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Analysis : What used to attack saudi oil facilities?

Do you know in shah era israel used Iranian bases against arabs ?
I only know that relations were not that bad.. you have to curse your own regime which has brought your country to the brink of destruction.. sorry to say..
Tall claims are made about our resident US paid defender @LeGenD about the capabilities of PAC3 ... how it is superior to any other missile defence system other than AEGIS. I want to see him weave a new web lies to defend this dismal failure.
No variant of Patriot defense system was/is deployed in/near this refinery as per sources privy to this development. Where these are deployed, they have done well. Do you think Iranians are stupid? Going after soft targets is OK to them.

No defense system is foolproof by the way. S-400 in Syria does not have a single kill to its name but so much hype abound.

You have a personality disorder B/W.
And we Pakistanis going to pay a hell of price for this ….. Million of Pakistanis working in GCC , oil trade and every thing will be lost ,,,,,,,,, and millions will join KSA and iran for fight ….
We just cannot stand neutral I am so dam afraid we have to pick a side ,, we have to chose GCC or iran , and finish the other one …
Well there will be a sectarian war in Pakistan as well.

But as you said, this is going to get nastier..

Remember, Indian RAW works right under the noses of Iranian regime... and our General Pasha is involved in UAE dismantling RAW network.. The future alliance structure is very much visible.
No variant of Patriot defense system was/is deployed in/near this refinery as per sources privy to this development. Where these are deployed, they have done well.

No defense system is foolproof. S-400 in Syria does not have a single kill to its name but so much hype abound.

You have personality disorders by the way.
Well, you're a legend in doing your job :partay:
That's why I said USSR but you're still buying goodies from Russia and wherever you can.
Though I know that once the ballistic technology is understood, it is pretty easy to extend and enhance it if you have will and money and that's what many countries have done.

That's a tall claim and will be tested on a full scale war.

Our relations with russia is not a one way road ...

10 years ago they refused to deliver S-300 and we made

In fact, latest analysis found 2 PAC batteries present...!
These circles do not prove anything. Tell me about radar coverage in this sector.


Patriot defense systems out of magazine? Saudi mismanagement galore.

Iranians had good information of the situation on the ground, it seems.

Circles do not prove anything. Preparation on the ground is important.
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You said "No variant of Patriot defense system was/is deployed in/near this refinery".

Now you send sources that prove you wrong and show "that's definitely a Patriot battery to the east of Abqaiq".


What a joker you are.

Admit you were WRONG and move on.
Listen, dipshit.

These batteries are still located afar from the targets that were struck, and radar coverage in this sector is reportedly poor. Secondly, we have no idea about the true status of defenses in this sector. Same guy pointed out shortage in magazine and sheer negligence on Saudi part.

Once again, drawing circles is an amateur game and prove nothing. Preparation on the ground matters in the end.

This attack proves nothing but culpability of Iran. And situation will only get worse for Iran from now on. Carry on.
Listen, dipshit.

These batteries are still located afar from the targets that were struck, and radar coverage in this sector is reportedly poor. Secondly, we have no idea about the true status of defenses in this sector. Same guy pointed out shortage in magazine and sheer negligence on Saudi part.

Once again, drawing circles is an amateur game and prove nothing. Preparation on the ground matters in the end.

This attack proves nothing but culpability of Iran. And situation will only get worse for Iran from now on. Carry on.
Doesn't matter if they were empty, they were deployed there.

You said "No variant of Patriot defense system was/is deployed in/near this refinery".

Now you send sources that prove you wrong and show "that's definitely a Patriot battery to the east of Abqaiq".

LOL. Take your L like a champ and leave with some dignity.
Doesn't matter if they were empty, they were deployed there.

You said "No variant of Patriot defense system was/is deployed in/near this refinery".

Now you send sources that prove you wrong and show "that's definitely a Patriot battery to the east of Abqaiq".

LOL. Take your L like a champ and leave with some dignity.
The oil refinery in question is/was not shielded by any variant of Patriot defense system, period. I was wrong about the 'near' part though, but these systems were not active at the time of attack which is also an important consideration (reportedly out of magazine). Saudi negligence is the primary issue here.

Give a donkey an AK47 and it won't make any difference.
My intended point was that the facility in question is/was not shielded by any variant of Patriot defense system. I was wrong about the 'near' part though, but these systems were not active at the time of attack which is also an important consideration. Saudi negligence is the issue here.

Give a donkey an AK47 and it won't make any difference.
You were wrong that "No variant of Patriot defense system was/is deployed in/near this refinery" and nice that you admit you were also wrong to say "These batteries are still located afar from the targets".

But PAC-2 doesn't matter anyway, because it doesn't have 360 degree coverage and is designed to shoot SCUDs not tiny UAVs and cruise missiles (not economical).

When a country pays billions of dollars to import high-end US/Russian military equipment they also pay for extensive training and instructions for how to use it.

Shahine (crotale) and Skyguard are designed to intercept low altitude missiles. This was the largest oil-related facility in KSA, right on the shore of the Persian Gulf facing Iran - if anything in KSA should be a priority for AD then it was this.
What they can do exactly ?

If you ask me Iran has achieved something which gave her enough confidence to ...

That is something KSA and GCC has to decide what they can do or will do with Iran ..You just pray that America did not jump in this war cause if that happen , Iran will even worse than Syria ..

I agree Iran show its Aggressive Posture towards its enemy, in a certain way yes it was brave to antagonize your enemy but if a war breaks out a lot of people will die on both sides .
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