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Analysis: China vs India — Competition of Civilisations

Wrong, Kushans complied many of the already existing pratices of Mahayana Buddhism in the 4th council. They contributed, but did not found the philosophy behind it. And is not labeled as the beginning of the Mahayana sect. Its foundations was laid a long time ago. Mahayana even the name is older then the Kushans themselves.

You can know start calling everthing I posted as "pan Indian Hindutva textbook knowledge".:crazy:

Post #173 is enough.

Mahayan Buddhism was formalized at the 4th Council.

Before this there wasn't any Mahayan Buddhism as far as history can show.

They used the Buddhism that had developed in Gandhara to formalize the Mahayan sect.

So Mahayan Buddhism was founded by a Gandharan not an Indian.

You're going to reply, but Mahayan Buddhism existed before this because someone took the ideas at the 4th Council and grouped them all together. They probably did this, but that was not Mahayan Buddhism, just elements of what would become Mahayan Buddhism.

Anyway, it's likely all these ideas developed in gandhara and not India since the epicentre of Buddhist culture had shifted to Gandhara well before Mahayan Buddhism was declared in the 1st century CE.
I didn't want to break up your love fest in that "hindi-chini bhai bhai" thread, but the reality is that Buddhism spread throughout Asia because it was chased out of India. Buddhists were persecuted and all but eradicated from ancient India.

Saying that India dominated Asia through Buddhism is like saying Nazi Germany dominates the world because fleeing Jews carried Yiddish culture with them.

Love the insecurity coming through! ;)

Buddhism spread in India when it was supported by the state. Ashoka, Harshwardhana and many other great kings supported it at the state level and Buddhism found a fertile soil in India.

It started as one of the reforming movements in Hinduism and people took to it.

At some point, the old guard raised its head and the state support was withdrawn. It withered mostly as the Buddhist scholars were defeated in scholarly debates with the Brahmins.

It was nowhere like the Islamic plunder of Buddhist sites throughout Central Asia, Afghanistan (culminating in Bamyan) and Pakistan and also including the savaging of Nalanda university by Khilaji. The destruction of peace loving Budhists by the Islamic invaders all over!

You try to run away from real Islamic atrocities, claiming them to be past and ancient.

And now you come making up ancient history!

Buddhism will always remain an Indian Dharmic religion. As much as Islam remains an Abrahimic religion from Arabia.

Internecine violence in Arabia doesn't change the fact and the decline of Buddhism in India doesn't change facts as well.
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