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An Arab-Israeli alliance is taking shape in the Middle East

The West keeps the Saudis in check though threats that the West will stop using oil and promote the use of nat gas and electric cars to destroy the Saudi oil economy if Saudi Arabia stops using petrol dollars.

That is the main reason why these environmental measures are not taken because the West needs the petrol dollar or the dollar collapses.


The demand for oil = demand for dollars = keeping the dollar solvent.
How is it Islam's reformation?

Quoting a murderer of Muslims cant bring any form of reformation!

It is Arab reformation!

I dont care what the twitter says!
Arabs control Islam whether you like it or not.
Lakh - 100,000
Lanat - Curse
Lakh Lanat - 100K curses
Lakh di Lanat - curses of 100k
Thuaday thay(Punjabi) - On you
Teray Pay (informal Urdu) - On you

Pakistanis use Lakh Lanat or Lakh di Lanat a lot for everything and everyone.

@Philip the Arab
THAT my friend is YOUR misunderstanding of Islam itself! Islam isnt CONTROLLED by anyone...It isnt a commodity/ property!
It isn't a commodity, but when an Arab nation has control over 2 holiest cities in Islam there is a monopoly that means Arabs control Islam indirectly.
It isn't a commodity, but when an Arab nation has control over 2 holiest cities in Islam there is a monopoly that means Arabs control Islam indirectly.
Control over 2 cities....that doesnt mean anything coz the whole world is Allah's not just 2 cities! Sure we have an attachment to the 2 cities but it isnt to show power but respect!
t isn't a commodity, but when an Arab nation has control over 2 holiest cities in Islam there is a monopoly that means Arabs control Islam indirectly.
Islam is not a tangible asset that anybody can own. From a Muslim POV Islam is a universal religion and has absolutely nothing to do with Arabs. But everything to do with almighty Allah. From POV of a non Muslim it's just a fable. So you take your pick.

I can't hide the fact that I am enjoying the exposure of Arab sheeks for what they are. Yesterday's camel jockeys with oil now flowing from their ears and think just because they can own Lambos they are special. More to the point I am really celebrating recent events [even if the lesson has been expensive] and see all thopse Arab cuckolds writhing and sliming to cover up the reality. That Arans suck Israeli's, Americans and now have began to take a liking for Gangus as well.
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