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Analysis : What used to attack saudi oil facilities?

Well it is like this

USSR/ Russia (Scud Missile Tech.) -------> Iran (modifies, extends, adds some bells & whistles) --------> Houthis (paint jobs, new names) ======> :sniper::sniper::sniper: on KSA ..... and then PAC3 fail, US forces and radars fail to stop or even detect... I must say that's a big win for Iran.

KSA should contemplate why did PAC3 or other countermeasures did not work? and I'm sure they are doing it right now
Rest, most of Irani members on PDF seem to accept that it was done by Houthis with Irani support... though some Pakistani members are coming up theories that it is USA or Israel.

When we started our defence industry in 80's we needed USSR/China/NK help to start.

But now ... Nobody knows what we can do !

It doesn't matter what kind of systems saudis buy ... we can collect needed data to bypass them !

Iran's military capabilities turned into a scary monster ... but nobody believes it until the firework begins ...

Is a war necessary to prove your bravado?

What war bro ... deterrence is made for avoiding war !
Everything was nice till Shah of Iran.

Iran has involved itself in so many neighboring countries that it is now difficult to ignore it. In Pakistan, Irani support to anti Pakistan elements is very well documented.
Yup, Iran has done pretty nasty stuff in Pakistan...
I can neither agree nor disagree since there's a lack of clear evidence but none can deny Iranian involvement. But one very important question which Saudis you try to find an answer is why did PAC3 fail?... Even there are US forces nearby in King Khaled Airbases... and they did not detect anything. If it is an attack from Iranian side then it is a clear technical advantage Iran has right now.
No air defense system is perfect. Remember we went inside IOK, took our time to bomb the shit out of Indians, killed their two birds while coming back, and led their latest Israeli AD go astray to kill its own bird..
This attack will not help anyone. I hope KSA will play it down and will not help Israel and US achieve their targets.

There is no escape from war for them now. War is coming for them sooner or later whether they want it or not; very similar to war coming for Pakistan from India whether we want it or not. If not today, then very soon in the future. Only solution is to accept the reality and prepare for it.
Iran Already made its move, they show that KSA will be targeted whenever and where ever they want , and how ever they want to.. Now the question is what will GCC do about it ? Fight or Hide in Cowardice .

What they can do exactly ?

If you ask me Iran has achieved something which gave her enough confidence to ...
It wasn't from Yemen. Khothis being Iranian Mullah puppets will say anything their masters tell them to.

It was cruise missile attacks fired directly from Iran on Saudi oil facilities in Buqayq.

Imo, If a war between KSA and Iran happens, US will never ever intervene.
lol some Pakistani mullah lovers still going to defend persian regime …. And I also think US will not intervene , they want Sunni - Shia war and what can help them more then Persian westernised revolution ..
Keep in mind Yemen is Arab country and Sunni ,, So in Yemen Arabs fighting Arabs and Sunnis killing Sunnis , but iran get involved …… Why ? And up till now KSA did not attack any target in mainland iran , but iran did ..
Bad times ahead for region . ..
There is no escape from war for them now. War is coming for them sooner or later whether they want it or not; very similar to war coming for Pakistan whether we want it or not. If not today, then very soon in the future. Only solution is to accept the reality and prepare for it.
Its just over confidence.. What they display every now and then..

Anyway, even if KSA ignores, they will again attack.. they will attack till KSA responds.. and when KSA will respond, it will attract all the Muslim countries on both sides, some will stand by Iran, others will stand by KSA.. and rest of the world will sit as spectator.

I will blame Iran for all that will follow.. and the over confidence will take them down.. at a cost of millions of Muslims..
When we started our defence industry in 80's we needed USSR/China/NK help to start.
That's why I said USSR but you're still buying goodies from Russia and wherever you can.
Though I know that once the ballistic technology is understood, it is pretty easy to extend and enhance it if you have will and money and that's what many countries have done.

Iran's military capabilities turned into a scary monster ... but nobody believes it until the firework begins ...
That's a tall claim and will be tested on a full scale war.
What war bro ... deterrence is made for avoiding war !

Can the mind vomit - - - - - -

Wed be watching from gawadar common man getting slaughtered coz someone proved there point. For God's sake!!!
Its just over confidence.. What they display every now and then..

Anyway, even if KSA ignores, they will again attack.. they will attack till KSA responds.. and when KSA will respond, it will attract all the Muslim countries on both sides, some will stand by Iran, others will stand by KSA.. and rest of the world will sit as spectato
That's called over confidence..
Now you can see who is real agent of isreal ,,,,, they want Shia - Sunni war bro ….. Sanctions got them hard , they want way out .. Now they are out in open ..
Keep in mind KSA never attacked main land iran or even helped any group to attack that big ..
No air defense system is perfect. Remember we went inside IOK, took our time to bomb the shit out of Indians, killed their two birds while coming back, and led their latest Israeli AD go astray to kill its own bird..
Tall claims are made by our resident US paid defender @LeGenD about the capabilities of PAC3 ... how it is superior to any other missile defence system in the world other than AEGIS. I want to see him weave a new web of lies to defend this dismal failure.
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Now you can see who is real agent of isreal ,,,,, they want Shia - Sunni war bro ….. Sanctions got them hard , they want way out .. Now they are out in open ..
Well I had an idea about this coming from a long time.
Well I had an idea about this coming from a long time.
And we Pakistanis going to pay a hell of price for this ….. Million of Pakistanis working in GCC , oil trade and every thing will be lost ,,,,,,,,, and millions will join KSA and iran for fight ….
We just cannot stand neutral I am so dam afraid we have to pick a side ,, we have to chose GCC or iran , and finish the other one …

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