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Analysis: China vs India — Competition of Civilisations

funny article isnt it, it is implying Indian civilization is superior just beause some countries' main religion is buddism``haha`

in this case I might as well to say China is the only master in defence technology and revolution as those crazy ancient Chinese 'mutherfukers' created gun powerder, compass, cannons and rockets````:P
What was China's indigenous belief system for the first 3000 years of its history, i.e. before Buddhism?
The Middle Kingdom is also called "All Under Heaven".

Who ever unites All Under Heaven has the mandate to rule the Middle Kingdom.

I have no idea where the word "China" come from.

It comes from Sanskrit. People in ancient India called China at the time "chin". Which is thought to be the Qin empire..
Being humble seem to be a rare trait in Indian authors, how on earth can he claim to be superior just because of religion.........
Since everyone watches Hollywood film, uses English, learn western tech knowledge......i guess America/Brit should stand out and claim superiority towards Indian and the rest??? feel good eh??

Just wondering is there any form of contact between China and India during dynasty period???Coz from what i learn in highschool, ancient India never been mentioned in China history textbook, Marco Polo yes, Zheng He voyage yes,
overall i think the author has a rather simplistic view on history, he claim that China never conquered yet China itself is formed when Qin conquered the neighboring faction and subsequently expand from there, the same goes with India's forward policy from my limited knowledge about India. If only things were as simple as what the Author said........
Being humble seem to be a rare trait in Indian authors, how on earth can he claim to be superior just because of religion.........
Since everyone watches Hollywood film, uses English, learn western tech knowledge......i guess America/Brit should stand out and claim superiority towards Indian and the rest??? feel good eh??

Just wondering is there any form of contact between China and India during dynasty period???Coz from what i learn in highschool, ancient India never been mentioned in China history textbook, Marco Polo yes, Zheng He voyage yes,

dude prepear for the bombardment from indian nationlist trolls later on``best luck``:P
Buddhism is India greatest gift to China but what China did was integrate Buddhism into its culture and turned Buddhism into a Chinese religion. And China only took what was good and did not import the caste system into China.

There is no Caste system is Buddhism!!!
Being humble seem to be a rare trait in Indian authors, how on earth can he claim to be superior just because of religion.........
Since everyone watches Hollywood film, uses English, learn western tech knowledge......i guess America/Brit should stand out and claim superiority towards Indian and the rest??? feel good eh??

Just wondering is there any form of contact between China and India during dynasty period???Coz from what i learn in highschool, ancient India never been mentioned in China history textbook, Marco Polo yes, Zheng He voyage yes,

very well said this article is a fine example of simply bs claim coming from india that we now used to
What was China's indigenous belief system for the first 3000 years of its history, i.e. before Buddhism?

People believe (before and after the buddhism) the will of the god will be fulfilled by the emperor's leadership. But if he failed to do so, god will favor another person or house to replace the old one and a new dynasty begins.
Being humble seem to be a rare trait in Indian authors, how on earth can he claim to be superior just because of religion.........
Since everyone watches Hollywood film, uses English, learn western tech knowledge......i guess America/Brit should stand out and claim superiority towards Indian and the rest??? feel good eh??

Just wondering is there any form of contact between China and India during dynasty period???Coz from what i learn in highschool, ancient India never been mentioned in China history textbook, Marco Polo yes, Zheng He voyage yes,

We had never claimed superiority over any country because we culturally influenced some one, we said that transition of littérateur, art and science has flown both ways. Why most of you guys who lobby your thoughts are so negative to other country, we might speak of facts that happened in history or we can seek friendship and brotherhood by sharing thoughts of what can be done to solve existing problems that each of our nations face.
Why is this "My Horse is bigger than yours and your horse is small than mine" talk is going on.
In most of the threads i find either of the member undermining the other nation other than giving solutions to what the country faces
Great Thread, might serve as a beginner's guide for India-China cultural and civilization evolution.

Good thing though is, so far flame bait by trolls has been ignored. The quality of posts in PDF will increase if this trend continues.
What was China's indigenous belief system for the first 3000 years of its history, i.e. before Buddhism?

Toss up between Confucianism (300 BC) and Daoism (600 BC), both indigenous to China.

Before them, ancient Chinese Mythology (as depicted in the epic novel Feng Shen Bang) going way back into the Bronze Age comprised of a myriad of Gods and Demigods but still with just one Celestial Emperor ruling over all heavens. Daoism shares some similar strands with that versus Confucianism, which is more of a philosophy than a religion but has been religiously ingrained and consummated into Chinese culture.

China is a great and ancient civilisation, as is India. But, for thousands of years, it is China that has been culturally influenced, even dominated by India; the reverse has never happened. Chinese philosopher Hu Shi was only stating a plain truth when he said: "India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border." That is the deep impact the message and teachings of Gautam Buddha, and many other Indian influences, have made on China for over two thousand years.
From the boldfaced “But” by me above, we see it as well-known “yeah, your d!ck is big, but mine is bigger.”

Hu Shi is a renowned scholar, but did he forget about Confucius? What about Daoism that was originated in China and influenced the whole East Asia and beyond, and such that even South Korea’s national flag is completely fell into the religion’s totem.

India’s absence of Chinese influence is not a sign of India’s greatness, but rather, it is a tragedy to India. A testimony of that is the effluent societies in East Asia are all have been deeply impacted by the Chinese culture: From S. Korea, Japan to Taiwan and to Singapore. No, not India.

How and why did that happen? No one could have said it better than Swami Vivekanand: "Civilizations have arisen in other parts of the world. In ancient and modern times, wonderful ideas have been carried forward from one race to another...But mark you, my friends, it has been always with the blast of war trumpets and the march of embattled cohorts. Each idea had to be soaked in a deluge of blood..... Each word of power had to be followed by the groans of millions, by the wails of orphans, by the tears of widows. This, many other nations have taught; but India for thousands of years peacefully existed. Here activity prevailed when even Greece did not exist... Even earlier, when history has no record, and tradition dares not peer into the gloom of that intense past, even from until now, ideas after ideas have marched out from her, but every word has been spoken with a blessing behind it and peace before it. We, of all nations of the world, have never been a conquering race, and that blessing is on our head, and therefore we live....!"
Let us put doubt on what come out from this big-mouth: the ever peaceful India. It is well know that from Ashoka of Maurya who cruelly killed so many, to current Indian leaders that heartlessly ignore million starved to death and religious violence, we see no peaceful India. Ashoka’s erection of his edits only happened after murdering of his 500 ministers, burning of enormous amount of women that said bad words against him and, among many other murders and massacres, a bloody conquest of Kalinga with “groans of millions, by the wails of orphans, by the tears of widows”, and is a thorough show of Ashoka’s hypocrisy. “It is said that in the aftermath of the Battle of Kalinga the Daya River running next to the battle field turned red with the blood of the slain; about 100,000 Kalinga civilians and more than 100,000 of Ashoka's own warriors were among those slain.” Kalinga War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. You call it peaceful?

In mordent times, India was peaceful only during British suppression for hundred years.

The Chinese, like the Indians, have historically not been a conquering race; they too have been invaded and conquered; they too have survived the onslaughts. And, like the Phoenix, they have risen again. But this time, they are apprehensive. They are alive to the fact that religion-generated clashes of civilisations and cultures demand dumping of traditional tools of response. They have also learnt from the West that, in the changed global scenario, a nation cannot protect itself and its interests by looking within and fighting its potential enemies on its soil. Wars must be fought and won on enemy territory or the high seas. That is why they are furiously arming themselves to the teeth and seeking to dominate areas and countries well beyond their real borders; the more the padding, the safer the mainland.

In fact, the Chinese were great conquerors. Most of the times, they became conquerors when they were killed, or harassed by “barbarians”. Among names of those was Wudi of Han Emperor Wu of Han - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, who even causes the name of the Chinese people Han. Some of them tried to conquer due to their false ambition, such as Yangdi of Sui Emperor Yang of Sui - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .

China is the only surviving civilization with continuous history, well documented and well written. To preserve this unique and only kind for the whole human being, China must arm to its teeth. And China must not invade other countries, like USA/UK/France had done and have been doing, unless China is invaded.

Above all, the Chinese can see that, for the first time in history, they have a real chance of becoming the greatest ever power on earth. And they are going full blast to achieve that objective.

That is where India comes in as a painful thorn. They know that India is still not interested in conquering any lands. They are aware that India will never impose its culture on them or anyone else in an offensive, exclusivist manner. They can also see that the India of the present is an underachiever only because it is trying hard to disown its own cultural genius and blindly ape the West.
China had already enjoyed the greatest power in history. “First time in history”? What a joke from a history-illiterate!

In addition, why China is power would put India in a painful thorn. Can somebody enlighten us the mentality behind?

We Indians have not seen it yet, but the Chinese know that whenever India wakes up and actuates its own potential fully, it can better China not just culturally but also economically and militarily. That is something that they don’t want to see happen. That explains why they are trying everything possible to keep India shackled, even if it means temporarily befriending a culturally incompatible Pakistan, or teaching India a lesson, like they did in 1962.
This kind of remarks can only come out from some Indian dark mentality. A rich India had already benefited China in Tang Dynasty of China, why wouldn’t it now? Unless you tell us it is due to modern India’s inheritance of British wicket system and evil thinking.

I don’t want to comment the rest of the article any more as it ridiculously pretended to know Chinese culture and laughably saying China is Yang and India is Ying. The whole article, when running here, already goes beyond “d!ck contest” but that India is a victim of Chinese culture, and must rise against China to become a Yang.

So go ahead! Fool!
In around 1000AD, the Czar of Russia send out some envoys to Rome, Istanbul and Baghdad to study Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Islam. The envoys reported back their study and the Czar choose a religion for the nation. I think it would be a wise idea for the currently Chinese leader to do something similar but in a more subtle method. A religion, above anything else, can help shape the conscious of a people. After Mao purged religion from China, its time for China to find a new one.

In fact, western missionaries went to China in perhaps around 1700 to persuade him to take Christianity as state religion. The emperor turned it down because he believed that Chinese culture was more subtle than any existing religion can encompass.

I guess he was perhaps right. If he hadn’t have declined that, 9/11 could have happened in China and China could be one of the crusaders to agitate the whole world, endlessly.

Fortunately, Chinese conscious is not shaped in that way.
Let us put doubt on what come out from this big-mouth: the ever peaceful India. It is well know that from Ashoka of Maurya who cruelly killed so many, to current Indian leaders that heartlessly ignore million starved to death and religious violence, we see no peaceful India. Ashoka’s erection of his edits only happened after murdering of his 500 ministers, burning of enormous amount of women that said bad words against him and, among many other murders and massacres, a bloody conquest of Kalinga with “groans of millions, by the wails of orphans, by the tears of widows”, and is a thorough show of Ashoka’s hypocrisy. “It is said that in the aftermath of the Battle of Kalinga the Daya River running next to the battle field turned red with the blood of the slain; about 100,000 Kalinga civilians and more than 100,000 of Ashoka's own warriors were among those slain.” Kalinga War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. You call it peaceful?

What? Ashoka the Great recognized what he had done in Kalinga. He stopped conquering after the Kalinga war..

Ashoka's response to the Kalinga War is recorded in the Edicts of Ashoka. According to some of these (Rock Edict XIII and Minor Rock Edict I), the Kalinga War prompted Ashoka, already a non-engaged Buddhist, to devote the rest of his life to Ahimsa (non-violence) and to Dhamma-Vijaya (victory through Dhamma). Following the conquest of Kalinga, Ashoka ended the military expansion of the empire, and led the empire through more than 40 years of relative peace, harmony and prosperity.


One day after the war was over, Ashoka ventured out to roam the city and all he could see were burnt houses and scattered corpses. This sight made him sick and he cried the famous monologue:

What have I done? If this is a victory, what's a defeat then? Is this a victory or a defeat? Is this justice or injustice? Is it gallantry or a rout? Is it valor to kill innocent children and women? Do I do it to widen the empire and for prosperity or to destroy the other's kingdom and splendor? One has lost her husband, someone else a father, someone a child, someone an unborn infant.... What's this debris of the corpses? Are these marks of victory or defeat? Are these vultures, crows, eagles the messengers of death or evil?

"Beloved-of-the-Gods, King Priyadarsi, conquered the Kalingas eight years after his coronation. One hundred and fifty thousand were deported, one hundred thousand were killed and many more died (from other causes). After the Kalingas had been conquered, Beloved-of-the-Gods came to feel a strong inclination towards the Dhamma, a love for the Dhamma and for instruction in Dhamma. Now Beloved-of-the-Gods feels deep remorse for having conquered the Kalingas." Rock Edict No.13

After the Kalina war is when he took up Buddhism and became non-violent. I mean he is one of the major emperors with a huge empire that just stop wagging war completely and was still young too.

In mordent times, India was peaceful only during British suppression for hundred years.

What? How can you say such a thing. We Indians fought with the British to conquer each other and still remanded poor.

Look how low India and also China was because of foreign domination.

Start from 5:25

such that even South Korea’s national flag is completely fell into the religion’s totem.

Please elaborate more..
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