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Amar Jawan memorial vandalism

And your response to failure to apply the law of the land is to react outside the law of the land? Does that sound rational evento you?

It is the remarks of people like Owaisi and Bukhari that create trouble. What gives you the impression that the displeasure you display, and the comments you make, do not contribute to the same situation being perpetuated? What makes you so sure that vandalism by one side will be cured by vandalism, or worse, by another side? And what were the remarks I protested against other than inflammatory remarks that will lead to the situation that seems to enrage you so much?

As for my refraining from calling remarks and comments stupid, those remarks and comments that are stupid need to be called stupid, whatever they have been caused by, just as these acts of vandalism are stupid, no matter what they have been caused by. Provocation is no good reason for stupidity, either by rioting in the streets, or by passing around the sentiment that illegal action will in some way rectify the situation.

First, stop making cheap remarks hinting that you are in some way in the forefront of a struggle and therefore are entitled to make egregious remarks without being questioned.

Second, I have already gone on record saying that my entire family lives by these principles, and we have faced threats from those who opposed it. The vandals who attacked my daughter, for instance, were vandals from the Shri Ram Sene. Where was your voice, where were your views, where were your comments when they were vandalizing restaurants and hotels and bars, even a few days ago? Does your anger come out only when Muslims are involved, or when vandals run riot?

What is your point? Is anybody arguing that citizens of the country who break the law should go unpunished? I said the exact opposite. And why do you skim over the way in which the rule of law is weakened by reacting to one illegal incident by an illegal reponse?

Are you raising your voice outside your house? In a protest meeting, perhaps? In a citizen's group, marching to tell the politicians to stop fooling around and to act to enforce the law? Or are you just sitting in your house exuding righteous indignation at every pore at your computer?

Don't be such a hypocrite, please.

Who is asking for anything else but the expulsion of faith from consideration in the public realm, or objecting to everything being brought under the ambitious of the administration? The AIMPLB is a totally self-certified bunch of interfering swine who have no business creating confusion, but what are we supposed to do about them? Other than ignore them for the regressive and mediaeval norms and principles they stand for.

Your point about Waqf and Waqf Boards escapes me. What harm has this done to anyone?

if hindu temples are brought under the admin of the govt so should the church and the wakf properties.
I shall respond to this discussion later as i need to run. thanks for your response and feedbcak
if hindu temples are brought under the admin of the govt so should the church and the wakf properties.
I shall respond to this discussion later as i need to run. thanks for your response and feedbcak

Are you not aware that Waqf properties are under the government?
Then how every now and then the mishandling of Waqf properties are heard.

In the same way that there was a cattle feed scandal in Bihar, or a Bofors scandal in Delhi, or multiple scandals with land use in Bombay and in Hyderabad and in Bangalore, or....should I go on?

Btw, waqf properties are mishandled. Want to learn how? You won't much like the answer.
In the same way that there was a cattle feed scandal in Bihar, or a Bofors scandal in Delhi, or multiple scandals with land use in Bombay and in Hyderabad and in Bangalore, or....should I go on?

Btw, waqf properties are mishandled. Want to learn how? You won't much like the answer.

Please enlighten me sir. I heard even Mukesh Ambani's billion dollar home is on Waqf Land.
I would be very wary of attributing sinister motives to this riot. Unfortunately, the violence that happens with a mob is usually completely unrelated to the cause of the protest in the first place. I remember when a legendary Kannada actor Rajkumar passed away due to natural causes, the mourning took an ugly shape & everything in sight was attacked, including a Microsoft office & the German retail giant Metro which was looted. A young police officer was bludgeoned to death by the mob after cornering him. There was no purpose, no reason behind the violence. After all the state or the police were not responsible for the what was a natural death. Unfortunately we have seen a growing lumpenism of our society & I fear that this particular incident in Mumbai was no different. I might still be wrong & darker motives proved true but I would urge caution into reading something more than what we know.
Does it occur to you that most Indian muslims actually want to live in India and not in pakistan, and that they have as much a right to live as Indians as you do? That neither you nor anybody else has the right to send people away from India on the basis of religion? Before thinking of asking pakistanis to accept Indian muslims, have you ever thought of asking Indian muslims if they want to go to pakistan? If they don't want to, and I can assure you that most don't, then who the eff are you to suggest something like that and to make a deal with pakkistan on something that concerns their fate?

Every time a muslim terrorist carries out an attack, muslims are expected to swear their patriotism and reaffirm their loyalty. As if that wasn't bad enough, now even acts of vandalism by a muslim carries the same penalty for the community? How would you feel, if every time a hindu vandalises public property (burning buses or throwing stones or any such thing that surely happens in a few places in the country everyday), non hindus start asking all hindus to migrate to nepal?

100% agreed with you Mam!!!

I''ll again urge all Indians, do not be emotional, and do not be emotional fools. Do not let a lowly street ruffian and an act of vandalism defeat your ideas and ideals. Do not push your own people away, if there are bad aples in Muslims there are bad apples in Hindus too. you REALLY want to defeat such idiots? Then you must stay calm and united and you will know how powerless a street ruffian is.
the problem behind alienation of muslims is because of muslim appeasement only ! for studying of muslims there are madarsas , and they impart them only alienation and no beneficial knowledge ! they are made to feel since they are born that they are different, and so they become ! only those muslims who actually mix up in general populace , grow up to be normal ! educated and smart muslims know that religious persecution is due to their own religious intolerance , so they bend backwards to correct that impression of muslims . the truth is that there are no true muslims , everyone of them is selectively following the points he prefers in islam . that is the reason why there have been a enough patriots among muslims that justifies my respect for the big enough community in general.
100% agreed with you Mam!!!

I''ll again urge all Indians, do not be emotional, and do not be emotional fools. Do not let a lowly street ruffian and an act of vandalism defeat your ideas and ideals. Do not push your own people away, if there are bad aples in Muslims there are bad apples in Hindus too. you REALLY want to defeat such idiots? Then you must stay calm and united and you will know how powerless a street ruffian is.

It's not about bad apples, yes there are bad apples who want to hoist Pakistan's national flag in Hyderabad or vandalize Amar Jawan Jyoti and torch and kill people because of Muslim of Myanmar or Bangladesh but it's about mentality, mentality to put everything about their religion above their country, 50,000 rowdy mob against Myanmar/India, did 50 accumulated for protest against 26/11, SIMI, IM.

Expect a crowd of rowdy, illiterate, violent crowd of 1,00,000 if tomorrow someone speaks something (and rightly so) against multiple marriage or using of contraceptives or madarsa Education or early marriage or anti-India statement from Jama Masjid or against Israel or against Babri Masjid verdict or against Burkha Ban or against some stupid Fatwa or against some stupid Islamic Personal Law, do you want mob rule in India..if there would have been firing in Azad Maidan and 15-20 Muslims would have died and riots would have been erupted, who would have been responsible..?
It's not about bad apples, yes there are bad apples who want to hoist Pakistan's national flag in Hyderabad or vandalize Amar Jawan Jyoti and torch and kill people because of Muslim of Myanmar or Bangladesh but it's about mentality, mentality to put everything about their religion above their country, 50,000 rowdy mob against Myanmar/India, did 50 accumulated for protest against 26/11, SIMI, IM.

Expect a crowd of rowdy, illiterate, violent crowd of 1,00,000 if tomorrow someone speaks something (and rightly so) against multiple marriage or using of contraceptives or madarsa Education or early marriage or anti-India statement from Jama Masjid or against Israel or against Babri Masjid verdict or against Burkha Ban or against some stupid Fatwa or against some stupid Islamic Personal Law, do you want mob rule in India..if there would have been firing in Azad Maidan and 15-20 Muslims would have died and riots would have been erupted, who would have been responsible..?

I don''t want mob rule in India - of Muslims or of Hindus. Yet you see hindu and muslim mobs and that is a problem.

Instead of addressing that issue, if we start calling all Indian muslims names (that has happened on the thread) then that is counterproductive.

If you think Hindus have bad leaders, spare a thought for muslims. Their leaders are 10 times worse, and that hurts them more than it hurts a hindu.

I acknowledge the problem, but the definition and solution is something I ask all to do with caution. Whatever you do do not end up playing the game your enemy wants.

Right Bro..Indian Muslims should start speaking against these traitors and not join forces or defend them..but do they do the needful?
As for my refraining from calling remarks and comments stupid, those remarks and comments that are stupid need to be called stupid, whatever they have been caused by, just as these acts of vandalism are stupid, no matter what they have been caused by. Provocation is no good reason for stupidity, either by rioting in the streets, or by passing around the sentiment that illegal action will in some way rectify the situation.

This was the post you chose to respond to

Can the same logic be applied when the Muslims or the Islamic properties are the ones under attack or is it reserved only when Muslims are the vandals ?!

which was a question posed for the comment below

Sad but people in rage don't really think of the value of anything they destroy.

Where do you see a call for rioting in the comment? It was a question not even addressed to you!!

I was asking someone if the same logic of rage can be applied for the cases of Myanmar and Assam against which the so called protest started that too at a place that had nothing to do with the incidents. It was then you decided to jump in to give the moral lectures to all! I don't know if that post was stupid or your response to it.. You appeared all charged up to attack me for asking a question which was valid in my opinion.. Why can't tolerance be adopted by certain groups?

First, stop making cheap remarks hinting that you are in some way in the forefront of a struggle and therefore are entitled to make egregious remarks without being questioned.
I agree that comment of mine was not needed. apologies for the same!!

Second, I have already gone on record saying that my entire family lives by these principles, and we have faced threats from those who opposed it. The vandals who attacked my daughter, for instance, were vandals from the Shri Ram Sene. Where was your voice, where were your views, where were your comments when they were vandalizing restaurants and hotels and bars, even a few days ago?

Again I would say the same what I said before , please spare us teaching the principles that you live with!! Why do you expect everyone to live with a certain way of thinking like yours? Let me tell you, I have protested against the Ram Sene attacks in Bangalore and am against their actions at other places as well. If they are the vandals then I think India will be better off without those scums. How did you reach the judgement that you gave on me? Do you want me to somehow report every feeling of mine to you?

Does your anger come out only when Muslims are involved, or when vandals run riot?

I have stated what I felt about other incidents above and I would like the same type of treatment to Ram sene and other groups as well as the vandals of this riot. So now please stop passing blames and stop delivering judgement!

What is your point? Is anybody arguing that citizens of the country who break the law should go unpunished? I said the exact opposite. And why do you skim over the way in which the rule of law is weakened by reacting to one illegal incident by an illegal response?

My point is there is no political will to act against such menace and the existing laws and political system is too weak to take action against such vandals. Rule of law has failed miserably to stop even one such events till now due to vote bank politics. Seeing all that what else you expect from people. They are and they will chose for an alternate to deal with the menace, obviously out of frustration..

Are you raising your voice outside your house? In a protest meeting, perhaps? In a citizen's group, marching to tell the politicians to stop fooling around and to act to enforce the law? Or are you just sitting in your house exuding righteous indignation at every pore at your computer?

You do realize Internet is a very powerful medium in this age.. Lots of recent protests started via Internet and social networking sites!! These calls need to be made so that govt drops a certain attitude and make laws which are effective and works so that people will not get a chance to gather again ready with gallons of kerosene with the sole intention of arson and attacks!
I don''t want mob rule in India - of Muslims or of Hindus. Yet you see hindu and muslim mobs and that is a problem.

Instead of addressing that issue, if we start calling all Indian muslims names (that has happened on the thread) then that is counterproductive.

If you think Hindus have bad leaders, spare a thought for muslims. Their leaders are 10 times worse, and that hurts them more than it hurts a hindu.

I acknowledge the problem, but the definition and solution is something I ask all to do with caution. Whatever you do do not end up playing the game your enemy wants.

Yes equating all Indian Muslims with these scums is retard but ignoring facts and brushing the problem under the carpet is also not very clever, if we have a problem we will have to face it and solve it constructively and the Educated Elite Indian Muslims will have to take the lead but the questions is will they or can they..?
this stupid vandalised Amar jawan memorial during the riots in mumbai

no respect for dead soldiers of ur country..............throw him in the sea:angry:
How shameless can that misguided Muslim youth get? This memorial commemorates the sacrifices of both Hindus and Muslims during the great Indian Mutiny of 1857.

Does he even know that more than half a million Muslims sacrificed their lives for India during the various phases of the great 1857 revolt – a fact almost buried like the mutineers themselves?

And he kicks their memorial? These buggers should be shot to rot in Hell for eternity.
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