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Amar Jawan memorial vandalism

So you are saying then that India is Hindu India.. and especially Muslims..must be prosecuted and killed(even if they are converts from the land itself?)

plz dont assume too much. imagine a non muslim vandalizing minar e pakistan and the possible outburst of reaction.
It is heart breaking to see Amar jawan is destroyed. These idiots should be caught and made example to other mischief makers.
no I object (my county soil is also worth). just send them back with their belongings and some money. or provide them work visa for fw years (cancel it immediately and deport if they do anything illegal). Legally working BD popultion is good for them also (to earn money) and good for us also to get some cheap labour, at the same time we keep track of them and anyone found indulging in anti India activities is either jailed or deported immediately.

Just ensure not to give them citizenship and not to let them mix with Indian population.

Thats the real problem. No country provides citizenship faster to the illegals than India. The irony is that if you approach legally you have to face all type of bureaucratic hurdles in getting Indian citizenship.

India should learn from GCC countries on how firmly they maintain their foreign work force eventhough the foreigners outnumber locals in many GCC countries including UAE. If BDs want to come to India & work for a living, get a work visa and in no way they should be allowed to cross border with their family or allowed to marry in India.
this stupid vandalised Amar jawan memorial during the riots in mumbai

no respect for dead soldiers of ur country..............throw him in the sea:angry:

Have you seen the rioters who vandalised the Amar Jawan memorial? | NDTV.com

arseholes like these invite issues like gujrat......what the helll is this, what the furking is happening in assam how the helk it has anything to do with Mumbai? This is completely unacceptable and if things go worse because of this incident, I will blame only Muslims….during babri this people burned mumbai instead of delhi...even in Godhra, it was Muslims who first started off but unfortunately we don’t have the leadership of Modi in Mumbai, so it will be like “sab mar jao” ….I am not muslim or hindu…just a mumbaikar…but, things are not good in our country....dont see a good future for our kids!!! we allowed Pakistan just because Muslims wanted to have their own country…but we really played a very bad game and Jenah achieved his political aspirations!

My worst suggestion – Give Kashmir to Pakistan and also one hundred billion dollars, but they have to peacefully and gracefully accept all Muslims living in India…I guess this is the only solution I see, as muslims are more faithful to their religion than their nation…

Peace for all...
Best will be to catch those two scums and handover to Army and let them decide what to do with them :)
arseholes like these invite issues like gujrat......what the helll is this, what the furking is happening in assam how the helk it has anything to do with Mumbai? This is completely unacceptable and if things go worse because of this incident, I will blame only Muslims….during babri this people burned mumbai instead of delhi...even in Godhra, it was Muslims who first started off but unfortunately we don’t have the leadership of Modi in Mumbai, so it will be like “sab mar jao” ….I am not muslim or hindu…just a mumbaikar…but, things are not good in our country....dont see a good future for our kids!!! we allowed Pakistan just because Muslims wanted to have their own country…but we really played a very bad game and Jenah achieved his political aspirations!

My worst suggestion – Give Kashmir to Pakistan and also one hundred billion dollars, but they have to peacefully and gracefully accept all Muslims living in India…I guess this is the only solution I see, as muslims are more faithful to their religion than their nation…

Peace for all...

Does it occur to you that most Indian muslims actually want to live in India and not in pakistan, and that they have as much a right to live as Indians as you do? That neither you nor anybody else has the right to send people away from India on the basis of religion? Before thinking of asking pakistanis to accept Indian muslims, have you ever thought of asking Indian muslims if they want to go to pakistan? If they don't want to, and I can assure you that most don't, then who the eff are you to suggest something like that and to make a deal with pakkistan on something that concerns their fate?

Every time a muslim terrorist carries out an attack, muslims are expected to swear their patriotism and reaffirm their loyalty. As if that wasn't bad enough, now even acts of vandalism by a muslim carries the same penalty for the community? How would you feel, if every time a hindu vandalises public property (burning buses or throwing stones or any such thing that surely happens in a few places in the country everyday), non hindus start asking all hindus to migrate to nepal?
Does it occur to you that most Indian muslims actually want to live in India and not in pakistan, and that they have as much a right to live as Indians as you do? That neither you nor anybody else has the right to send people away from India on the basis of religion? Before thinking of asking pakistanis to accept Indian muslims, have you ever thought of asking Indian muslims if they want to go to pakistan? If they don't want to, and I can assure you that most don't, then who the eff are you to suggest something like that and to make a deal with pakkistan on something that concerns their fate?

Every time a muslim terrorist carries out an attack, muslims are expected to swear their patriotism and reaffirm their loyalty. As if that wasn't bad enough, now even acts of vandalism by a muslim carries the same penalty for the community? How would you feel, if every time a hindu vandalises public property (burning buses or throwing stones or any such thing that surely happens in a few places in the country everyday), non hindus start asking all hindus to migrate to nepal?

I entirely agree with this comment. It is preposterous that because of the actions of rioters in Bombay who did not number more than a few thousand, 160 million people are arraigned, accused, judged and sentenced by one idiot in one short comment.

If he was writing under his own name and in an Indian forum, an action for libel could have been a result.

Best will be to catch those two scums and handover to Army and let them decide what to do with them :)

The Army - the military in general - has no legal jurisdiction over an Indian citizen. They are not there to play out the dreams of armchair soldiers.

This POS guy is a deserter. For readers, the guy in white clothes desecrating the memorial with a lathi is ex-army Azhar Shaikh. He apparently used to attend extremist meetings in Hyderabad. Google his name and you will find more info.

Why the fvck do they want to hoist Pakistani flag? If they so love that country, why dont they just pack up and leave. On seconds thoughts, they should be made to. Period.

By whom? By a kangaroo court?

totally disagree with you. The reason why he wil be caught easily is that his face is on camera and the reason why he will not get killedin the police custody is because he i in media now. Its India my borther..its nopt easy to kill someone specially in a police custody , especialy after the news is as hyped as this one. I personally would like this bast@rd to be killed.

Please. I feel upset and angry too, but the incident does not justify killing anybody. Get a grip.

Yup he doesn;t know the significance coz he is Bangladeshi. Don;t worry we can easily march and show these bastards a thing or two about being civil.

How do you know he's Bangladeshi? There's nothing to show that, not his build, not his complexion, not his clothes. Why are you parroting somebody else's assumptions?
Sad but people in rage don't really think of the value of anything they destroy.

Yes, on top of all that we south-asians are know for fighting within ourselves... history does not lie! :(
We are the land of Mahatma Gandhi so if in mumbai amar jawan joti is kicked ...we should extend that to delhi on 15th aug....@India gate.... hamare mahatma ji ki philosophy thi ki jab agla marte marte thak kar beth jaye tab khade ho ke declare yourself as winner...
<sarcasm> just in case.... lol
Does it occur to you that most Indian muslims actually want to live in India and not in pakistan, and that they have as much a right to live as Indians as you do? That neither you nor anybody else has the right to send people away from India on the basis of religion? Before thinking of asking pakistanis to accept Indian muslims, have you ever thought of asking Indian muslims if they want to go to pakistan? If they don't want to, and I can assure you that most don't, then who the eff are you to suggest something like that and to make a deal with pakkistan on something that concerns their fate?......

People like you will continue to live in your own delusional world until India is divided again......and then.....it's not your fault ofcourse.......

Tell me, why should there be a riot in INDIA(Barring so many Muslim countries) for the plight of the Burmese Muslims......what India has got to do with Burma.......It defies OUR logic, don't know about people like YOURS.....

Everyone has the right to live in India...but no one has the right to divide it in the name of religion....and that's exactly what the 'Indian' Muslims have done once....so we are just wary.....
Therefore there is a sound logic behind sending Indian Muslims to countries that has been created specifically for THEM only, acc. to THEIR demand, by dividing India...

You are so concerned about the rights of Indian Muslims, but you don't have any problem when Pakistan forces the Pakistani Hindus to flee to India......
Your intentions are clear....it's up to us Indians to understand them or face another partition...

Every time a muslim terrorist carries out an attack, muslims are expected to swear their patriotism and reaffirm their loyalty. As if that wasn't bad enough, now even acts of vandalism by a muslim carries the same penalty for the community? How would you feel, if every time a hindu vandalises public property (burning buses or throwing stones or any such thing that surely happens in a few places in the country everyday), non hindus start asking all hindus to migrate to nepal?

Acc. to me, it was a clear case of religious intolerance and pure hatred against India....otherwise, without any reason, why would someone want to demean and destroy the things Indians respect ....I don't think any 'PATRIOTIC' Indian would ever what to do that under any circumstances......
If your so called 'Patriotic' Indian Muslims are not responsible for the act, then why didn't any Indian Muslim organization condemn the act so far.......

And why would Indian Hindus go to Nepal....was Nepal created on the basis of Religion?? Was Nepal created specifically for Hindus by partitioning India??........NO!.
Sad but people in rage don't really think of the value of anything they destroy.

Can the same logic be applied when the Muslims or the Islamic properties are the ones under attack or is it reserved only when Muslims are the vandals ?!
Can the same logic be applied when the Muslims or the Islamic properties are the ones under attack or is it reserved only when Muslims are the vandals ?!

The same logic has to be applied, of course, no doubt about that. WHOEVER breaks the law, irrespective of caste, creed or religion, should be punished, according to the law, nothing more, nothing less.

You know what is the real problem in India? That every time there is violence, a set of people start saying things FOR or AGAINST the violence based on some sectional interest. So Dalits are entitled to eat beef, say some who are pro-Dalit; they cannot anger the caste Hindu, say others; nobody bothers to check if it is against the law, or permitted under the law, the ONLY criterion that should matter.

Now Muslims riot, and everybody is busy taking positions either for the rioters, excusing their rage, or suggesting weird and barbaric responses - kill them, ship them out to a neighbouring Islamic country, hand them over to the Army - or for them, saying their rage drove them out of control.

What is this rubbish?

We cannot have violence; peaceful protest is allowed, violent protest is not. The rioters MUST be caught, charged and prosecuted. They MUST be sentenced according to the law. Rage is NOT an excuse for violence, nor is rage an excuse for making the kind of preposterous remarks that have been made by 'enraged' members here. If rage does not justify the crimes of the rioters, why should it justify your stupid remarks?

It is a citizen's duty to uphold the rule of law. Everything else said or done other than in support of upholding the law is an action against the country and its constitution. JUST as bad as rioting in intent, different only in scope.
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