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Amar Jawan memorial vandalism

Pune blasts. Mumbai violence. Pune attacks on students.

There is a pattern emerging.
A pub? They attacked 25 young women with placards marching along a road.

And you find a difference in these do you? What a refined sensibility! Would that be about the same difference as thrashing you with a horsewhip and giving you a tight slap across your face?

If anything the ram sene attack is definitely pre planned, whereas a mob of 50,000 youth going out of control (or made to) is totally plausible.

One is a case of 'media stunt' and the other is a 'religio-socio-politico' problem but for you guys both are same, so I guess then Gujrat riots and chairs thrown on Tasleema Nasreen somewhere would also be the same. one being thrashing with a horsewhip and the other being a tight slap acrossthe face

Yawn, even the mumbai police says it was a preplanned attack.
Group of muslim men had came with lathis,stones and kerosene to arson and create ruckus .

Real aim was to sent a warning message to media and through the media to wider public . They wanted to show strength of theirs numbers that they can't be taken lightly whatever that means or else things will turn violent.

If you don't find anything sinister in it how will you explain targeted attacks on NE students in pune ??

Point taken. What i meant was that the organisers of the protest & the rioters may not necessarily be one & the same. Again, could be wrong.

The attack on the NE students was clearly planned.

If they were trying to send a message out, they were doing it stupidly. The only message that everyone seems to be taking away from this is that the police need to crackdown & hard.
Pls don't drag Hindus into this. We have nothing to do with happened in Azad Maidan. As for propaganda I would really like to know what propaganda was spread by Hindu extremists that caused this riots.

I am talking not specific to this incidence, talking in general that both sides spread propaganda. Just before Mumbai incidence propaganda SMS was sent to incite people. Those who send those SMS should be caught. In most cases these propaganda is false and fabricated, but gullible people fall for it. I am asking all to not generalize.

I feel India needs strong anti rioting laws. If we have 4 years jail for rioting, it will act as detterence. We should also fine the organizer.
Point taken. What i meant was that the organisers of the protest & the rioters may not necessarily be one & the same. Again, could be wrong.

The attack on the NE students was clearly planned.

If they were trying to send a message out, they were doing it stupidly. The only message that everyone seems to be taking away from this is that the police need to crackdown & hard.

1 or 2 NE students committed suicide and NE students were on street demanding 'justice' and the media especially Times Now and its host Arnab Gosawmi was doing hour long programs on the discrimination of NE students. Where are they now?
One is a case of 'media stunt' and the other is a 'religio-socio-politico' problem but for you guys both are same, so I guess then Gujrat riots and chairs thrown on Tasleema Nasreen somewhere would also be the same. one being thrashing with a horsewhip and the other being a tight slap acrossthe face


Media stunt?

You are really ill-informed. This was not their initial stunt in Mangalore, but the savage attacks they made subsequently in Bangalore. Not media stunts. Thugs attacking unarmed youngsters.
How did U even did come to come conclusion that muslims weren't present in Anna's dharna
I have myself seen them

Dunno about Ramdev's Baba dharna though

I been there. What was the number of people ? I wish if this number join the Anna, but not possible they don't care. Even great preacher Dr.Zakir Naik most liberal and educate never show up, he is busy teaching Islam on Peace TV. Not all of them are same but yes majority choose this path. Why not educate or liberal come to participate.

These illegal bangladeshi or burma people coming illegally and making mess in our country, and only in India majority of muslim people are supporting them just because of they are muslims. If the action has to taken then simply they related to the religion and it will become issue even literate one easily get misguided, they are limited to the book and mullahs if not why not help and come front to these peoples. Why so scare fatwa, nobody cares only applicable on poor peoples.

I hope these goons ashamed every single muslim in India including you. Why not they go the Palestine to joined them, if they feel very sad to deep. This was not protest.

And the thing is why We should bother whatever is going Myanmar or any where in world. Don't bring Muslim brotherhood $hit in our democracy. And if they or Jehadis have balls then go to the Wagha border and get warm welcome always.
I am talking not specific to this incidence, talking in general that both sides spread propaganda. Just before Mumbai incidence propaganda SMS was sent to incite people. Those who send those SMS should be caught. In most cases these propaganda is false and fabricated, but gullible people fall for it. I am asking all to not generalize.

I will not generalize if you show me incidents of national monuments commemorating martyred soldiers being destroyed by other communities.
I would be very wary of attributing sinister motives to this riot. Unfortunately, the violence that happens with a mob is usually completely unrelated to the cause of the protest in the first place. I remember when a legendary Kannada actor Rajkumar passed away due to natural causes, the mourning took an ugly shape & everything in sight was attacked, including a Microsoft office & the German retail giant Metro which was looted. A young police officer was bludgeoned to death by the mob after cornering him. There was no purpose, no reason behind the violence. After all the state or the police were not responsible for the what was a natural death. Unfortunately we have seen a growing lumpenism of our society & I fear that this particular incident in Mumbai was no different. I might still be wrong & darker motives proved true but I would urge caution into reading something more than what we know.
The reports already claim that it was pre-mediated. But then you only need a little push to turn a peaceful gathering of people into a frenzied violent mob! Anywho, all that upgrading of Mumbai police equipment and training comes to nought now? What does one blame? Intelligence failure or inability of the police force.
Btw, I was in B'lore when those stupid riots happened and had to drop a classmate to her house through that! Mindless destruction of property I say.

@Joe Shearer, my comment about packing people off was simply venting off non-related steam.
Sikhs die in US - Sikhs in India don't start rioting
Christians die in Nigeria - Christians in India don't start rioting

why are all the bad apples in one community..?

there are bad apples in all the community, in some more and in some less.. However, please blame the govt if they cannot ensure peace, it is their duty to anticipate the bad apples..

No one has the right to push another out just because his community has more of the bad apples..
Media stunt?

You are really ill-informed. This was not their initial stunt in Mangalore, but the savage attacks they made subsequently in Bangalore. Not media stunts. Thugs attacking unarmed youngsters.

Motive my friend motive..are you sure you can't differentiate between some goons attacking some people, claiming to be thekedaars of Indian culture and 50,000 religiously motivated mob attacking police/media/buses/public property in Mumbai for Muslims of Myanmar/Bangladesh? :rofl::rofl:

there are bad apples in all the community, in some more and in some less.. However, please blame the govt if they cannot ensure peace, it is their duty to anticipate the bad apples..

No one has the right to push another out just because his community has more of the bad apples..

I don't have anything against Muslims, and have tons of Muslim friends and I am proud of them and I really respect Islam but I am also not blind or dumb enough so that I won't call a spade a spade. Other than the Government, it's also the responsibility of educated Muslims of India to stand up against this religious hooliganism and give a proper direction, purpose and thinking to the community
Motive my friend motive..are you sure you can't differentiate between some goons attacking some people claiming to be thekedaars of Indian culture and 50,000 religiously motivated mob attacking police/media/buses/public property in Mumbai for Muslims of Myanmar/Bangladesh? :rofl::rofl:

So people protesting against women being attacked are thekedars of Indian culture, but you can say what you like about whom you like and remain a cool, detached observer? pardon me but your hypocrisy is nauseating.

And try not to call me friend, even as an insult. It would seriously embarrass me if people thought I befriended vermin.
I don't have anything against Muslims, and have tons of Muslim friends and I am proud of them and I really respect Islam but I am also not blind or dumb enough so that I won't call a spade a spade. Other than the Government, it's also the responsibility of educated Muslims of India to stand up against this religious hooliganism and give a proper direction, purpose and thinking to the community

All that is in the purview of laws and if you have issues with those, pressurize the govt, after all sane citizens do outnumber these hooligans, they can represent a strong case.
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