Indians got paid for their services.

I don't know 10% failure in lever transplant comes in excellent work category or not?
Its very much excellent compared to the fact that some of our neighbors do not have the facility at all.

Also pakistani patients are here because its cheaper and possibly referal from other people who they know..
Also, cultural and linguistic similarities make them feel comfortable.
After reading the article, read a few more. It seems, liver diseases is endemic in Pakistan and 1 out of 9 suffers from it.

‘Every 9th Pakistani suffering from liver diseases’
LAHORE - Every 9th countryman is suffering from liver diseases, putting the number of patients at 1.2 million in which around 300,000 patients are in a dire need of liver transplant.
This was stated by Prof Amir Latif who is one of two professors of liver diseases and transplant in the country and currently serving in Liver Transplant Unit of Kidney Center of Shaikh Zayed Hospital.
Responding to a question about leading diseases of liver in Pakistanis, he said that around 80 to 90 percent of liver disease patients were suffering from viral diseases like hepatitis while the remaining patients had metabolic, Wilson and alcoholic diseases.
Regarding symptoms of the disease in patients, Prof Amir Latif said that a constant feeling of tiredness, dark face, fever, haemetensis, malena and ascites were major symptoms of liver diseases.
Over 1.2 million patients need liver transplant in the country and 300,000 are in a dire need of liver transplant.
Responding to another query about the survival period of liver patients, he said it varied with intensity and stages of disease, however, a liver disease patient may expire within one to six years if not treated properly.
We can provide all kinds of treatment of liver disease if the government provides required facilities including two operation theatres, 50-bed separate ward, medical officers for backup treatment, some diagnostic equipment and funding. Seven liver transplants have been performed in the unit established in February on an experimental basis and six patients are leading a healthy life. But this sole unit of liver transplantat lacks required facilities and transplantation was performed by using operation theatres of urology and cardiac departments, he claimed.
After reading the article, read a few more. It seems, liver diseases is endemic in Pakistan and 1 out of 9 suffers from it.

‘Every 9th Pakistani suffering from liver diseases’
LAHORE - Every 9th countryman is suffering from liver diseases, putting the number of patients at 1.2 million in which around 300,000 patients are in a dire need of liver transplant.
This was stated by Prof Amir Latif who is one of two professors of liver diseases and transplant in the country and currently serving in Liver Transplant Unit of Kidney Center of Shaikh Zayed Hospital.
Responding to a question about leading diseases of liver in Pakistanis, he said that around 80 to 90 percent of liver disease patients were suffering from viral diseases like hepatitis while the remaining patients had metabolic, Wilson and alcoholic diseases.
Regarding symptoms of the disease in patients, Prof Amir Latif said that a constant feeling of tiredness, dark face, fever, haemetensis, malena and ascites were major symptoms of liver diseases.
Over 1.2 million patients need liver transplant in the country and 300,000 are in a dire need of liver transplant.
Responding to another query about the survival period of liver patients, he said it varied with intensity and stages of disease, however, a liver disease patient may expire within one to six years if not treated properly.
We can provide all kinds of treatment of liver disease if the government provides required facilities including two operation theatres, 50-bed separate ward, medical officers for backup treatment, some diagnostic equipment and funding. Seven liver transplants have been performed in the unit established in February on an experimental basis and six patients are leading a healthy life. But this sole unit of liver transplantat lacks required facilities and transplantation was performed by using operation theatres of urology and cardiac departments, he claimed.

If that is the case than liver surgery is not the solution. they must turn to Yoga to eliminate liver disease.
Apollo should consider opening a branch in Pakistan.
Apollo should consider opening a branch in Pakistan.
I completely agree with you. They already have branches in Bangladesh, Srilanka and some other countries then why not Pakistan.
The typical Indian mindset - nothing surprising, It's second thread opened and screwed up by saffron chaddis.

But anyway, it's business and Indians got paid for their services.

I don't know 10% failure in lever transplant comes in excellent work category or not?
The typical Indian mindset - nothing surprising, It's second thread opened and screwed up by saffron chaddis.
dont generalized Indians..like all we are prisnors of past .. some live long with it some walk away..
it's business and Indians got paid for their services.
even chinese and pak doc also wil get paid ..why then indian doc.

Even we treat gilani who yell thoundand time about india and kudos to pak
but come to delhi for treatment .
and go back again to do the same..
so we know what most indians stand for

Please admire the good work irrespective of nationality gender , religion

I completely agree with you. They already have branches in Bangladesh, Srilanka and some other countries then why not Pakistan.

wil pak govt allow it..
they even allowed indian pharma who known as pahrmacy of the world and known for genrics
even chinese and pak doc also wil get paid ..why then indian doc.

It's simple, Indians are cheap as compared to other nationalities.

Even we treat gilani who yell thoundand time about india and kudos to pak
but come to delhi for treatment .
and go back again to do the same..
so we know what most indians stand for

That's duty of doctors, they have to treat whoever comes as patient, Doctors of whole world do this - Indians are not doing anything unique.

Please admire the good work irrespective of nationality gender , religion

Admiration and respect is earned not demanded, with the mentality which majority of Indians possess (as proven in this and other thousands threads) i don't think you guys deserve any admiration or respect.

Its very much excellent compared to the fact that some of our neighbors do not have the facility at all.

Absence of something at other place doesn't make yours excellent, specially when it's about business.
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