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Analysis: China vs India — Competition of Civilisations

Isn't there a thread that talk about how China will become a Christian nation in 40 years. I believe that China, which doesn't have a dominate national religion, is more accepting of another religion. Once a religion like Christianity, which believe that its way its the right way and all other ways are wrong, take root in China. China will forever be a Christian country. Same with Islam. So Chinese is ripe for conversion from the perspective of major world religions. India, on the other hand, is entrenched in Hinduism that no other religion can seriously convert the majority of Indians.

Religion in Taiwan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think the dominant religion is atheism. Even in Taiwan 68% of the people are Buddhists or Taoists, and 19% are nonreligious. Only 13% are non-atheist/traditional Chinese religion, and of those, only 7% is Christian.
Religion in Taiwan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think the dominant religion is atheism. Even in Taiwan 68% of the people are Buddhists or Taoists, and 19% are nonreligious. Only 13% are non-atheist/traditional Chinese religion, and of those, only 7% is Christian.

In around 1000AD, the Czar of Russia send out some envoys to Rome, Istanbul and Baghdad to study Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Islam. The envoys reported back their study and the Czar choose a religion for the nation. I think it would be a wise idea for the currently Chinese leader to do something similar but in a more subtle method. A religion, above anything else, can help shape the conscious of a people. After Mao purged religion from China, its time for China to find a new one.
In around 1000AD, the Czar of Russia send out some envoys to Rome, Istanbul and Baghdad to study Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Islam. The envoys reported back their study and the Czar choose a religion for the nation. I think it would be a wise idea for the currently Chinese leader to do something similar but in a more subtle method. A religion, above anything else, can help shape the conscious of a people. After Mao purged religion from China, its time for China to find a new one.

Atheism, Buddhism and Taoism works fine. Religions involving Jews are shackles.
Nice sentiment buddy.

Unfortunately, no one here seems to be interested in friendly relations between China and India.

Does your mindset change every season ?
Few months ago you were propagating war and now you talk about friendly relations.

It is pretty inevitable that India and China will have friendlier relationships in the future, because two powerful growing nations right next to each other cannot afford enmity.
Does your mindset change every season ?
Few months ago you were propagating war and now you talk about friendly relations.

It is pretty inevitable that India and China will have friendlier relationships in the future, because two powerful growing nations right next to each other cannot afford enmity.

Sorry for trying to be friendly, my mistake. :lol:

And I have always been anti-war. The costs outweigh the benefits.
This article is so ridiculously flawed. Religion and culture are two separate things.
Name me one aspect of Han culture influenced by India??
Look at India and China today, it's night and day differences culturally.
I'm not saying one is better than the other, just completely different.
To try to claim credit & domination of Han culture through Buddhism is preposterous.
This article is so ridiculously flawed. Religion and culture are two separate things.
Name me one aspect of Han culture influenced by India??
Look at India and China today, it's night and day differences culturally.
I'm not saying one is better than the other, just completely different.
To try to claim credit & domination of Han culture through Buddhism is preposterous.

Let there be no cultural influence on each other, are there posibilities the the two nations can improve on their friendship. I work for a software firm and a group of Chines engineers came to my place in Chennai, TN, India, we had no problem with each other, we exhibited high confortability with each other. we really went along with each other. Does that not mean that we belive in co-existance. We know that China is growing at an alarming rate in economy, we see that as a great oppertunity to trade and get better products from you rather than the west and we do not see China as a threat to us.
This article is so ridiculously flawed. Religion and culture are two separate things.
Name me one aspect of Han culture influenced by India??
Look at India and China today, it's night and day differences culturally.
I'm not saying one is better than the other, just completely different.
To try to claim credit & domination of Han culture through Buddhism is preposterous.

Buddhism is India greatest gift to China but what China did was integrate Buddhism into its culture and turned Buddhism into a Chinese religion. And China only took what was good and did not import the caste system into China.
Buddhism is India greatest gift to China but what China did was integrate Buddhism into its culture and turned Buddhism into a Chinese religion. And China only took what was good and did not import the caste system into China.

Just to clarify, the caste system is not part of Buddhism.
Let there be no cultural influence on each other, are there posibilities the the two nations can improve on their friendship. I work for a software firm and a group of Chines engineers came to my place in Chennai, TN, India, we had no problem with each other, we exhibited high confortability with each other. we really went along with each other. Does that not mean that we belive in co-existance. We know that China is growing at an alarming rate in economy, we see that as a great oppertunity to trade and get better products from you rather than the west and we do not see China as a threat to us.

That is not an unusual experience that you had. I have lived and worked with Chinese people (off and on) since 1980. And had assignments to train young Chinese professionals since 2002. The experience has been unmistakably good. And I daresay my pupils enjoyed being with me.
Contrary to popular believe, China in fact has been very open throughout history.

The fact that China absorbed Buddhism from India is already proof. As early as the Song dynasty, Chinese ships were already sailing to Iraq and by the Ming dynasty Chinese dominated the trade route all the way to Africa.

The fact that China is such a unique civilization (From eating with chopsticks to Chinese characters to our curved roof) is because throughout history, China was never conquered by a another civilization. Only nomads.

Tang Dynasty Yang Qin Chinese instrument. Originally from Persia.


The instrument shown is like a dulcimer (a stringed instrument struck by two hammers). It originated out of Iran (Persia) and travelled even to India. In Iran its called the Saentoor while in India its called the Santoor (pron. Sun-toor).
All religion are created by man to explain the meaning of life and to seek happiness. Thus we have thousands of religions.

However there is only one heaven.

all religion are created by man who needs minions to further their agendas. basically getting free goods and labor in exchange for afterlife things.
Articles like this should be kept buried in indian nationalist forums where they belong. It's beyond funny to read grown man talk about a straightforward competition between nations couched in florid terms of "clash of civilizations"
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