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Angola Bans Islam, Destroys Mosques

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How is this a bias? It was only a matter of time. Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait(recently) have a ban on construction of church and any other places of worship. If you guys didn't have any issues with those rules, then you shouldn't have issue with the Angolan decision( if the news report is true that is).

As far as my knowledge goes, the majority of Christians in Saudi Arabia is of expatriates from other countries so they choose to go to Saudi Arabia on their own ( if i am wrong any Saudi can correct me) while in this case this is the indigenous population of the country. Secondly you are again assuming what we have issues with and what we don't have issues with so its most likely that you're assumptions aren't true. Anyways my real concern is that there shouldn't be a Myanmar style bloodbath so that there is nobody left to practice the religion in the first place.
Lets see what these so called thakadars of the free world who regularly curse Muslims & muslim countries for not giving freedom to minorities have to say about this.
Lets see what these so called thakadars of the free world who regularly curse Muslims & muslim countries for not giving freedom to minorities have to say about this.

Not much, Angola will most like feature on the list of countries will very less religious freedom, along with these countries.

The 15 most intolerant countries, identified as "countries of particular concern" (CPCs), cited in this year's report are: Burma, China, Egypt, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.

Maybe Pakistan can get China to put some pressre on Angola. Chinese after all are Angola's biggest trading partner, with almost 50% of Angola's export going to China.

As far as my knowledge goes, the majority of Christians in Saudi Arabia is of expatriates from other countries so they choose to go to Saudi Arabia on their own ( if i am wrong any Saudi can correct me) while in this case this is the indigenous population of the country. Secondly you are again assuming what we have issues with and what we don't have issues with so its most likely that you're assumptions aren't true. Anyways my real concern is that there shouldn't be a Myanmar style bloodbath so that there is nobody left to practice the religion in the first place.

So expats don't deserve religious freedom? Would you be ok if America and the UK and other European countries banned Mosque and Islam, since majority of Muslims in these countries are expats? Thats a poor cop out.

As for Angola,
"Islam in Angola is a minority religion with 80,000–90,000 adherents, composed largely of migrants from West Africa and families of Lebanese origin."

So your expat excuse should be valid in this case as well.

There won't be any bloodbath in Angola. Angola is one of the most prosperous countries in that part of the world, and has one of the world's fastest growing economy, they ll manage just fine. There just won't be any religious freedom.
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I would not be surprised if this was followed by China , its very much possible considering their past with treating riligions( am absolutely fine by that )..
I would not be surprised if this was followed by China , its very much possible considering their past with treating riligions( am absolutely fine by that )..

Btw, if that does happen, then China would be still be hailed in pakistan

Really busy......2 day is my B.day btw....still busy...no fun!

Happy B day. :D

Try to have fun :-)
There is iran , the Bahai have to secretly practice their religion at home , cause they like incest.

but Iran is chaining a lot i guess ,they are learning and try to be more tolerant,

recently i have seen one documentary on national geography , how Jews and Sikh are happy and practicing their faith happily, apart from that government is taking lots of effort to improve life style ,sri sri ravishanker ji is regulatory visiting Iran to teach art of living ,people started practicing yoga ,there is no big taboo about yoga ,if you will compare with other Islamic country

so i guess Iran is moving towards tolerance ............may be i am wrong?
Africa is just another battleground for islam and christianity and the victims are the african people and their native culture... hope they don't end up culturally defeated like incas, mayans , aztecs and persians
Not much, Angola will most like feature on the list of countries will very less religious freedom, along with these countries.

Maybe Pakistan can get China to put some pressre on Angola. Chinese after all are Angola's biggest trading partner, with almost 50% of Angola's export going to China.

So expats don't deserve religious freedom? Would you be ok if America and the UK and other European countries banned Mosque and Islam? Thats a poor cop out.

There won't be any bloodbath in Angola. Angola is one of the mot prosperous country in that part of the world, and has one of the world's fastest growing economy, they ll manage just fine. There just won't be any religious freedom.

Saudi Arabia is the land from where Islam sprang its the heart of the Islamic world if the same decision would have been taken by the Vatican Palace i would have respected that thats why i said don't bring you're bias into the discussion there are many Islamic countries which have churches and temples and people are free to pray or do as they like and i heartily support that. But then most people are unable to digest that so they say non Muslims are oppressed in those places by quoting a few incidents here and there so maybe i should ask you if we start copy pasting the human rights abuses in India most people would think India is not safe for anybody especially women.
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but Iran is chaining a lot i guess ,they are learning and try to be more tolerant,

recently i have seen one documentary on national geography , how Jews and Sikh are happy and practicing their faith happily, apart from that government is taking lots of effort to improve life style ,sri sri ravishanker ji is regulatory visiting Iran to teach art of living ,people started practicing yoga ,there is no big taboo about yoga ,if you will compare with other Islamic country

so i guess Iran is moving towards tolerance ............may be i am wrong?

Some time back read an article in BBC ... the baha'i ppl are barred from getting higher educaion..
TO overcome this baha'i had to go underground to teach the young.. and those found to be teaching off campus were sentenced if caught
How is this a bias? It was only a matter of time. Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait(recently) have a ban on construction of church and any other places of worship. If you guys didn't have any issues with those rules, then you shouldn't have issue with the Angolan decision( if the news report is true that is).

I support Saudi Arabia on banning minority religions at the same time we cant complain about what other countries ban .
Saudi Arabia is the land from where Islam sprang its the heart of the Islamic world if the same decision would have been taken by the Vatican Palace i would have respected that thats why i said don't bring you're bias into the discussion there are many Islamic countries which has churches and temples and people are free to pray or do as they like and i heartily support that. But then most people are unable to digest that so they say non Muslims are oppressed in those places by quoting a few incidents here and there so maybe i should ask you if we start copy pasting the human rights abuses in India most people would think India is not safe for anybody especially women.

So since Saudi Arabia is the land from where Islam sprang, it justifies the ban on all other religion? Another poor cop out, the only one with bias here is you, not me. You see the fallacy in Angola banning Islam, but you don't see the fallacy in Islamic countries banning and restricting other religions, that right there is your bias.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is good move by Angola, at all, but at the same time, I think what certain Islamic countries do is wrong as well. Unlike you, I realise that both are the two sides of the same coin, the coin of religious persecution and discrimination.

Just like there are many Islamic countries which give freedom to other religions, there are many Christian countries which give religious freedom to Muslims. And these are not few examples from here and there, there are many Islamic countries with institutionalized persecution and discrimination against other religions.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

I support Saudi Arabia on banning minority religions at the same time we cant complain about what other countries ban .

See that I have no issue with, it just shows that you are not biased :tup:
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though minorities in muslim countries have least rights (except turkey) i dont support this at all

no one can blame angola , especially with muslims slaughtering each other in Syria and other parts of the world , no one to blame for this except muslims themselves and by the way I am muslim .

So since Saudi Arabia is the land from where Islam sprang, it justifies the ban on all other religion? Another poor cop out, the only one with bias here is you, not me. You see the fallacy in Angola banning Islam, but you don't see the fallacy in Islamic countries banning and restricting other religions, that right there is your bias.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is good move by Angola, at all, but at the same time, I think what certain Islamic countries do is wrong as well. Unlike you, I realise that both are the two sides of the same coin, the coin of religious persecution and discrimination.

Just like there are many Islamic countries which gives freedom to other religions, there are many Christian countries which give religious freedom to Muslims. And these are not few examples from here and there, there are many Islamic countries with institutionalized persecution and discrimination against other religions.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

See that I have no issue with, it just shows that you are not biased :tup:

I would love to see a mutli-religious state but that cant be in middle east where people kill each other over the most redicolous reasons , to build a stable state sadly were forced to stand up for one religion or at max 3 .

We still have the dark ages mindset sadly.
Saudi Arabia is the land from where Islam sprang its the heart of the Islamic world if the same decision would have been taken by the Vatican Palace i would have respected that thats why i said don't bring you're bias into the discussion there are many Islamic countries which has churches and temples and people are free to pray or do as they like and i heartily support that. But then most people are unable to digest that so they say non Muslims are oppressed in those places by quoting a few incidents here and there so maybe i should ask you if we start copy pasting the human rights abuses in India most people would think India is not safe for anybody especially women.
your logic is invalid.. you are comparing a city state to a huge country.. vatican state allows non christians to enter and go are non muslims allowed to go mecca?

I think these kinda illogical justifications are given by half hearted people who have empathy but their religion forces them to defend the indefensible... by the same logic can we ban / destroy non dharmic sites from india since india is birth place of dharmic religions?? i would never support that.. you know why?? I would take every opportunity to distinguish ourselves from desert cultures that lack in-built empathy ...
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