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American documentary about Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1958)

ataturk avenue islamabad pakistan


Calling almost half of the world population "bigots" in an open forum :disagree:

You know very well that this guy's intention isnt to insult muslims, he himself is a muslim too, but you zulky as always are a troublemaker.

---------- Post added at 01:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:23 AM ----------

So every Turk is according to you obligated to like Ataturk? Critizising specific policies of his is out of the question? Stop the double standard. Turkey is fed up with double standards. And if you want to critizise the "ultra-conservatives" do it in a respectful manner, you are openly calling every Muslims a bigot.

No you don't have to love Ataturk pleasee.

Do you hold a Turkish passport? If yes please go to consul and give it back u don't deserve to hold Turkish citizenship, Ataturk's country, Ataturks flag dont visit the country either its his country!
With Muslim bigots I mean the ultra-conservative guys, because even if you're a Muslim you can still appreciate Atatürk, as you can see in Turkey. You can be a Muslim and stand up for secularism. I didn't mean to offend anyone.

thanks for your wise words! unfortunately this is a general problem among our hardliner Turkish diaspora! even our PM, the leader of a conservative party who identifys himself as a muslim PM calls for a secular Egypt, Tunisia and libya

and what is more unfortunate is these hardliners think their tolerance is a pre-request for any comment to appear here! people are not obligated to see eye to eye! Moreover, not even the most unconventional opinion which has been expressed in a quite inconvenient way, entitles anyone here to try to construct an "ENEMY" out of his/her people

But except very few I am glad to see that majorty here shares a common ground; TURKIYE! and our Achivments! and this is what matters!!

Erdogan calls for a secular Egypt | Egypt Independent


Respect is the key word!

ps: this not PM s office, its from AKP party center!

and I should say I am not a supporter of AKP,CHP, MHP or any other political party!
thanks for your wise words! unfortunately this is a general problem among our hardliner Turkish diaspora! even our PM, the leader of a conservative party who identifys himself as a muslim PM calls for a secular Egypt, Tunisia and libya

and what is more unfortunate is these hardliners think their tolerance is a pre-request for any comment to appear here! people are not obligated to see eye to eye! Moreover, not even the most unconventional opinion which has been expressed in a quite inconvenient way, entitles anyone here to try to construct an "ENEMY" out of his/her people

But except very few I am glad to see that majorty here shares a common ground; TURKIYE! and our Achivments! and this is what matters!!

Erdogan calls for a secular Egypt | Egypt Independent


Respect is the key word!

ps: this not PM s office, its from AKP party center!

and I should say I am not a supporter of AKP,CHP, MHP or any other political party!

The bold part doesn't even make any sense whatsoever. If you have a hard time explaining yourself in English do it in Turkish so it can be understandable. And i still think it is utterly disgusting that some people who call themselves Muslims can thank posts that call Muslims bigots, delusional, and calling Allah a "imaginary" friend. You don't even know who your true enemy is. 4 weeks ago Israel was your enemy and, today you thank every Israelis post even when their posts disgraces Muslims. What is more sad is that these Israelis posts that you thank, are the same persons who defended the slaughtering of Turkish civillians who were trying to bring food and shelter to Palestinian children in Gaza. Why do i even take people as low as you seriously?
not surprised at all! since making sense to you is not my concern! study more alexander! :lol:

What are you blabbering about? Your sentences are making no sense whatsoever. First learn how to communicate in English, and if you have the decency try to answer my questions. In the end, i was right about my assessment, should have ignored your kind long ago. Suporting Jews while they kill thousands of our Muslim brothers and sisters, good job man, you are making your ancestors proud. Mocking Islam, what else is there that you haven't yet done?

Edit: cry as much as you like, people with twisted mentality and people who are the enemy of their own country and Islam today are so insignificant and low positioned that they have no influence in anything at all. The future belongs to people with integrity and decency, not some nutjobs who favor the old repressive system where muslim Women aren't allowed into universities etc. Or where people who actually believes in Allah are called this or that. There is only one thing i can do about you and your autothankers, is pity and hope. I hope that one day you can be pragmatic enough to understand what is good and what is bad for Turkey. Instead of supporting countries that openly support PKK and kill our innocent civillians. Wake up from your delusions, just a few months ago you and your autothankers were discussing with Israelis because of the Flotilla, today you have fallen so low that you call Israel the "heaven in middle east" call our prophets teachigns "delusion" and Allah "imaginary friend". At least now people can see how low of a personality you people have.
What are you blabbering about? Your sentences are making no sense whatsoever. First learn how to communicate in English, and if you have the decency try to answer my questions. In the end, i was right about my assessment, should have ignored your kind long ago. Licking the arses of Jews while they kill thousands of our Muslim brothers and sisters, good job man, you are making your ancestors proud. Mocking Islam, what else is there that you haven't yet done?

get some manner first!

again and again straw man fallacy!
I'm not here to learn manners from people who think Allah is our "imaginary friend" or think our prophets teachings are "delusional" or that Israel is the "heaven in middle east" and that Muslims are "bigots". Where was your your manner when the user called What called Muslims bigots, or when Deno called Allah "imaginary friend"? Instead of warning them of OR defending your faith you THANKED their post. So before teaching me of anything, look at the mirror "straw man"
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