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Amar Jawan memorial vandalism

Destroying buses, shops, govt. properties etc. is DIFFERENT from destroying memorials and monuments....

I'm not supporting any of them....I am of stern opinion that this mob culture should be dealt with heavy hands...

I'm just pointing out the difference between the two....

People can have anger towards a certain community, sect, religion etc....and this exist more or less in every country......
we have quite often seen outbursts of such anger and destruction of public/private properties, loss of lives as a consequence in almost all countries of the word, including India......
These things are equally hateable......BUT nowhere you will see, such outbursts leading to destruction of monuments/memorials/status/tombs etc...
History tells us that such behavior is only seen in outsiders/invaders/separatists who don't have any respect for the country and its culture.....Or want to alienate from its culture and create their own identity by dividing the country.....

Monuments and Memorial are associated with the history of the country.....they are the symbols of what the country stands for... targeting them indicate pure hatred towards the country....Now, why would a citizen of India, hate INDIA????......this is the point of primary concern.....

Remember the memorial was also dedicated to Muslim Martyrs who gave their lives defending India...
Thus, by targeting it, a certain portion of Muslims have shown that they are even against those Muslims who consider India as their country and ready to defend it which their lives....
This clearly shows that they're up against India, NOT against any community/sect/religion etc.....

The fact that NO Muslim organization condemned the act, shows that majority of the Muslims are in this category.....and the handful who aren't will eventually give in, as for Muslims, Religion always comes before Nationality....
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