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An Arab-Israeli alliance is taking shape in the Middle East

For Muslims... it's a Palestinian issue not for the Govs/Nations...
We are speaking about normalisation... as for EGY and Jordan it's not like they had a choice... it's part of the peace treaty...
Political dialogue failed. and Bibi made his decision already... ONE STATE. and whoever is not happy can get out.
Israel of Yesterday during the wars isn't the ISrael of Today... Yes... they were Tiny in comparison to Arabs... YES they outsmarted us and YES they won... And to this day... No Arab Gov seems to learn from those mistakes...

Yes History is our Witness... and you should read when our Region were under similar situation... YOu should read How they lost to a TINY entity back in the days... YOu should Read how they behaved as we are behaving today... And you should read What happened when they all "JUST" accepted the Latins... for 200 years they made the region their Home... Were they played with each other against each other... Since they were part of the "Region" they had a legitimacy to behave like those around... and you should Read the Dynamic among Muslims... you will surprised that is not only similar but We are even taking the same road/making the same mistakes and so on...

Do not think we are strong, because we've got numbers... You don't win wars/influence with that... and History is and shall be our Witness...

Everyone made mistakes in this Mess... blaming one or the other would change nothing...
But At least... the most basic thing to do is AT LEAST... to not repeat the mistakes of our forefathers EVEN MORE...

So when A Turk or an Arab comes around putting salt here and there on this Israeli matter... I laugh...

Our History is a circle where each gen will have the chance to chose the way of their forefathers or not...
As the Latin get into ME because of the Turks and the TR/Arab conflict... The Israelis also get into ME by the SAME dynamic... And what is even more interesting in this Human History Drama... What started the Latin state "Reconquista" is Right now in motion...
I don't know if I have to laugh or cry... But at this rate... with the lack of "Balls" among our Leaders... I pray that each one of them REPEAT the mistakes of their forefathers... that way we can deal with them....

So in a sense... Even against my hope/will... They need to normalise With ISrael... if they can't grow balls...
Let the motion continue as it was...

Are you sure because the past 15-20 years I have heard nothing but "Islamic", "Muslim world" talk from the mouth of Erdogan and his friends. A few days ago, during their failed meeting in Malaysia, they apparently had found all the solutions for the Muslim world. All I heard was "Muslim this" and "Muslim that".

It is still normalization. They have recognized Israel. They have official diplomatic relations with as Turkey has and Azerbaijan and maybe a few other majority Muslim nations that I have forgot.

You still don't get it.

Are you really comparing some poor Palestinian peasants, farmers, fishermen, peaceful town dwellers with battle-hardened WW2 Zionists with full backing of the richest and most influential lobby in the world (Jewish) even back then? Not withstanding the LITTLE detail of MASSIVE/100% support from the world powers to be to create a Jewish state. How can you forget this somehow?

What did you expect newly independent Arab nations in the region to do back then other than what was already done?

Of course it is the same story again and again. It is an eternal fight for power with ups and downs. However you cannot compare the current day with an era where people fought face to face with swords, bows on horses and camels.

The difference is that when Arabs tried to build the first "Muslim" nuclear bomb (way before Pakistan), our countries were attacked by the world's superpower (USA). When Israel built their nuclear bomb, they received support from the same world powers. So no, there is nothing great about this. Change the sides and you would be calling Israel weak.

Anyway I asked you what your solution was to solve the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and I did not see a concrete solution or reply to my question. I am genuinely curious if you believe that a political dialogue is wrong.

Arabs Used to be glorious Warriors, we despite not be Arabs feel proud to belong to a religion spread by the Mainland Arabia, but today Arabs are not the same as they were before . Not saying they can't beat Iran but if its just KSA vs Iran, i won't put my money on either .

That was in early times when Israel was a new entity in Arabia, thing is later on Israel used US and EU allies to put a leash on Arabs, start Proxies and plunge this region into chaos , when Muslims are fighting with Muslims no one will have time to fight Jews for Palestinian cause .

Well I am a firm Supporter of having diplomatic Ties with Israel, but thing is my Govt won't take that step ..

Look DC has always keep a two way diplomacy with ME, but when it comes to Israel they are clear, no harm can comes to Israel, so basically no one can touch them PERIOD . As long as Uncle sam and EU stand behind them there is no victory against Israel, but US over the years made sure that the new Leadership of GCC don't see Israel as a threat or enemy, and we are now witnessing it for ourselves . I am not saying that Arabs should just march on Israel for no reason but the thing is even if Arabs have a reason to fight, they still can't/Wont .

The topic of discussion was Arabs vs Iran, not KSA vs Iran but I agree that in a theoretic and very unrealistic KSA-Iran war, no side would win and it would be a status quo with much destruction for both. The only winners would be everyone else in the region which is why the regimes in both countries don't want to risk it and prefer to wage a media/proxy war over the control of the region.

Actually, it was long after Israel became an entity but you are right that the same occurred prior to the foundation of Israel. But Arabs in this case are Palestinians not any other Arabs. Back then Palestinians were peaceful town, city, village dwellers, Bedouins, fishermen, farmers etc. and they were up against 100% Western supported WW2 battle-hardened Zionists coming right from a Holocaust where their race was supposedly close to being removed from the face of the earth. That, without saying, would create a very strong survival psyche of "never again". Hence the victim adopting his oppressors behavior. Very fitting for Zionists. It was always a fight that they could not win but at least they saved significant areas of their land that they inhabit to this day while still inhabiting large areas of actual Israel.

I am a firm supporter of using the diplomatic way before anything else regardless of who we are talking about. This is why KSA and Iran are still having diplomatic ties. Similarly with Pakistan and India. Not that I would ever compare your conflict with India with ours with Iran as it cannot be compared. Our conflict with Iran is "fake" in many ways but PDF is not the forum to explain why that is in detail. Not a fight for land either.

Not only the US, people forget that Israel has fantastic close ties with Europe, they receive all the top notch European tech/military tech for free almost with no strings attached by Europe. Let us not even forget Russia, the Jewish elite are basically pulling the strings in Russia as well. I don't need to mention India either, our Pakistanis brothers and sisters know all about this in detail. Or China (yes, our mutual friend and ally) has very close ties with Israel as well.

I am sure that even the regimes in power do not look at Israel positively (Zionists) but they are not as empty-headed as many of our people are, who wish for war/destruction somehow deludedly believing that Israel will disappear overnight. Because the Jew was almost always under the mercy of Arabs. But they don't understand that things change.

The reality is that even the Palestinian factions cannot agree fully (Hamas vs Abbas and his cronies), not any different to Kashmir, unfortunately.
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Are you sure because the past 15-20 years I have heard nothing but "Islamic", "Muslim world" talk from the mouth of Erdogan and his friends. A few days ago, during their failed meeting in Malaysia, they apparently had found all the solutions for the Muslim world. All I heard was "Muslim this" and "Muslim that".

It is still normalization. They have recognized Israel. They have official diplomatic relations with as Turkey has and Azerbaijan and maybe a few other majority Muslim nations that I have forgot.

You still don't get it.

Are you really comparing some poor Palestinian peasants, farmers, fishermen, peaceful town dwellers with battle-hardened WW2 Zionists with full backing of the richest and most influential lobby in the world (Jewish) even back then? Not withstanding the LITTLE detail of MASSIVE/100% support from the world powers to be to create a Jewish state. How can you forget this somehow?

What did you expect newly independent Arab nations in the region to do back then other than what was already done?

Of course it is the same story again and again. It is an eternal fight for power with ups and downs. However you cannot compare the current day with an era where people fought face to face with swords, bows on horses and camels.

The difference is that when Arabs tried to build the first "Muslim" nuclear bomb (way before Pakistan), our countries were attacked by the world's superpower (USA). When Israel built their nuclear bomb, they received support from the same world powers. So no, there is nothing great about this. Change the sides and you would be calling Israel weak.

Anyway I asked you what your solution was to solve the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and I did not see a concrete solution or reply to my question. I am genuinely curious if you believe that a political dialogue is wrong.

The topic of discussion was Arabs vs Iran, not KSA vs Iran but I agree that in a theoretic and very unrealistic KSA-Iran war, no side would win and it would be a status quo with much destruction for both. The only winners would be everyone else in the region which is why the regimes in both countries don't want to risk it and prefer to wage a media/proxy war over the control of the region.

Actually, it was long after Israel became an entity but you are right that the same occurred prior to the foundation of Israel. But Arabs in this case are Palestinians not any other Arabs. Back then Palestinians were peaceful town, city, village dwellers, Bedouins, fishermen, farmers etc. and they were up against 100% Western supported WW2 battle-hardened Zionists. It was always a fight that they could not win but at least they saved significant areas of their land that they inhabit to this day while still inhabiting large areas of actual Israel.

I am a firm supporter of using the diplomatic way before anything else regardless of who we are talking about. This is why KSA and Iran are still having diplomatic ties. Similarly with Pakistan and India. Not that I would ever compare your conflict with India with ours with Iran as it cannot be compared. Our conflict with Iran is "fake" in many ways but PDF is not the forum to explain why that is in detail. Not a fight for land either.

Not only the US, people forget that Israel has fantastic close ties with Europe, they receive all the top notch European tech/military tech for free almost with no strings attached by Europe. Let us not even forget Russia, the Jewish elite are basically pulling the strings in Russia as well. I don't need to mention India either, our Pakistanis brothers and sisters know all about this in detail. Or China (yes, our mutual friend and ally) has very close ties with Israel as well.

I am sure that even the regimes in power do not look at Israel positively (Zionists) but they are not as empty-headed as many of our people are, who wish for war/destruction somehow deluded believing that Israel will disappear overnight.

The reality is that even the Palestinian factions cannot agree fully (Hamas vs Abbas and his cronies), not any different to Kashmir, unfortunately.

Waste of energy
Are you sure because the past 15-20 years I have heard nothing but "Islamic", "Muslim world" talk from the mouth of Erdogan and his friends. A few days ago, during their failed meeting in Malaysia, they apparently had found all the solutions for the Muslim world. All I heard was "Muslim this" and "Muslim that".

It is still normalization. They have recognized Israel. They have official diplomatic relations with as Turkey has and Azerbaijan and maybe a few other majority Muslim nations that I have forgot.

You still don't get it.

Are you really comparing some poor Palestinian peasants, farmers, fishermen, peaceful town dwellers with battle-hardened WW2 Zionists with full backing of the richest and most influential lobby in the world (Jewish) even back then? Not withstanding the LITTLE detail of MASSIVE/100% support from the world powers to be to create a Jewish state. How can you forget this somehow?

What did you expect newly independent Arab nations in the region to do back then other than what was already done?

Of course it is the same story again and again. It is an eternal fight for power with ups and downs. However you cannot compare the current day with an era where people fought face to face with swords, bows on horses and camels.

The difference is that when Arabs tried to build the first "Muslim" nuclear bomb (way before Pakistan), our countries were attacked by the world's superpower (USA). When Israel built their nuclear bomb, they received support from the same world powers. So no, there is nothing great about this. Change the sides and you would be calling Israel weak.

Anyway I asked you what your solution was to solve the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and I did not see a concrete solution or reply to my question. I am genuinely curious if you believe that a political dialogue is wrong.

Govs/Nation use this "Muslim" excuse to push for their agendas... as Any Muslim Entity did in the past...
People is another thing... Since they do not hold any "Power" of decision, they aren't bothered by that and therefore will keep themselves at the Ummah level and thankfully they do.

You can call it normalisation if you want... or you can ask an Egyptian/Jordanian if it is or not what is happening in the open. But Still the Overwhelming Arabs aren't.

Read about the ISraeli-Arab Dynamic of War... you will curse every single one of them back in the days... It's not that we lack money/Equipment or EVEN International support... since the US and the SOVIETS were mostly With The Arabs or not that much involved, as we see in today Dynamic. The Problem was the "LEaders" made of Selfish, Arrogant pricks who believe that their Numbers will do the Job... That Arabs were bound to win other the enemy... They were no cohesion despite their "Arab NAtionalism"... they stupidocracy that washed up every single "Minds" out of the window, just to keep the "Loyalcracy" in place...
The Same thing that created each state back in the days...is what made they lose against ISrael...

You asked for a Solution... it's simple... ACT AS ONE... and we can't then let's pray Someone/thing pushes us to do it... But... wishing for that will also mean to give up our seat to another...
As for the Political Dialogue... Since when you can bargain with someone who believe to be always right... Dialogue can only occur when each side has something to lose... And nowadays... Arabs are the one "thinking" they have something to lose... ISrael doesn't... and those Decades were their witness... and tbh... with how things goes... not only they will be right to think so... they will also gain the Arab legitimacy to be EVEN MORE right in the future...

Normalisation of Israel with push other Arab countries into other sphere of Influence... it will weaken even more the current dynamic... and you will find yourself even more isolated...
Just goes to show how weak the Saudi/UAE led order now is that one tiny Israel is seen as an equal partner against a collective of Arab countries.
Just goes to show how weak the Saudi/UAE led order now is that one tiny Israel is seen as an equal partner against a collective of Arab countries.
I'm willing to bet Pakistan would lose to Israel any day.
500 million lost to 9:-) million..

Lost against whom? People who are 2/3 Arabs (Arab Jews) themselves? An entity that has the full backing and always had of the entire US, West, Russia, China and who have the most influential lobby in the world and whose army was made up by mostly battle-hardened WW2 Zionist survivors who fought against Palestinian peasants, farmers, fishermen, town dwellers etc.? Yet the Palestinians outnumber the Jews today and still inhabit large areas of Palestine and almost every part of Israel. Nor was it ever all Arabs vs Israel.

Remove the Western support, Western nuclear weapons, and Israel would not survive 1 day in a sea among Arabs (like throughout history) if they behaved as hostile.

BTW you forget that almost all Arab Jews ere deported from the Arab world. Only a few 1000 are left.

Anyway no need to put a smiley.

Tiny Armenia humiliated your Azeri brothers, did they not? Is China not supposedly having 3+ million Uyghur's in concentration camps while we speak?

Did Russians not genocide almost all Crimean Tatars while annexing Crimea recently? Did Russia/USSR not kill millions of Turks in Central Asia and successfully Russyfying them turning them into vodka-drinking Ivanovs? Or what about the Balkans? How many Turks were killed/deported?

Hell, are you Anatolian (sorry Turkish) nationalists not blaming Arab countries for killing all the Turkish-Arabs as well?

I'm willing to bet Pakistan would lose to Israel any day.

Of course they would. It is not a fight against Israel anyway but the entire West and USA. Obviously no Muslim country would stand a chance.

Remove Palestinians and replace them with Punjabis, Baloch, Sindhis, Pashtuns, Mujahir's whatever and put them in Palestinians place 70-80 years ago and the outcome would be the same or even worse.

But you know Arab-bashing is fashionable on PDF of late, so let them believe that a former imperial power and actual martial race (historically) such as Arabs are way weaker than them.

Have in mind that when the border of Pakistan and India was decided, a genuine genocide occurred on both sides (regretfully) that dwarfs anything the Palestinians and Jews have faced in Palestine/Israel but it is much less known.

And quite frankly, to lose, you need to have an official entity to lose. There was not even an independent Palestinian state prior to 1948.
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Just goes to show how weak the Saudi/UAE led order now is that one tiny Israel is seen as an equal partner against a collective of Arab countries.

And what does it say about Nuclear Pak who recently submitted to their will? lol
And what does it say about Nuclear Pak who recently submitted to their will? lol

Pakistan is one country surrounded by a host of enemies, one of which is 7 times its size in population, and without any semblance of natural resources to give it a head start.

You can’t compare them to a grouping of 22 Arab countries who vastly outnumber one single Israel, with huge geographical advantage & natural resources. They are effectively admitting defeat to Israel and giving up the Palestinian issue once and for all.

I'm willing to bet Pakistan would lose to Israel any day.

They could, yes. But what does it say about Saudi/UAE that even with a huge advantage of natural resources, population & geography that effectively now give up the Palestinian issue and hand victory to little Israel once and for all.
Lost against whom? People who are 2/3 Arabs (Arab Jews) themselves? An entity that has the full backing and always had of the entire US, West, Russia, China and who have the most influential lobby in the world and whose army was made up by mostly battle-hardened WW2 Zionist survivors who fought against Palestinian peasants, farmers, fishermen, town dwellers etc.? Yet the Palestinians outnumber the Jews today and still inhabit large areas of Palestine and almost every part of Israel. Nor was it ever all Arabs vs Israel.

Remove the Western support, Western nuclear weapons, and Israel would not survive 1 day in a sea among Arabs (like throughout history) if they behaved as hostile.

BTW you forget that almost all Arab Jews ere deported from the Arab world. Only a few 1000 are left.

Anyway no need to put a smiley.

Tiny Armenia humiliated your Azeri brothers, did they not? Is China not supposedly having 3+ million Uyghur's in concentration camps while we speak?

Did Russians not genocide almost all Crimean Tatars while annexing Crimea recently? Did Russia/USSR not kill millions of Turks in Central Asia and successfully Russyfying them turning them into vodka-drinking Ivanovs? Or what about the Balkans? How many Turks were killed/deported?

Hell, are you Anatolian (sorry Turkish) nationalists not blaming Arab countries for killing all the Turkish-Arabs as well?

Of course they would. It is not a fight against Israel anyway but the entire West and USA. Obviously no Muslim country would stand a chance.

Remove Palestinians and replace them with Punjabis, Baloch, Sindhis, Pashtuns, Mujahir's whatever and put them in Palestinians place 70-80 years ago and the outcome would be the same or even worse.

But you know Arab-bashing is fashionable on PDF of late, so let them believe that a former imperial power and actual martial race (historically) such as Arabs are way weaker than them.

Have in mind that when the border of Pakistan and India was decided, a genuine genocide occurred on both sides (regretfully) that dwarfs anything the Palestinians and Jews have faced in Palestine/Israel but it is much less known.

And quite frankly, to lose, you need to have an official entity to lose. There was not even an independent Palestinian state prior to 1948.

Only thing you can do is find excuses:-). They won and you lost.
The topic of discussion was Arabs vs Iran, not KSA vs Iran but I agree that in a theoretic and very unrealistic KSA-Iran war, no side would win and it would be a status quo with much destruction for both. The only winners would be everyone else in the region which is why the regimes in both countries don't want to risk it and prefer to wage a media/proxy war over the control of the region.

All I can say that when Arabs were united, and fight under one Banner they took down two of the Super Powers of that time, Ah those were the days, even reading about them today gives you goosebumps . but my response was in context to that 92.. poster as well, Arabs doesn't need to unite against Iran, Iran will die its own death slowly because Iran is doing some major ball games in the region . Few days ago, a Iranian poster outright and proudly rejected Pakistan as mediator by saying , we don't need a Mediator .. Well i Guess than we should not waste our time on a country who doesn't want peace in region or at least try to build friendly ties .
I agree, in case of KSA and Iran war, smaller countries will benefit but also many economies will be affected as KSA and Iran still very large exporter of Oils .As long as War is ongoing the Shipping lanes will be valunarable .

Actually, it was long after Israel became an entity but you are right that the same occurred prior to the foundation of Israel. But Arabs in this case are Palestinians not any other Arabs. Back then Palestinians were peaceful town, city, village dwellers, Bedouins, fishermen, farmers etc. and they were up against 100% Western supported WW2 battle-hardened Zionists. It was always a fight that they could not win but at least they saved significant areas of their land that they inhabit to this day while still inhabiting large areas of actual Israel.

Time and support my friend, the Time of Jews has come and hence Allah granted them what they desire, I am sure it is one of their Tests , Jews were tested even harder than Muslims, and yet they failed all the time .. Fighting and winning right after the WW2 , when Jews were actually the center of gravity would be impossible , You know how i see it ? Well most of the current Israel Population is based on European Jews, Europeans always hate the Jews , at least most of them, so after WW2, when USA stick was on their heads to keep the Jews and protect them, they send them all to the promised land, EU don't have much Jews to worry about , and second they keep the entire ME region in a constant state of conflict, so they could never rise and challenge the EU . Its a win win for them from the way i see it .

I am a firm supporter of using the diplomatic way before anything else regardless of who we are talking about. This is why KSA and Iran are still having diplomatic ties. Similarly with Pakistan and India. Not that I would ever compare your conflict with India with ours with Iran as it cannot be compared. Our conflict with Iran is "fake" in many ways but PDF is not the forum to explain why that is in detail. Not a fight for land either.

I agree, my Disagreement is with their Zionist Ideology, the extremist's and Nationalists, rest of the Jews are from Arabs , There should be a room for Diplomatic ties, there is no harm in talking with your enemies, Even Prophet Muhammad Pbuh did made a peace treaty with Mecca . There was no result of war and hostilities which we Show for last 7+ Decades, I think the Diplomacy deserve a proper decade of its own .

I am sure that even the regimes in power do not look at Israel positively (Zionists) but they are not as empty-headed as many of our people are, who wish for war/destruction somehow deluded believing that Israel will disappear overnight.

Honestly, Israel is here to stay .. And may Allah prove me wrong here, but from what I can see some of the Arab States might lose their Country but Israel will stay intact .

The reality is that even the Palestinian factions cannot agree fully (Hamas vs Abbas and his cronies), not any different to Kashmir, unfortunately.

I am not very educated on Palestinians internal resistance, I do hear from Pakistani's who work in UAE , that Palestinians , Syrian and Egyptians they don't like Pakistani's that much . Never experience its myself but people who told me have no reason to lie, one of them is my own brother who worked in UAE for over 6 years .
500 million lost to 9:-) million..

Lost against whom? People who are 2/3 Arabs (Arab Jews) themselves? An entity that has the full backing and always had of the entire US, West, Russia, China and who have the most influential lobby in the world and whose army was made up by mostly battle-hardened WW2 Zionist survivors who fought against Palestinian peasants, farmers, fishermen, town dwellers etc.? Yet the Palestinians outnumber the Jews today and still inhabit large areas of Palestine and almost every part of Israel. Nor was it ever all Arabs vs Israel.

Remove the Western support, Western nuclear weapons, and Israel would not survive 1 day in a sea among Arabs (like throughout history) if they behaved as hostile.

BTW you forget that almost all Arab Jews ere deported from the Arab world. Only a few 1000 are left.

Anyway no need to put a smiley.

Tiny Armenia humiliated your Azeri brothers, did they not? Is China not supposedly having 3+ million Uyghur's in concentration camps while we speak?

Did Russians not genocide almost all Crimean Tatars while annexing Crimea recently? Did Russia/USSR not kill millions of Turks in Central Asia and successfully Russyfying them turning them into vodka-drinking Ivanovs? Or what about the Balkans? How many Turks were killed/deported?

Hell, are you Anatolian (sorry Turkish) nationalists not blaming Arab countries for killing all the Turkish-Arabs as well?

I'm willing to bet Pakistan would lose to Israel any day.

Of course they would. It is not a fight against Israel anyway but the entire West and USA. Obviously no Muslim country would stand a chance.

Remove Palestinians and replace them with Punjabis, Baloch, Sindhis, Pashtuns, Mujahir's whatever and put them in Palestinians place 70-80 years ago and the outcome would be the same or even worse.

But you know Arab-bashing is fashionable on PDF of late, so let them believe that a former imperial power and actual martial race (historically) such as Arabs are way weaker than them.

Have in mind that when the border of Pakistan and India was decided, a genuine genocide occurred on both sides (regretfully) that dwarfs anything the Palestinians and Jews have faced in Palestine/Israel but it is much less known.

And quite frankly, to lose, you need to have an official entity to lose. There was not even an independent Palestinian state prior to 1948.

Pakistan is one country surrounded by a host of enemies, one of which is 7 times its size in population, and without any semblance of natural resources to give it a head start.

You can’t compare them to a grouping of 22 Arab countries who vastly outnumber one single Israel, with huge geographical advantage & natural resources. They are effectively admitting defeat to Israel and giving up the Palestinian issue once and for all.

Read my post above. What you are saying is a fairytale.

"Tiny" Israel obtained nuclear weapons way before Pakistan did it. Israeli military tech is way more sophisticated and advanced than Pakistani and every other Muslim one. The Israeli lobby is many times more powerful than the non-existent Pakistani and Indian lobby put together. The Jews are the most "sacred" and "protected" race in the world. Say anything negative about Israel or Jews and you are instantly deemed an "anti-Semite". Israel is basically an US state. They have the full backing of the USA, West, Russia and all world powers. Always had. It is the most militarized country on earth.

I don't know in what alternative reality you are living in.

The West/world did not care when you were fighting several wars against India or when Bangladesh appeared on the map. The entire world cares about Al-Quds (Abrahamic at least) due to the religious/cultural importance of it. There are entire million big Christian sects in the US who take pride in serving the Jew and being a Jewish servant. You can check Youtube and watch videos where non-Jewish Americans are working for free in Israeli farms due to their beliefs.

The West/world only cares about Pakistan-India hostilities now, due to the nuclear element. Prior they did not care much which history is a proof of. Much less than the sacred Jews who apparently witnessed the Holocaust a few years prior to 1948, hence the Western guilt and 100% backing of Jews.

Another example, when Arab states were trying to obtain nuclear weapons long before Pakistan, while openly being hostile to Israel, the entire West prevented us. On the other hand nobody prevented you from obtaining a nuclear weapon, even though the US/West easily could. They wanted a balance against a pro-USSR India that and obtained nuclear weapons.

Facts, but it is easier to bash Arabs of course.

You think that the West would ever worry about a nuclear armed KSA or Iran if we were Christian nations with historical ties to European world powers and long-time allies? You think that the West wants a successful and powerful Arab world (neighbor)? When was that ever the case? Now please tell me what the Western governments are doing with Israel? Nothing but praise, "only real democracy in the Middle East", "chosen people" and what not. You live in the UK, the homeland of Zionists (bankrolled by the Jewish Rothschilds) but due to your Arab hatred, you have invented an alternative universe just to bash Arabs. Shameful and pathetic at the same time.
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Looks like muslims take Netanyahu more seriously than their own governments
Lost against whom? People who are 2/3 Arabs (Arab Jews) themselves? An entity that has the full backing and always had of the entire US, West, Russia, China and who have the most influential lobby in the world and whose army was made up by mostly battle-hardened WW2 Zionist survivors who fought against Palestinian peasants, farmers, fishermen, town dwellers etc.? Yet the Palestinians outnumber the Jews today and still inhabit large areas of Palestine and almost every part of Israel. Nor was it ever all Arabs vs Israel.

Remove the Western support, Western nuclear weapons, and Israel would not survive 1 day in a sea among Arabs (like throughout history) if they behaved as hostile.

BTW you forget that almost all Arab Jews ere deported from the Arab world. Only a few 1000 are left.

Anyway no need to put a smiley.

Tiny Armenia humiliated your Azeri brothers, did they not? Is China not supposedly having 3+ million Uyghur's in concentration camps while we speak?

Did Russians not genocide almost all Crimean Tatars while annexing Crimea recently? Did Russia/USSR not kill millions of Turks in Central Asia and successfully Russyfying them turning them into vodka-drinking Ivanovs? Or what about the Balkans? How many Turks were killed/deported?

Hell, are you Anatolian (sorry Turkish) nationalists not blaming Arab countries for killing all the Turkish-Arabs as well?

Of course they would. It is not a fight against Israel anyway but the entire West and USA. Obviously no Muslim country would stand a chance.

Remove Palestinians and replace them with Punjabis, Baloch, Sindhis, Pashtuns, Mujahir's whatever and put them in Palestinians place 70-80 years ago and the outcome would be the same or even worse.

But you know Arab-bashing is fashionable on PDF of late, so let them believe that a former imperial power and actual martial race (historically) such as Arabs are way weaker than them.

Have in mind that when the border of Pakistan and India was decided, a genuine genocide occurred on both sides (regretfully) that dwarfs anything the Palestinians and Jews have faced in Palestine/Israel but it is much less known.

And quite frankly, to lose, you need to have an official entity to lose. There was not even an independent Palestinian state prior to 1948.

Read my post above. What you are saying is a fairytale.

"Tiny" Israel obtained nuclear weapons way before Pakistan did it. Israeli military tech is way more sophisticated and advanced than Pakistani and every other Muslim one. The Israeli lobby is many times more powerful than the non-existent Pakistani and Indian lobby put together. The Jews are the most "sacred" and "protected" race in the world. Say anything negative about Israel or Jews and you are instantly deemed an "anti-Semite". Israel is basically an US state. They have the full backing of the USA, West, Russia and all world powers. Always had. It is the most militarized country on earth.

I don't know in what alternative reality you are living in.

The West/world did not care when you were fighting several wars against India or when Bangladesh appeared on the map. The entire world cares about Al-Quds (Abrahamic at least) due to the religious/cultural importance of it. There are entire million big Christian sects in the US who take pride in serving the Jew and being a Jewish servant. You can check Youtube and watch videos where non-Jewish Americans are working for free in Israeli farms due to their beliefs.

The West/world only cares about Pakistan-India hostilities now, due to the nuclear element. Prior they did not care much which history is a proof of. Much less than the sacred Jews who apparently witnessed the Holocaust a few years prior to 1948, hence the Western guilt and 100% backing of Jews.

Another example, when Arab states were trying to obtain nuclear weapons long before Pakistan, while openly being hostile to Israel, the entire West prevented us. On the other hand nobody prevented you from obtaining a nuclear weapon, even though the US/West easily could. They wanted a balance against a pro-USSR India that and obtained nuclear weapons.

Facts, but it is easier to bash Arabs of course.

You think that the West would ever worry about a nuclear armed KSA or Iran if we were Christian nations with historical ties to European world powers and long-time allies? You think that the West wants a successful and powerful Arab world (neighbor)? When was that ever the case? Now please tell me what the Western governments are doing with Israel? Nothing but praise, "only real democracy in the Middle East", "chosen people" and what not. You live in the UK, the homeland of Zionists (bankrolled by the Jewish Rothschilds) but due to your Arab hatred, you have invented an alternative universe just to bash Arabs. Shameful and pathetic at the same time.

You lost thats the fact, i don't now why you are talking about other conflicts in the end you lost. 500 million lost to 9 million and that 2/3 arab won't change the fact. So 2/3 of Arabs hate Arabs:-)?

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