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Analysis: China vs India — Competition of Civilisations

Being compared to China is an honour in itself.

...at a time when some countries get grouped with A'stan.

May India-China relations prosper.
China is a great and ancient civilisation, as is India. But, for thousands of years, it is China that has been culturally influenced, even dominated by India; the reverse has never happened.

China has never been culturally influenced by India.

There has been cultural influence from Pakistan and of course Afghanistan.

Modern India did not transmit anything. It was not on the Silk Route.

Chinese philosopher Hu Shi was only stating a plain truth when he said: "India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border." That is the deep impact the message and teachings of Gautam Buddha, and many other Indian influences, have made on China for over two thousand years.

Buddhism predominated in Afghanistan, Pakistan and various points along the Silk Route. Mahaya Buddhism which went along to China did not develop in India. It was a sect of Buddhism that developed in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Thereavada Buddhism which went on to Cambodia and Thailand is of Sri Lankan lineage (Tāmraparnīya means Sri Lankan lineage).

Neither Mahayan Buddhism or Theravadic Buddhism developed in the India of modern day.

There's more but perhaps later.
China has never been culturally influenced by India.

There has been cultural influence from Pakistan and of course Afghanistan.

Modern India did not transmit anything. It was not on the Silk Route.

Buddhism predominated in Afghanistan, Pakistan and various points along the Silk Route. Mahaya Buddhism which went along to China did not develop in India. It was a sect of Buddhism that developed in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Thereavada Buddhism which went on to Cambodia and Thailand is of Sri Lankan lineage (Tāmraparnīya means Sri Lankan lineage).

Neither Mahayan Buddhism or Theravadic Buddhism developed in the India of modern day.

There's more but perhaps later.

Cultural influences do tend to get stated in an exaggerated fashion down the lane. But to say that China was not influenced in any manner by modern day India is factually incorrect, atleast in the realms of Buddhist influence(s).

It is actually not mahayan but mahayana buddhism( maha + yana= great vehicle in sanskrit). I have not come across any conclusive source establishing the origins of Mahayana school but i would not dismiss modern day India as one of the places of origin or the place.

More about theravada buddhism later. Buddhism was taken outside India, in different directions and across different lands. Contributions of different countries like Sri lanka etc cannot be ignored for sure.
China has never been culturally influenced by India.

There has been cultural influence from Pakistan and of course Afghanistan.

Modern India did not transmit anything. It was not on the Silk Route.

Buddhism predominated in Afghanistan, Pakistan and various points along the Silk Route. Mahaya Buddhism which went along to China did not develop in India. It was a sect of Buddhism that developed in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Thereavada Buddhism which went on to Cambodia and Thailand is of Sri Lankan lineage (Tāmraparnīya means Sri Lankan lineage).

Neither Mahayan Buddhism or Theravadic Buddhism developed in the India of modern day.

There's more but perhaps later.

Dude, what are you talking about?

One of "Mahaya" or Mahayana Buddhism oldest founders was Nagarjuna. He is from Southern India.

I mean the damn name is Sanskrit itself.
China has never been culturally influenced by India.

There has been cultural influence from Pakistan and of course Afghanistan.

Modern India did not transmit anything. It was not on the Silk Route.

Buddhism predominated in Afghanistan, Pakistan and various points along the Silk Route. Mahaya Buddhism which went along to China did not develop in India. It was a sect of Buddhism that developed in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Thereavada Buddhism which went on to Cambodia and Thailand is of Sri Lankan lineage (Tāmraparnīya means Sri Lankan lineage).

Neither Mahayan Buddhism or Theravadic Buddhism developed in the India of modern day.

There's more but perhaps later.

So what is your point?...It seems you want to convey us that you know more than the Chinese philosopher Hu Shi...bad attempt. Better luck next time
China has never been culturally influenced by India.

There has been cultural influence from Pakistan and of course Afghanistan.

Modern India did not transmit anything. It was not on the Silk Route.

Buddhism predominated in Afghanistan, Pakistan and various points along the Silk Route. Mahaya Buddhism which went along to China did not develop in India. It was a sect of Buddhism that developed in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Thereavada Buddhism which went on to Cambodia and Thailand is of Sri Lankan lineage (Tāmraparnīya means Sri Lankan lineage).

Neither Mahayan Buddhism or Theravadic Buddhism developed in the India of modern day.

There's more but perhaps later.

China has never been culturally influenced by India.

There has been cultural influence from Pakistan and of course Afghanistan.

Modern India did not transmit anything. It was not on the Silk Route.

Buddhism predominated in Afghanistan, Pakistan and various points along the Silk Route. Mahaya Buddhism which went along to China did not develop in India. It was a sect of Buddhism that developed in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Thereavada Buddhism which went on to Cambodia and Thailand is of Sri Lankan lineage (Tāmraparnīya means Sri Lankan lineage).

Neither Mahayan Buddhism or Theravadic Buddhism developed in the India of modern day.

There's more but perhaps later.

Are you some kind of a dummy? you are writing what you believe with out hard evidence
I believe that India had great influence in East Asia with Buddhism. But not much besides Buddhism.

---------- Post added at 12:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 PM ----------

If china and East Asia becomes Christian nations, then the influence from India would become neglegible
Once again you selectively highlight a few cases while conveniently ignoring the rest .

Nevertheless what is your point ??? 50,000 protests in China is solid proof that China is non-democratic.

In comparison protests in India are faaaaar lesser , as far as violence in protests is concerned that is because Riot control experts and mob-handling is better in China , Chinese police use all forms of crowd dispersion ...tear gas , batons , they are equipped with state -of-the art self protection gear too .

Here in India we have less resources , so we allocate less amounts of these to our paramilitary , auxillary , police etc .

Given the form of oraganized control your government exerts I would presume , they take pre-emptive action against gatherings , groups etc based on intelligence .

In India the safety and liberty of the protesters, even their right to protest is guaranteed by the law ....

Next time if you selectively post a few articles of riot escalation , I ll reply with Chinese hard hand tactics and the like , and cases of riot escalation in China - just a hint .

We use hard tactics against minority separatists. This is far nicer than how the US treated blacks and mexicans in the 60's, or how Indian Army treats Kashmiris today. Han protesters are usually granted what they want. The difference between Chinese and Indian protesters is in China the protesters usually win while in India nothing changes.

China yields to protests when stability matters - CNN.com
``Three hundred years after Buddha died about 500 B.C., King Ashoka introduced Buddhism to Gandhara, and from there Mahayana Buddhism developed with the establishment of many Buddhist temples,’’ Min said.
Buddhist Channel | Buddhism News, Headlines | S/N Korea | Pakistan Delivered Buddhism to Korea

Gandhara was Afghanistan/Pakistan. A good enough link i think. 90% Gandharan sounds about right.

India as we know it, has no history. It can only steal the important bits that it claims.
Dude, what are you talking about?

One of "Mahaya" or Mahayana Buddhism oldest founders was Nagarjuna. He is from Southern India.

I mean the damn name is Sanskrit itself.

Sanskrit did not arise in India. It was formulated more likely in Pakistan or Afghanistan, or perhaps elsewhere, but definitely not India.

Hindi was a simplfication of Sanskrit and that was made in India.
Sanskrit did not arise in India. It was formulated more likely in Pakistan or Afghanistan, or perhaps elsewhere, but definitely not India.

Hindi was a simplfication of Sanskrit and that was made in India.


Yes..yes.. they even applied for a Patent long time back (some thousands of years back) on behalf of the Pakistan / Afghanistan government then.

The UN or the Patency registration organisation didnt approve , i guess.
``Three hundred years after Buddha died about 500 B.C., King Ashoka introduced Buddhism to Gandhara, and from there Mahayana Buddhism developed with the establishment of many Buddhist temples,’’ Min said.
Buddhist Channel | Buddhism News, Headlines | S/N Korea | Pakistan Delivered Buddhism to Korea

Gandhara was Afghanistan/Pakistan. A good enough link i think. 90% Gandharan sounds about right.

India as we know it, has no history. It can only steal the important bits that it claims.

This is a complete over simplified. And its origins is all over India from South to North Northwest.

Here is a better link, that you can actually learn something about Mahayana Buddhism from historians. Not from a "top Pakistani envoy in Seoul" like in your link.

Mahayana Buddhism Origins

Mahayana Buddhism Origins, Mahayana Buddhism History, Mahayana Buddhism Beliefs

One of its earliest founders is from Southern India, period.
Sanskrit did not arise in India. It was formulated more likely in Pakistan or Afghanistan, or perhaps elsewhere, but definitely not India.

Hindi was a simplfication of Sanskrit and that was made in India.

:rofl: Aren't you the same "think tank" that created the thread pakistani history stolen by Indians?

Oh jeez I wouldn't expect a debate with you. As you have clearly contradicted yourself so many times. :lol:
We use hard tactics against minority separatists. This is far nicer than how the US treated blacks and mexicans in the 60's, or how Indian Army treats Kashmiris today. Han protesters are usually granted what they want. The difference between Chinese and Indian protesters is in China the protesters usually win while in India nothing changes.

China yields to protests when stability matters - CNN.com

the impression i was under was that, if your protest is not calling for the downfall of the government then there is room for negotiation
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