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Analysis : What used to attack saudi oil facilities?

من اخر نفهمیدم کی زد ... اگر ایران زده چرا؟

Apparently there will be "experts" coming in France to conduct an investigation. The question is whether the drone pathways have been recorded on the military radar and they will review that. Something tells me they will blame Iran.
this is U.S. official analysis back in June
U.S. Special Representative Brian Hook: Iran photoshops images of missile launches to try and show an increased missile capability, 12:00 pm - 7 Jun 2019
I even found a 30-page article in a respected journal from 2011 analysing a simulated Iranian (BM) attack against Saudi's oil facilities and how many BMs would be necessary to destroy Abqayq...

You would not believe the results of their "analysis"... I will write about it later. :enjoy:
I even found a 30-page article in a respected journal from 2011 analysing a simulated Iranian (BM) attack against Saudi's oil facilities and how many BMs would be necessary to destroy Abqayq...

You would not believe the results of their "analysis"... I will write about it later. :enjoy:

Personally speaking, we should just assume that the lions share of articles out there on the internet pertaining to Iranian military capabilities are simply filled with lies, exaggerations, half-truths or outdated information coming from authors who, more often than not, take an arrogant stance riddled with that all too familiar Western military Jingoism. It is a great shame for those of us wanting to read something that is level-headed and fair, but what we get is just Iran bashing or flat-out wrong information that goes out of its way to make Western militaries look like invincible juggernauts while Iran is just nothing.

The downing of the MQ-4 and Aramco attack amongst other Iranian or Iranian lead operations, are a real life testament to an ever growing military power that shouldn't be easily trifled with. Heart on my sleeve, it is nice to confide in knowing that Iran is simply not the Iran of the 80s, 90s or early 2000's.
this is U.S. official analysis back in June

U.S. Special Representative Brian Hook: Iran photoshops images of missile launches to try and show an increased missile capability, 12:00 pm - 7 Jun 2019

So they are believing the Iranians that this was not Iran. Best intelligence was Iran did not have increased missiles capabilities. Now that is not looking true. Maybe Washington lies often or maybe they lie in every instance.
من اخر نفهمیدم کی زد ... اگر ایران زده چرا؟
We don't need to ask them anything, every action of Yemenis is in our favor.
It was Iranian drone tech and was used by Iran's consent, and we have all the reasons in the world for that, from Iran-Iraq war to this very day.

A f@cker said we are ready to forget their mistakes, that f@cker talks on behalf of his british as$ only.
That is my theory
the cruise missile like kite rocket carry 4 or more hard mass bullet without explosive materials in its downside instead of its side and at end do suicide with its explosive warhead.
That explain small holes all in one direct line( something like top attack anti tank missile).
I got this idea after reading article Kent-2.
very smart and sophisticated weapon if to be true

Kite bomblet

top attack anti tank missile

4 small holes all in one direct line without explosion

and then turn and attack with its explosive warhead or return to base
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Heres a nice pic.:P

It looks like the saudis have begun to cut out and repair the damaged sections on the tanks.

I think that that would be a great piece of modern art to hang in a iranian gallery,or perhaps as a sculpture on display in the foyer of one of irans drone manufacturers,or possibly as part of a outside water feature such as a fountain.
Now if only iran could quietly get a hold of it.:azn:
Heres a nice pic.:P

It looks like the saudis have begun to cut out and repair the damaged sections on the tanks.

I think that that would be a great piece of modern art to hang in a iranian gallery,or perhaps as a sculpture on display in the foyer of one of irans drone manufacturers,or possibly as part of a outside water feature such as a fountain.
Now if only iran could quietly get a hold of it.:azn:
I meant to write about the damage and the Saudi oil minster's estimated time of repair.....they're obviously faking it....they've estimated 10 weeks originally, the real repair time is something like 9 months. The fake estimate was designed to assuage the market and calm prices. The damage is much more extensive then they're letting on.

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