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Analysis: China vs India — Competition of Civilisations

We have 50000 protests a year and none of them escalate into violence.

India though...

Protest Escalates at Proposed Indian Nuclear Site | News | English

Violence in India's nuke protest

BJP protest turns violent, 40 hurt - Times Of India

The freedom from violence is a fundamental freedom that many in India, even as they fool themselves otherwise, do not enjoy.

What others see as a weakness, we see as a strength.

Once again you selectively highlight a few cases while conveniently ignoring the rest .

Nevertheless what is your point ??? 50,000 protests in China is solid proof that China is non-democratic.

In comparison protests in India are faaaaar lesser , as far as violence in protests is concerned that is because Riot control experts and mob-handling is better in China , Chinese police use all forms of crowd dispersion ...tear gas , batons , they are equipped with state -of-the art self protection gear too .

Here in India we have less resources , so we allocate less amounts of these to our paramilitary , auxillary , police etc .

Given the form of oraganized control your government exerts I would presume , they take pre-emptive action against gatherings , groups etc based on intelligence .

In India the safety and liberty of the protesters, even their right to protest is guaranteed by the law ....

Next time if you selectively post a few articles of riot escalation , I ll reply with Chinese hard hand tactics and the like , and cases of riot escalation in China - just a hint .

Well said !!! :cheers:

He is just another newbie who needs to revise the history threads on the forum ....

The Aryan invasion thread , the Indus Valley civilization thread ...Battle of Hydapses etc .

One of those confused guys stuck between claiming Pre-Islamic heritage , Arabic and central asian heritage and dishing dirt on another country ....these guys never get tired of playing the same broken records again and again .....and subsequently getting debunked ... :)
Old India was founded by the Aryans invasion.

Old "India" means the old subcontinent, a part of it at least, a key part.

- Aryans bought wheels to old " India" and taught its indigenous people how to transport;

-Aryans introduced domestic horses to old "india" , taught its indigenous people how to ride;

- Aryans gave old "india" a language, Hindi, which belongs to Indo-European language system;

- Aryans wrote beautiful Vedas poetry (with Hindi), which up to now has been THE ultimate achievement of "India";

- Aryans gave old "india" a hierarchical govening system, Caste System , realising that they were so different from the indigenous people;

- Aryans gave old "india" a religion called Hinduism;

- Aryans invent and kicked started a civilisation in old "India" with numerous inventions centries before B.C.


In short, Aryans established a major civilisation in the old subcontinent on par with old Egypt, old China, and Babylon.

Yet Aryans failed, miserablely, in front of a sea of the indigenous people after millennia of miscegenation.

Their blood diluted as drops in the ocean in today's subcontinent hence disapeared and their civilisation was gone...

their language, their religion, their poetry... however, remain and are used by a complete different people called themselves "Indians".

Today , this British invented "India" with completely different people from Aryans, has indeed nothing to do with the old "India" whatsoever !

Yeah, China has been the Old "China", from the culture, language to the people - the Chinese civilisation.

yet today's India? Is it Persian? Is it Mogol? Is it Dravidian? Is it Negroid? Or is it British?

It is none of them !

And it is all of them by association of millennia of conquest !

It is in fact anything but a civilisation !

" China vs India — Competition of Civilisations "?

There's no civilisation to start with from one part, and what competition clueless sheeple are talking about?


Another guy's self created fantasy...debunked probably a thousand times .... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I didn't want to break up your love fest in that "hindi-chini bhai bhai" thread, but the reality is that Buddhism spread throughout Asia because it was chased out of India. Buddhists were persecuted and all but eradicated from ancient India.

Saying that India dominated Asia through Buddhism is like saying Nazi Germany dominates the world because fleeing Jews carried Yiddish culture with them.

The fact is that Buddhism coexisted with other branches of Sanatan Dharma until the Islamic invasions. But Buddhism was less able to survive the Islamic onslaught. The Buddhist monks at the great university of Nalanda were cut to pieces by the swords of the Bakhtiar Khilji.
Being compared to China is an honour in itself.

...at a time when some countries get grouped with A'stan.

May India-China relations prosper.

India wasn't held back by Nehru's pseudo socialist belief, but rather Nehru's pseudo-socialist beliefs were a continuation of deeper Hindu beliefs.

Nehru was quite out of touch with Dharma. In fact, he was almost anti-Dharma.

Although Gandhi was a fascinating and complex personality in many ways his understanding of Dharma was flawed in some respects.
Some of Gautam Buddha's philosophy and thought came from Hindu texts. A lot of Buddhist philosophy and thought got incorporated into Hinduism, and this was one of the reasons that Buddhism as a formal religion did not prosper much in India. There was also some eradication of Buddhism (by violence or otherwise, by Hindus and Muslims), but the thought and principles have lived on in India.

The cultural domination talk is bs.

Buddhism was never eradicated - but it declined after the revival of the Advaita philosophy by Adi Shankara. Buddhism was quite prominent in India right upto the Islamic invasions.
Old India was founded by the Aryans invasion.

There was never any Aryan invasion or migration into India - it is a theory originally concocted by western missionaries, which is still being pushed for political purposes.
Indian subcontinent’s indigenous population primarily have been very dark Dravidians, a “cousin” of African Negroid, with some admixture of endless invaders ( Mongols, Persians, Arabs...) for millennia .

So centuries Before Christ, already very dark Dravidians “invented” Caste system to separate them from whom? Martians? :rofl:

And centuries B.C., indigenous Dravidians “invented” Hindi (and associated Hinduism for that matter) , which is primarily a European sub-tone ? So much so that modern scholars dubbed “Indo-European language system”. It’s like saying that “Somalians invented Chinese”. :rofl:

Most Dravidians even today are illiterate who can’t tell the toilet paper from election ballots honestly speaking and yet they “wrote” world-class Vedas poetry millennia ago ?

Hindi, Hinduism and Caste System were as alien to indigenous population of Indian subcontinent as what Martians to Earth!

We all know for sure that Dravidians didn't invent Hindi, Hinduism and Caste System.

So the question is who did?

It must be very light skinned people/tribe from central Asia and/or Med without doubt, whatever the exact answer, and whatever BS Indian Wiki-writers provide.

Let alone being mis-spelled as a “civilisation”, what is indigenous culture, if any, of the Indian subcontinent, without referring to "its very own” language of Hindi ( and English in modern time)? "its" religion of Hinduism ( don’t you dare to take credit for Buddhism) and "its" social bureaucracy of Caste system ?

Indian subcontinent’s indigenous population primarily have been very dark Dravidians, a “cousin” of African Negroid, with admixture of endless invaders ( Mongols, Persians, Arabs...) for the centuries.

So centuries Before Christ, already very dark Dravidians “invented” Caste system to separate them from whom? Martians? :rofl:

And centuries B.C., indigenous Dravidians “invented” Hindi (and associated Hinduism for that matter) , which is primarily a European sub-tone ? So much so that modern scholars dubbed “Indo-European language system”. It’s like saying that “Somalians invented Chinese”. :rofl:

Most Dravidians even today are illiterate who can’t tell the toilet paper from election ballots honestly speaking and yet they “wrote” world-class Vedas poetry millennia ago ?

Hindi, Hinduism and Caste System were as alien to indigenous population of Indian subcontinent as what Martians to Earth!

Let alone being mis-spelled as a “civilisation”, what is indigenous culture, if any, of the Indian subcontinent, without referring to it “very own” language of Hindi ( and English in modern time)? its religion of Hinduism ( don’t you dare to take credit for Buddhism) and its social bureaucracy of Caste system ?


Did you check some info before trolling?Kerala & TN have 92% &86% literacy respectively.
Being compared to China is an honour in itself.

...at a time when some countries get grouped with A'stan.

May India-China relations prosper.
Old India was founded by the Aryans invasion.

Old "India" means the old subcontinent, a part of it at least, a key part.

- Aryans bought wheels to old " India" and taught its indigenous people how to transport;

-Aryans introduced domestic horses to old "india" , taught its indigenous people how to ride;

- Aryans gave old "india" a language, Hindi, which belongs to Indo-European language system;

- Aryans wrote beautiful Vedas poetry (with Hindi), which up to now has been THE ultimate achievement of "India";

- Aryans gave old "india" a hierarchical govening system, Caste System , realising that they were so different from the indigenous people;

- Aryans gave old "india" a religion called Hinduism;

- Aryans kickstarted a civilisation in old "India" with numerous inventions centries before B.C.


In short, Aryans established a major civilisation in the old subcontinent on par with old Egypt, old China, and old Babylon.

Yet Aryans failed, miserablely, in front of a sea of the indigenous people after millennia of miscegenation.

Their blood diluted as drops in the ocean in today's subcontinent hence disappeared and their civilisation was long gone thousands of years ago...

their language, their religion, their poetry... however, remain and are used by a complete different people called themselves "Indians".

Today , this British (the remote cousins of Aryans, how ironic!) invented "India" with completely different people from Aryans, has indeed nothing to do with the old "India" whatsoever !

Yeah, China has been the Old "China", from the culture, language to the people - the Chinese civilisation.

yet today's India? Is it Persian? Is it Mogol? Is it Dravidian? Is it Negroid? is it Arabic? Or is it British?

It is none of them in pure !

And it is all of them by association of millennia of conquest !

It is in fact anything but a civilisation !

" China vs India — Competition of Civilisations "?

There's no civilisation to start with from one part, and what competition clueless sheeple are talking about?


Yo kid, u crazy or just uneducated or have fallen for BS?

Aryan invasion is BS, it never happened! I bet u don't even know what "Aryan" means.

Myth of The Aryan Invasion and the Harappan Civilization

Aryan Invasion — History or Politics? By Dr. N.S. Rajaram
Indian subcontinent’s indigenous population primarily have been very dark Dravidians, a “cousin” of African Negroid, with some admixture of endless invaders ( Mongols, Persians, Arabs...) for millennia .

Latest genetic studies show that the Indian population has mostly been native to the subcontinent for the past 50,000 years.

So centuries Before Christ, already very dark Dravidians “invented” Caste system to separate them from whom? Martians? :rofl:

And centuries B.C., indigenous Dravidians “invented” Hindi (and associated Hinduism for that matter) , which is primarily a European sub-tone ? So much so that modern scholars dubbed “Indo-European language system”. It’s like saying that “Somalians invented Chinese”. :rofl:

Most Dravidians even today are illiterate who can’t tell the toilet paper from election ballots honestly speaking and yet they “wrote” world-class Vedas poetry millennia ago ?

Hindi, Hinduism and Caste System were as alien to indigenous population of Indian subcontinent as what Martians to Earth!

Let alone being mis-spelled as a “civilisation”, what is indigenous culture, if any, of the Indian subcontinent, without referring to it “very own” language of Hindi ( and English in modern time)? its religion of Hinduism ( don’t you dare to take credit for Buddhism) and its social bureaucracy of Caste system ?

There are Indic words in the languages of Europe, but that is probably an effect of the influence of migrating Indians. Look up the Mittani people who lived in the Turkey area in around 2000 BC, for example.

It is true that the southern and northern languages are different, but the cross-influences have been immense and are very old. For example, 80% of the words of Malayalam are from Sanskrit.

As regards caste - they are essentially occupational groups which got ossified. It has nothing to do with Dharma. There is a concept of Varna in Dharma, which has to do with "spiritual evolutionary status". It is not hereditary.
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