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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs


My referance design for serial production is the one revealed at first. The evaluation with additional modifications are also proceeding in parallel to it. The key components are the armour blocks Roketsan produces.

Imagine the roketsan artillery systems + firtina + panter+ Altay + Atak + indigenous armoured vehicles + indigenous rifle etc. all in the same exercise. Perhaps at an efes exercise where indigenous lct's assault the beach with indigenous corvettes and frigates in the back ground. 20 years of important developments will then be clearly seen. I can' wait. :bounce:
Imagine the roketsan artillery systems + firtina + panter+ Altay + Atak + indigenous armoured vehicles + indigenous rifle etc. all in the same exercise. Perhaps at an efes exercise where indigenous lct's assault the beach with indigenous corvettes and frigates in the back ground. 20 years of important developments will then be clearly seen. I can' wait. :bounce:
Sounds great but lets add two not indigenous things like Levent class LHD with F-35B on Efes exercise. :smitten:
Altay is going to overtake many modern tanks in terms of production numbers but I hope This country which is developed one of the best tank, isn't called as the one that can't develop proper 120mm munitions thanks to MKE.
Altay is going to overtake many modern tanks in terms of production numbers but I hope This country which is developed one of the best tank, isn't called as the one that can't develop proper 120mm munitions thanks to MKE.
Still under development, developed but faulty, or abandoned?
Still under development, developed but faulty, or abandoned?

On paper, There is a project aiming to develop 120mm munitions but It is MKE that should do it. It is the same MKE that can't use Roketsan fuses on 155mm munition trials so accused Roketsan engineers; or failed to develop MPT-76 around third time until KALE designed tens of problematic parts; or failed to produce Flare munitions on many attempts until Aselsan helps...etc
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Not have any idea bro but I think The shape of turret, especially front section will be changed more.

We had a discussion in one of the Turkish forums about what it could be, they came to a conclusion of it being IFF device and pointed at K2 MBT as their basis for the argument.

They laughed at me when I suggested MWS :(
We had a discussion in one of the Turkish forums about what it could be, they came to a conclusion of it being IFF device and pointed at K2 MBT as their basis for the argument.
View attachment 191780
They laughed at me when I suggested MWS :(

It finally looks more modern and technological.

But those side-mirrors... They just do not fit in...

Why do they exist anyway? Do they no use cameras for views?

And another question, I've heard that 'automatic reload system' will not be added to Altay, any news on that? Will Altay also get that tech like its brother in South Korea?
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