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Angola Bans Islam, Destroys Mosques

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They are basically inviting an evil force in their country that they will never be able to combat.....dumb move....
Stop whining people , How many Islamic countries actually allow the spread and worship of minority religions other than Islam themselves . Its like seeing your own face in the mirror and being disgusted with it ..

Besides, Angola banned Islam after the people following Islam started mass killing Christians there
I think that the Myanmar is on the way to repeat that. Lets see what happens.
Stupid move indeed, lets see what the UN says
completly against Human Rights
I guess they ll have to pray in secrecy, in their homes, like non muslims are forced to in certain Islamic countries. Or they could always convert to Christianity.
Which countries do you mean?
As far as i know,there is none.
Angola now just screwed themselves, now foreign jihadist will go there :crazy:
I guess they ll have to pray in secrecy, in their homes, like non muslims are forced to in certain Islamic countries. Or they could always convert to Christianity.

Yeah right please don't bring you're bias to the discussion it would be highly appreciated.
Yeah right please don't bring you're bias to the discussion it would be highly appreciated.

How is this a bias? It was only a matter of time. Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait(recently) have a ban on construction of church and any other places of worship. If you guys didn't have any issues with those rules, then you shouldn't have issue with the Angolan decision( if the news report is true that is).
African State Of Angola Bans Islam All Mosques To Be Destroyed
Angola Bans Islam, Destroys Mosques - Africa - News - OnIslam.net
Angola outlaw Islam and Muslims; to destroy all the mosques | OSUN DEFENDER

“The process of legalization of Islam has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, their mosques would be closed until further notice,” Rosa Cruz e Silva, the Angolan Minister of Culture

She asserted that the decision was the latest is a series of efforts to ban ‘illegal’ religious sects.

This is the final end of Islamic influence in our country,” President José Eduardo dos Santos was quoted by Osun Defender newspaper on Sunday, November 24.

He added that Muslims were not welcome in Angola and that the government would not legalize the presence of mosques in the country.
though minorities in muslim countries have least rights (except turkey) i dont support this at all
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