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Analysis: China vs India — Competition of Civilisations

Every people have their own brand of conceit. What I am starting to understand is about India and Indians is that their reason for thinking itself superior is based on spirtuality and the effemoral realm of religion. Superstitions and gods is what they think is important, and because China and the rest of east asia adopted buddhism, a dharmic religion, they see themselves as superior to us.

Think carefully about the response Ghandi gave when a westerner asked him about western civilization, he said "western civilization? It would be a good idea". Clearly admitting to no such thing as a western civilization. Incredible when you think about, this is coming from an Indian at a time when western hard power ruled over them absolutely and when the standards of living in the west exceed theirs in every measurable metric, education, health, etc etc.

To myself (and probably other Chinese here), being brought in a scientific family and without a religion, this mentality probably escaped me for the longest time.

(also this kind of thinking probably offers an insight into Indian thinking on Tibetan matters, they see the Tibetans as civilized and the godless, and areligious Chinese as heathens)

you nailed it right there, this has been going on for as long as i remembers and to be frank i found it rather silly (no offense). I still burn incense as means of paying respect to my grandfather but i consider it more as a custom than religion.
You are speaking about a "class system", that is not the same as a "caste system". They are not synonymous.

and can you tell me whats the differences? to me its all about someone (very few) has the divine power over a crowd (majority), so the crowd is subjected to slavery and inferior social status``
I still burn incense as means of paying respect to my grandfather but i consider it more as a custom than religion.

Same here. :tup:

"Ancestor veneration" is just a cultural custom for me.

I don't literally believe that burning Hell bank notes actually achieves anything.
ethno-centricity ??wrt to indians about chinese.Most indians do not have an opinion on chinese.If they have an opinion its about being suspicious about chinese intentionr.not about ruperinrity
ethno-centricity ??wrt to indians about chinese.Most indians do not have an opinion on chinese.If they have an opinion its about being suspicious about chinese intentionr.not about ruperinrity

Just a observation about people in general.
Every people think they are the best. Let's be honest about this.

Well, most people think that their:
- religion
- language
- culture
- music
- food

is the best in the world. It is a good place to be in, as you won't have to spend time and effort on knowing the other as what you got is the best anyway.
Well, ignorance is bliss and most people are actually happier if they don't know much.
Well, most people think that their:
- religion
- language
- culture
- music
- food

is the best in the world. It is a good place to be in, as you won't have to spend time and effort on knowing the other as what you got is the best anyway.
Well, ignorance is bliss and most people are actually happier if they don't know much.

Of course, am not saying ethnocentricity is specific to Indians (hence my saying everyone thinks they are the best), just that each people usually justify their ethnocentricity in their own unique way (why they think they are the best). My post in #82 are my own observations about India's ethnocentric justifications.
Nice sentiment buddy.

Unfortunately, no one here seems to be interested in friendly relations between China and India.

Except me... :smokin:
Just Imagine If India & China becomes true friends ... what'll happen...?:woot:

Ultimate Super Powers... We people in Software & you people in manufacturing but No country will let it happen... :confused:
ethno-centricity ??wrt to indians about chinese.Most indians do not have an opinion on chinese.If they have an opinion its about being suspicious about chinese intentionr.not about ruperinrity

So Indians is suspicious about Chinese intention. And this is the only opinion about China they may have. Good job, India Government! You have brainwashed your citizens successfully.

BTW, indeed the author of this article is not the only Indian talking your cultural domination over China. And I am thinking, thinking hard, which Chinese culture is related to India. To me, none! Definitely, I am not a historian, I don't know if we had any culture change in the past. You guys tell me, please.

I like Buddhism, which is full of wisdom. It is also ironic to see Indians are so proud when talking this religion, while it was eradicated from their own country.
Of course, am not saying ethnocentricity is specific to Indians (hence my saying everyone thinks they are the best), just that each people usually justify their ethnocentricity in their own unique way (why they think they are the best). My post in #82 are my own observations about India's ethnocentric justifications.

Well, for post #82, Gandhi's comments on western civilization were a retort, a witty comment. It does not mean that Gandhi was admitting/commenting that western civilization was no civilization at all. They were meant to get across the point that western hard power was being barbaric in their colonies.

I got what you were saying in post #97, I was reasoning why people justify that they are better. Also as a certain group gets more powerful/prosperous the justifications increase and arrogance creeps in. This arrogance is there in the west, and it's increasing rapidly for Chinese and Indians.

As for the article, it's worded to be a feel good read for us. It contains many factual errors and myths and finally makes predictions which will make us feel good about ourselves, so that we can be happy thinking that one day we will all wake up and then be better than our nieghbour who is doing so much better now. Right now we can only sleep and dream.
Well, the only two countries that can make it happen are China and India.

But neither side seems particularly interested.

Mostly for geostrategic reasons.

No I'm not talking about Geo-strategic reasons... It's about mindset (Actually Trust)... What if China supports India to get Permanent seat in UN... do you really think Pakistan will like this move... Never ! and Also, We both countries never trust each other and being a Big player First China should start supporting India.
I like Buddhism, which is full of wisdom. It is also ironic to see Indians are so proud when talking this religion, while it was eradicated from their own country.

Some of Gautam Buddha's philosophy and thought came from Hindu texts. A lot of Buddhist philosophy and thought got incorporated into Hinduism, and this was one of the reasons that Buddhism as a formal religion did not prosper much in India. There was also some eradication of Buddhism (by violence or otherwise, by Hindus and Muslims), but the thought and principles have lived on in India.

The cultural domination talk is bs.
Well, for post #82, Gandhi's comments on western civilization were a retort, a witty comment. It does not mean that Gandhi was admitting/commenting that western civilization was no civilization at all. They were meant to get across the point that western hard power was being barbaric in their colonies.

I got what you were saying in post #97, I was reasoning why people justify that they are better. Also as a certain group gets more powerful/prosperous the justifications increase and arrogance creeps in. This arrogance is there in the west, and it's increasing rapidly for Chinese and Indians.

As for the article, it's worded to be a feel good read for us. It contains many factual errors and myths and finally makes predictions which will make us feel good about ourselves, so that we can be happy thinking that one day we will all wake up and then be better than our nieghbour who is doing so much better now. Right now we can only sleep and dream.

Eminently sensible. Thank you.

Though it would be interesting to hear what you make of the second quote I posted by Gandhi. Perhaps it's not wise to dismiss altogether this aspect of Indian thinking (Not saying this is a mode of thinking prevalent in everyone).

"…Modern civilization represents forces of evil and darkness, whereas the ancient Indian civilization represents in its essence the divine force. Modern civilization is chiefly materialistic, as ours is chiefly spiritual. Modern civilization occupies itself in the investigation of the laws of matter and employs the human ingenuity in inventing or discovering means of production and weapons of destruction, ours is chiefly occupied in exploring spiritual laws."
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