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An Arab-Israeli alliance is taking shape in the Middle East

That will be funny when Iran has the nuke, lets see if they are willing to go to war against them lol
Islam is not a tangible asset that anybody can own. From a Muslim POV Islam is a universal religion and has absolutely nothing to do with Arabs. But everything to do with almighty Allah. From POV of a non Muslim it's just a fable. So you take your pick.

I can't hide the fact that I am enjoying the exposure of Arab sheeks for what they are. Yesterday's camel jockeys with oil now flowing from their ears and think just because they can own Lambos they are special. More to the point I am really celebrating recent events [even if the lesson has been expensive] and see all thopse Arab cuckolds writhing and sliming to cover up the reality. That Arans suck Israeli's, Americans and now have began to take a liking for Gangus as well.

Yes, Islam has nothing to do with Arabs. Let us all listen to this inferiority ridden genius whose tribes history and contribution to the world cannot even allow for a comparison with Arabs yet the same Arabized individual, keeps barking about Arabs left and right, while the same Arabs have kept his country afloat for decades and employ millions of his people. With his tribe excelling as taxi drivers in particular. Oh, the irony.

As for oil, when the word Pashtun did not even exist, your people did not eve have any recordings in history or even a developed Pashtun identity, alphabet (other than the Arab one that you have used since) etc., Arabs were ruling an area that stretched from France to China, creating the largest empire in history (back then) and one of the most influential to date, whose off-spring is the Arab and Muslim world and 100's of other contributions.

@Dubious I have nothing against Pashtuns, I know that most of them have favorably views of Arabs, but this troll keeps writing unmotivated insults about Arabs 24/7 and getting away with it in topics that do not concern him. Talks about Indians as well forgetting that he shares 100 times more things with them than we Arabs do. For starters, judging by his photos posted on PDF, he looks like one too.

Anyway Islam is a religion that happens to have originated in Arabia and among Arabs. A religion where 99.9% of all the actors in the story were Arab. A religion whose liturgic language is Arabic. A religion whose entire story evolved in Arab lands. The entire Islamic civilization is mostly the work of Arabs. Whether it be the theological, philosophical, scientific, architectural etc. contribution or the physical (geography) in the form of holy sites (Makkah, Madinah, Al-Quds, Karbala, Najaf). The same Arabs invented the Caliphate and ruled it for 1000 years starting with the Rashidun Caliphate to Umayyad, to Abbasid to Fatimid and 100's of other dynasties in Asia, Africa and Europe.

So no Islam as an religion does not belong to a particular ethnic group but obviously no other people have shaped it (anywhere remotely) as much as Arabs and most non-Muslims regard it as an Arab religion as well as they regard Judaism as an Jewish religion.

Arabs in this case (my post) being people from modern-day KSA, Arabia and the Arab Mashriq. In other words his imaginary "oily Arabs".

A shame that this fraud keeps kissing a certain body part of the oily Persians that he thinks that he shares anything in common with, lol.

KSA can easily make chemical weapons as @ArabianEmpires&Caliphates himself said.

Not make, KSA already has large stockpiles of chemical weapons with the most advanced and largest petrochemical sector in the Muslim world and one of the largest in the world.
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B and C weapons cant be compared to A ones, the iranians will be 1 step ahead regardless of Israel :P
Arabs really have fallen into a pit

Not that the numbers game won't work against Israel
Anyway this is Israeli media politics (for internal Israeli consumption) due to the ingrained Israeli fear of Arabs and their wish to live in peace and stability being a tiny spot (albeit bankrolled by US/West since their inception) in a sea of Arabs.

This is something that mostly only Arabs who are familiar with the Israeli politics will understand. This explains why Israel (wisely) keeps mentioning Arabs or Arab states to weaken the position of said states among each other or other Muslim states, as the average Muslim hordes are only good for screaming "death to Jews or death to Israel" not understanding anything (or much) aside from that.

HOWEVER, it is an undeniable fact that 2/3 of all Israeli Jews are Arab Jews (Jews from Arab countries, mostly Yemen, Morocco, Iraq, Egypt etc.), that 20% + of the Israeli population is Arab and that Israel in many ways has close historical, linguistic, ancestral, cultural etc. ties with us Arabs. Since millennia. Nobody can deny that or the fact that Arabs and Jews lived mostly peacefully during the Islamic age from Al-Andalus to the Muslim heartlands in the Arab world. Or the fact that Prophet Muhammad (saws) had dealings with Jews as well.

And may I add that throughout most of recorded history (99% of it) Arabs were the daddy in the relationship. Only the West/Holocaust/European guilt/constant bankrolling of Israel changed this fact. If not for that, Palestinians peasants alone would have dealt with those Eastern European (at first) Jewish settlers who started emerging 150 years ago.

The problem is Zionism and certain radical Israeli Zionists. Not all Israelis or Jews as a people.

However the prospect of a political solution, as difficult as it might be, should be applauded. There is no reason to wage wars if that can be prevented.

For starters Israel is a nuclear armed state, the Zionists control the US and much of the Western media, economy etc. and post WW2 and Holocaust the world will not allow large-scale persecution/killings of Jews so as proven in history, the main powers of the world will always aid Israel, so not a single Muslim nation will remove Israel without risking their very own existence.

In fact it is more realistic for Pakistan to somehow retake Kashmir from India than it is for Arabs or any Muslims to destroy Israel.


You are right about what you wrote earlier. Only Arabs have fought Israel in history, have inflicted the by far most harm against Israel to date, yet our Muslims brothers and sisters have done nothing, yet the same Muslim brothers and sisters, are fueling the flames and wanting us Arabs to fight Israel while they sit back and watch, while their own governments (in the case of Turkey) have decade old relations (close) with Israel. Welcome to PDF.
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same Arabs have kept his country afloat
Oil. Yes oil did that Yanks found for you, drilled it and then sold it allowing you to exchange your camels for cadillacs. And you just watch. When that oil becomes redundant KSA will be swallowed by that sand you love so much. UAE, Bahrain etc might survive but KSA population is too large and growing. Enjoy.

Better be a Pashtun for one glorious minute then a Arab for miserable thousand years. Other than Allah having bestowed on you the birthplace of the prophet Mohammed [pbuh] you have done nothing but carry out intense study of the underside of a camel. The diffusion and development of Islamic civilization fell on Levant, Persia, Turks etc.

I am done with wasting my time with you. Don't tag me anymore.

*Here have look at yourself before oil. It's gonna be back to future soon for you camel jockey.


And there is nothing wrong with working hard as a taxi driver. Only you living on oil fumes can dismiss such hard working men who keep your country moving.
Oil. Yes oil did that Yanks found for you, drilled it and then sold it allowing you to exchange your camels for cadillacs. And you just watch. When that oil becomes redundant KSA will be swallowed by that sand you love so much. UAE, Bahrain etc might survive but KSA population is too large and growing. Enjoy.

Better be a Pashtun for one glorious minute then a Arab for miserable thousand years. Other than Allah having bestowed on you the birthplace of the prophet Mohammed [pbuh] you have done nothing but carry out intense study of the underside of a camel. The diffusion and development of Islamic civilization fell on Levant, Persia, Turks etc.

I am done with wasting my time with you. Don't tag me anymore.

*Here have look at yourself before oil. It's gonna be back to future soon for you camel jockey.


This dimwit has clearly lost it.

The Arab world has always been one of the richest parts of the planet with Arabs being one of the richest people in the world long before oil was discovered. Arabs used to control some of the most prosperous trade routes in the ancient world for millennia. Some of the most sought after commodities of the ancient world were native to Arabia. Does the most ancient trade route, the Frankincense/Incense Route, ring any bells that used to supply ancient Greek and Roman temples with Arabian incense and other extremely wealthy and much sought after goods? The Greeks and Romans called Arabia for Arabia Felix (happy Arabia) for a reason as a reference to the wealth of Arabia. A wealth that is mentioned in ancient scriptures such as the Torah, Bible and Qur'an. Documented in history. A wealth that created wonders of the world such as Petra, Hatra, Mada'in Saleh, the Great Marib Dam and I could go on.

The same Arabs that created some of the largest, richest and most influential empires in history. Larger than any other Muslim group to this date. Long before the word Pashtun even existed. Long before your people were even recorded in freaking history! Let that sink in.:crazy:

The same Arabs who inhabit the most historic and richest area of the world in terms of history and heritage. Yes, those people. The cradle of civilization being the Arab Near East.

As for camels, they were the most expensive land animal for millennia, but not only that, Arabia was/is home to the domestication of the horse and the most famous horse breed in the world, the Arabian horse.


I am sure that your goats and donkeys were great in comparison.

In fact Arabs were such influential that an entire Sea that happens to border your 72 year old country, was named after us. Of course not by a coincidence but because we controlled the main sea routes (Arabian Sea/Indian Ocean trade) for millennia.

Sure, in your imaginary world.

As for your useless thread, that was already picked apart for all to see, and whose main argument is 1 photo of a group of Afro-Arabs somewhere in Yemen, even the poorest area of Arabia 100 years ago, was more wealthy than the region that you are from. Still is the case to this very day. Was the case for 99.9% of recorded history as well. If anyone is in doubt, they can visit the Pashtun heartland. War-torn Yemen is more prosperous.

Now please educate all of us here (especially those not from Pakistan) about the grandeur of Pashtuns compared to us Arabs who have contributed with knowing to the world, expect for you being partially Arabized on numerous fronts without even knowing it or wanting to admit it, while your lots sole contribution to us Arabs is working as taxi drivers, and no genius, I never wrote that there is anything wrong with that, millions of Arabs are taxi drivers as well. So quit the crying when your nonsense is picked apart.

You live in some alternative universe and at one point I actually thought that you were somewhat "smart" for the average PDF'er but clearly, despite your advanced age, you pull the IQ down with such insane drivel. I actually feel sorry for you.:lol:
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BAck on Topic...
The Moment ANY Arab country start any official peace/normalization with Israel,
he would be the main target of the others... Whoever it is...
Israel is the Red line.... you can do anything... Absolutely anything... But except that...

So whatever some Arabs are favorable for that... it's their own opinion... No need to make a generality...
BAck on Topic...
The Moment ANY Arab country start any official peace/normalization with Israel,
he would be the main target of the others... Whoever it is...
Israel is the Red line.... you can do anything... Absolutely anything... But except that...

So whatever some Arabs are favorable for that... it's their own opinion... No need to make a generality...

It seems not to have hurt Egypt, Jordan or Turkey for that matter. Or Azerbaijan. That is because the current hypocrisy of the Muslim world dictates that wealthy, successful and stable states such as the GCC (which are envied (the living standards and even the role of Islam in the society by the same anti-Israeli - as in people not preferring a political solution to the Palestinian question), if they establish some kind of relations with Israel, it is the greatest sin in the universe, while when other Muslims do it (even other Arabs), people barely take notice.

Let me even go further. When the former Emir of Qatar used to shake hands with Shimon Peres, nothing was thought about it, similarly when the Omani Sultan was shaking the hand of Netanyahu. Or when Erdogan used to shake hands with freaking Ariel Sharon.

There is not going to be a normalization as long as the Palestinian question is not solved. The ball is at the Israeli court. This has been stated time and time again.

And those of us who would prefer a political solution, who understand that almost 25% of all Israeli citizens are fellow Muslim Arabs, that 2/3 of all Israeli Jews are Arab Jews (Jews from Arab countries that we share everything in common with except for a closely related religion, passport and at times political ideology = not all Jews are Zionists), that Israel is not going to disappear overnight as long as the US/West exists (even China and Russia have excellent ties with Israel, let alone India) or that 80-90 years of conflict, does not equal eternal Arab-Jewish hostility, rather the contrary, for most of recorded history Arabs and Jews had very close ties, most of all the ancient Israelite kings were half Arab (for instance the mother of King Herod the Great was a Nabatean Arab princess from Hijaz) and his father himself was an Edomite (a Semitic people originally from Hijaz as well).

Quite clearly the current status quo is not working nor the empty speeches. As is the case with Kashmir and Uyghur's in China and many others (Rohingya etc.).

But was I wrote already, this statement from Netanyahu, is a deliberate statement that must be understood in the Israeli political context and the Israeli psyche.

The guy on the right is a Yemeni Jew. (the accent alone gives it a way), such Israelis are not our enemies and never were. Nor is the average Israeli Tunisian Jew an enemy.

In fact the whole notion of "permanent enemies" is completely moronic.

Prophet Muhammad (saws) had numerous dealings with Jews in Arabia but somehow 1400+ years later, we people, in 2019, cannot attempt to solve this issue politically and peacefully for the benefit of everyone, first of all Palestinians.

It is a regressive, backward and counterproductive philosophy that has brought nothing good. Not saying that you share it but unfortunately many Arabs do as we have been taught to do so by large or have shaped such opinions due to being exposed to the injustices that the Palestinians face. This is understandable, I was that way once too. I could never imagine even talking with a Jew until I met actual Jews, Arab Jews included, and had to change my narrow viewpoints and do some critical thinking. That does not mean that I support what Israel is doing at all, on the contrary, but it makes me understand that Jewish Israelis are humans like any other, with good and bad apples, and that politics, like anywhere else, in particular in our region, is cancer mostly.

Somehow our grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents etc. generations lived with Arab Jews peacefully side by side, but now we are supposedly deemed to kill each other until the end of times. I don't subscribe to that notion.
What genocide? If they wanted to there would be no Palestinians alive.
Genocide seems to be a concept you are completely unable to comprehend and understand.

I don't think Arabs have a choice here ..
But according to that etho-Supremacist Arab guy on this forum the entire Arab world can overwhelm Iran so easily...if that was the truth, then why form an alliance with people they shouldnt(at least for now)??
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