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Angola Bans Islam, Destroys Mosques

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So since Saudi Arabia is the land from where Islam sprang, it justifies the ban on all other religion? Another poor cop out, the only one with bias here is you, not me. You see the fallacy in Angola banning Islam, but you don't see the fallacy in Islamic countries banning and restricting other religions, that right there is your bias.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is good move by Angola, at all, but at the same time, I think what certain Islamic countries do is wrong as well. Unlike you, I realise that both are the two sides of the same coin, the coin of religious persecution and discrimination.

Just like there are many Islamic countries which give freedom to other religions, there are many Christian countries which give religious freedom to Muslims. And these are not few examples from here and there, there are many Islamic countries with institutionalized persecution and discrimination against other religions.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

See that I have no issue with, it just shows that you are not biased :tup:

Wrong, i only mentioned Saudi Arabia and i gave the reason as well. I also said in my post that most Islamic countries allow non Muslims to pray freely and have churches and temples built so instead of ignoring that part acknowledge it. I would not support any ban on churches or temples in any other Muslim country including my own and i would be the first person to condemn that because that would be indeed unfair. The only reason i gave in the case of Saudi Arabia is not just for that particular place but if the Vatican chooses that then i would respect that choice as well so i dont find any bias in my approach unlike you're claims.
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Stupid move from Angola. But aren't things similar in Saudi Arabia too? @al-Hasani dude, can you tell us how different the situation in Saudia is from the one in Angola? Although I can understand that Saudia is home to Islam while Angola isn't home to Christianity.

Here I must stop for a little while for a laugh :lol:

The difference between KSA and Angola, is that the Saudis don't target specific religions, putting them on the ban list :lol:

Another thing is that the Saudis are okay with you practicing your faith. All what you have to do is to dash to any compound to see its residents practicing their faiths within the compound.
your logic is invalid.. you are comparing a city state to a huge country.. vatican state allows non christians to enter and go are non muslims allowed to go mecca?

I think these kinda illogical justifications are given by half hearted people who have empathy but their religion forces them to defend the indefensible... by the same logic can we ban / destroy non dharmic sites from india since india is birth place of dharmic religions?? i would never support that.. you know why?? I would take every opportunity to distinguish ourselves from desert cultures that lack in-built empathy ...

I am saying they shouldn't allow if they don't feel like it its their choice and i won't feel in the least offended if they don't allow Muslims there. Secondly in order to ban any non dharmic sites from India you have to at least first be honest which you haven't ever been. You claim to be a secular state or a rather so called secular state hosting more Muslims than Pakistan and just on the base of that, claim to be a tolerant society towards minorities which is far from the truth. And like i said in my earlier posts there are many Islamic countries that allow non Muslims to pray freely but instead of acknowledging that you can continue with you're claims on "our lack of in built empathy". And whether i am half heartedly defending them or am a downright cruel person please refrain from commenting on that it surely doesn't concern you.
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It is all due to the spread of American Evangelical Christianity in Africa. In last century, Christian missionaries, backed with billions of dollars, spread their evangelical Christianity all over Africa by tricks and bribes.

Evangelical Christianity HATES Islam. We have channels here in U.S, of evangelical Christians, who are PURELY, and PURELY on air to bash Islam, call Prophet Muhammad names, and spread anti-Muslim propaganda...And I'm very sure Angola is doing this due to this missionaries/American evangelical influence.

Another chapter in the historical struggle between the greatest, and only two global, religiously-inspired civilizations (Islamdom and Western-Christendom)....

How about a visit to Northern Sudan guys? I mean, lets deploy air power on advance Saudi Air Bases...like Pakistani F-16s, Turkish F-16s, Saudi F-15s etc...and then use Sudan as a stop by point in the short, but brutal air campaign against those irrelevent, piece of sh!t ugly Angolians!

If this news is indeed true, then Angolia can prove a good 'practice' target for our newly inducted air power...Angola shall pay for this audacity!!!!

There can be NO, I mean NO, systematic obstacle to the spread and practice of Islam. Angolians must know that. The last historical force that systematically tried to stop Islam, communism, was destroyed in the rocky mountains of Afghanistan by Islamic Insurgent Forces...Now, NOTHING can 'ban' Islam or try to systematically oppose Islam now. This must not be allowed.

This is against U.N charter, and all accepted rules of engagement of 21st century....
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LoL@ the saffron chaadi wearing bandits getting excited.
How about a visit to Northern Sudan guys? I mean, lets deploy air power on advance Saudi Air Bases...like Pakistani F-16s, Turkish F-16s, Saudi F-15s etc...and then use Sudan as a stop by point in the short, but brutal air campaign against those irrelevent, piece of sh!t ugly Angolians!

If this news is indeed true, then Angolia can prove a good 'practice' target for our newly inducted air power...Angola shall pay for this audacity!!!!

No need for that I think. Let all the Muslim world cut ties with Angola. Let's see how long an insignificant country like Angola can live with all the ties cut with 2 billion people around the world.

About the Indians trying to defend or present excuses for this act. Well don't worry guys. I don't know about Angola but Islam would definitely grow in India. So you don't need to worry. :)

By 2030, Muslims will make up 16 pc of India's population - Rediff.com News
I am saying they shouldn't allow if they don't feel like it its their choice and i won't feel in the least offended if they don't allow Muslims there. Secondly in order to ban any non dharmic sites from India you have to at least first be honest which you haven't ever been. You claim to be a secular state or a rather so called secular state hosting more Muslims than Pakistan and just on the base of that, claim to be a tolerant society towards minorities which is far from the truth. And like i said in my earlier posts there are many Islamic countries that allow non Muslims to pray freely but instead of acknowledging that you can continue with you're claims on "our lack of in built empathy". And whether i am half hearted or a downright cruel person please refrain from commenting on that it surely doesn't concern you.

Please update your understanding of the word "half hearted" before judging...
i think you havent touched what i said abt soudi/vatican..
Me telling about banning non dharmic stuffs is a hypothetical scenario as a response to u justifying on the basis of the fact that KSA is the birth place of islam... and i have clearly mentioned i wont support nor allow such a measure taken in india...
Here I must stop for a little while for a laugh :lol:

The difference between KSA and Angola, is that the Saudis don't target specific religions, putting them on the ban list :lol:

Another thing is that the Saudis are okay with you practicing your faith. All what you have to do is to dash to any compound to see its residents practicing their faiths within the compound.

Well, isn't Apostasy punishable by death in Saudi Arabia. Also, Does Saudia allow other religious groups to build their houses of worship? I think you didn't read the original article. It said that along with Islam, a 100 other religious groups have also been outlawed. Here again, the Angolans have made no mention of prohibiting worship at Homes. So, the Angolans are selectively protecting Christianity alone, like Saudia selectively protects Sunni Islam.
No need for that I think. Let all the Muslim world cut ties with Angola. Let's see how long an insignificant country like Angola can live with all the ties cut with 2 billion people around the world.

About the Indians trying to defend or present excuses for this act. Well don't worry guys. I don't know about Angola but Islam would definitely grow in India. So you don't need to worry. :)

By 2030, Muslims will make up 16 pc of India's population - Rediff.com News

Angola has a crap load of mineral resources. They ll survive just fine without the Islamic World.
KSA has not banned any religions. For example it is allowed not to adhere to any religion de facto and even de jure if I remember correctly.

Secondly people are free to practice their religion in private as long as they are not proselytizing another religion other than Islam inside the territory of KSA.

It might only be Makkah and Madinah that are the only holy cities of Islam inside KSA (in total millions live in those two cities) but nearly all of KSA has a historical place in Islam meaning that there are several other cities, historical regions etc. where Islam played a role. But that is less important. The most important thing is that KSA is following Islamic laws although the society is not a complete Islamic society meaning that every single law derives from Islam.

Maybe even more importantly there are no native non-Muslims in KSA. Once before the appearance of Islam KSA had significant Jewish and Christian communities while those not following Abrahamic religions (also "Semitic religions" in theory) followed ancient Semitic religions (Pagans).

For example one of the oldest churches (1700 years old) are found in current day Jubail in the Eastern Province of, KSA.

Jubail Church - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All the non-Muslims are either a few hundred/thousand (at most) converts or foreigners meaning non-locals who are only staying in KSA temporarily and will move again. They mostly live in compounds and in those compounds they are free to hold masses or whatever they do.

I don't really know what Angola did fully but I don't think one can compare it with KSA for the reasons I mentioned.

That should be explanation enough I guess.
LoL@ the saffron chaadi wearing bandits getting excited.

I have never seen you actually participate in any discussion. I wonder why.

KSA has not banned any religions. For example it is allowed not to adhere to any religion de facto and even de jure if I remember correctly.

Secondly people are free to practice their religion in private as long as they are not proselytizing another religion other than Islam inside the territory of KSA.

Thats pretty much all Angola has done too. You can't possibly ban someone from following a religion in this privacy of their home, that would be stupid and not possible t enforce.

Or Gondola?

This is a Gondola:


Never forget.
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