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An Arab-Israeli alliance is taking shape in the Middle East

Get what happened to the elections? Wasn't Benjamin Natenyahu jailed on corruption charges?
PM can't be jailed if he is in office. Both parties can't form majority in the Knesset so he stays ruling until next election in March of 2020 I think.
Israel was built as state for Jews while Arabs have plenty of states they don’t really care about tiny Israel if wasn’t for Jerusalem.

It was built as a state for European Jews, on land that did not belong to them. I'm sure all those Palestinians that were slaughtered and evicted from their homes by European settlers care.
Pakistan has to stay away from arabs. and show some form of neutrality even though we have a soft corner for Turks and iranians we have to be fair.

whoever divdes the muslims will enter hellfire. we pakistaniz would love to avoid hellfire. we shall be neutral.

also staying away from the state of israel is the best thing one can do. dont be their enemies and definitely dont be their friends. look at history what happened to palistine, egypt, russia, germany and now united states.

just stay away and you will be fine.
The Muslims have been divided for over 1400 years.
Armenian genocide is a genocide, Palestinians were never victims of genocide. As I said, there would be no Palestinians if they wanted.
By your logic, there should not be any Armenians either. Your logic is flawed.
I support if it will produce a permanent solution for Palestine.
Turks tried their best but obviously couldn't achieve it. Same with Jews, genocide of a whole population is almost impossible today.
And the Israelis are doing the same with only more modern methods. It's not only a genocide. Its also ethnic cleansing
I support if it will produce a permanent solution for Palestine.
If Trump is out of office and Biden is elected it will.

And the Israelis are doing the same with only more modern methods. It's not only a genocide. Its also ethnic cleansing
No they are not buddy, they could easily just completely destroy Gaza and kill everyone inside of it. Is that happening?
It was built as a state for European Jews, on land that did not belong to them. I'm sure all those Palestinians that were slaughtered and evicted from their homes by European settlers care.
So was the American countries in north and South America and Australia you can’t just tell them to leave.
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