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Analysis: China vs India — Competition of Civilisations

Does your mindset change every season ?
Few months ago you were propagating war and now you talk about friendly relations.

It is pretty inevitable that India and China will have friendlier relationships in the future, because two powerful growing nations right next to each other cannot afford enmity.

Forgot to take your medicine mate.
I guess you've been reading that other thread about Buddha and King Yama (Yan Wang).

It is true that Indian culture has always been dominant in Asia. To the point where even Chinese and Japanese Gods (like Yama), are in fact the same ones that originated in India.

The belief systems that came from the Hindu Vedas, were transmitted via Buddhism to East Asia and SE Asia. India achieved cultural dominance in Asia, due to the spread of the Indian religions, i.e. Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

I didn't want to break up your love fest in that "hindi-chini bhai bhai" thread, but the reality is that Buddhism spread throughout Asia because it was chased out of India. Buddhists were persecuted and all but eradicated from ancient India.

Saying that India dominated Asia through Buddhism is like saying Nazi Germany dominates the world because fleeing Jews carried Yiddish culture with them.
I didn't want to break up your love fest in that "hindi-chini bhai bhai" thread, but the reality is that Buddhism spread throughout Asia because it was chased out of India. Buddhists were persecuted and all but eradicated from ancient India.

Do you even know who Yan Wang is? Do you know anything about Chinese folk religion?

You're right though, that Buddhists were persecuted, and chased out of India.

I'm not going to stop appreciating my culture though, just because some of it was influenced by India.

Buddhism and Shaolin for example, are now assimilated into our culture and our history.
Do you even know who Yan Wang is? Do you know anything about Chinese folk religion?

You're right though, that Buddhists were persecuted, and chased out of India.

I'm not going to stop appreciating my culture though, just because some of it was influenced by India.

Buddhism and Shaolin for example, are now assimilated into our culture and our history.

Nobody's asking you to stop appreciating anything.

I was responding to the claim that India dominated Asia culturally. This is about as relevant as saying Nazi Germany dominates the world. As far as the carryover of religious ideas is concerned, they span the world. Many of the stories (Noah's Flood, Cain/Abel, Garden of Eden) in the Abrahamic religions are carried over from ancient Egyptian and Sumerian legends. It doesn't mean that ancient Sumeria or Babylon dominated the world.

The original article is typical Indian doublespeak to put a positive spin on ancient Indian religious atrocities. If people want to buy into it, that's fine, but it's also important to throw in a reality check.
Nobody's asking you to stop appreciating anything.

I was responding to the claim that India dominated Asia culturally. This is about as relevant as saying Nazi Germany dominates the world. As far as the carryover of religious ideas is concerned, they span the world. Many of the stories (Noah's Flood, Cain/Abel, Garden of Eden) in the Abrahamic religions are carried over from ancient Egyptian and Sumerian legends. It doesn't mean that ancient Sumeria or Babylon dominated the world.

Fair enough then. :tup:

I'm sure other East Asians wouldn't like the concept of the "Sinosphere" either.
the reality is that Buddhism spread throughout Asia because it was chased out of India.

Even in the medieval era when it was in a decline in India. There was Buddhist empires in India like the Pala empire that supported Buddhism. And empires like the Guptas that supported Buddhist literature, art, etc in India.

Rajputs took over N. India and started persecuting Buddhist, but they were in a complete decline before this. Even with Buddhist or mixed empires like Mauryan empire, Pala empire, and empires like the Guptas that supported it was in a decline in India.

And why dont you mention conquers like Muhammad of Ghor, Mahmud of Ghazni, Timur? Because of them some Buddhist had to retreat to Tibet because of the massacres done by invaders like Ghazni..

So when you talk about "atrocities" and the decline of Buddhism in India, you better show the whole picture. Like the invasions done by the foreigners and the effect it had on Buddhism as well.
fuk you india for spreading religious idioticy to china & neighbors
fuk you india for spreading religious idioticy to china & neighbors
Like you're doing right now?

Buddhism in China is vastly different than when it originated in India, having adapted to Chinese culture. Civilizations are influenced by outside ideas and faiths, and China is not in a bubble world. By the way, when Buddhism in China was at its height, China also went through its greatest period, the Sui and Tang dynasty.
The reason I joined this forum is that, some day the next comming generation will loose the hatread for each other and persue a path of prosperity, but i see now that non of the asian nations are willing to have a prosperous region, either one wants the other out or they alone want to servive.
You guys are not going to grow up until you stop hating each other.
Also I find now the most of the goons in this forum are interested in pointing fingers at other rather than giving solutions.
India Conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border.

- Hu Shih
What? Ashoka the Great recognized what he had done in Kalinga. He stopped conquering after the Kalinga war..


After the Kalina war is when he took up Buddhism and became non-violent. I mean he is one of the major emperors with a huge empire that just stop wagging war completely and was still young too.

After exterminating most of Native Indians, European colonists in N America felt bad and established reserves for the vanished, well feed them, and called for human rights and democracy all over the world. Don’t you think the story sounds similar to that of Ashoka? Do you love the colonists?

What? How can you say such a thing. We Indians fought with the British to conquer each other and still remanded poor.

Look how low India and also China was because of foreign domination.

I meant your invention of non-violence, which was only under British rule. Before and after that, it is very violent. But again your statement also refuses what the article touted about “peaceful India”.

Please elaborate more..

Please read this out: “The Taoist symbol Taegeuk is featured in the flag of South Korea.

Also these pics: Taoism (Daoism) symbol:

S Korea national flag:

Don't you think S Koreans are also pretty good at copy/paste stuff, but in a simplified way? :lol:

But who cares as long as it works, right?
India Conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border.

- Hu Shih

I find it is more important to make you guys feel good than to have your things done/improved.

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