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Apollo completes 500 liver transplants on Pakistani patients

THEEK HAI. :tup:

This is one thing that one shouldn't bring politics into- the lives of innocents and particularly young children. How fortunate this surgery went well, may this young child go on to lead a perfectly healthy and long life.

Respect for the Indian hospital and doctors who chose to take on this case and congratulations to them for their success.

Pakistan vs India here is entirely irrelevant however I would add it is rather sad that such facilities don't exist in Pakistan and that there seems to be a growing trend for looking to Indian medical facilities for treatment. How many Nalain Azizs will go without such treatment?

Good job all round though.
It's simple, Indians are cheap as compared to other nationalities.
That's duty of doctors, they have to treat whoever comes as patient, Doctors of whole world do this - Indians are not doing anything unique.
Admiration and respect is earned not demanded, with the mentality which majority of Indians possess (as proven in this and other thousands threads) i don't think you guys deserve any admiration or respect.
Absence of something at other place doesn't make yours excellent, specially when it's about business.

You already showed your cheapness in this post.
YOu are really spoiling the mood of the thread with your massive negativity man . Also 500 is the number just for apollo not India .

Dekhtey hai :P
What is the Mood of this thread? Indo Pak orgy over a random hospital curing 500 Pakistanis? You want a pat on the back from across the border.
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