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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs


(picture is taken from; http://www.motormudur.com/2017/01/altay-tank-icin-ukrayna-ve-alman-motoru.html?m=1 )

Is it possible to use 2 engines instead of one? 2*6TD3 make up 2,4t according to chart, 400kg more than MT883. Difference would increase to 500 if we would include transmission. 0,5t wouldnt make so much differences, but needed volume would also be doubled.

It could be better if our government could be little bit smarter before NAZI block starts military embargo on us. It was so clear. It's just sad. We should have secure all the sources from the beginning of the project.

(picture is taken from; http://www.motormudur.com/2017/01/altay-tank-icin-ukrayna-ve-alman-motoru.html?m=1 )

Is it possible to use 2 engines instead of one? 2*6TD3 make up 2,4t according to chart, 400kg more than MT883. Difference would increase to 500 if we would include transmission. 0,5t wouldnt make so much differences, but needed volume would also be doubled.

It could be better if our government could be little bit smarter before NAZI block starts military embargo on us. It was so clear. It's just sad. We should have secure all the sources from the beginning of the project.
V and U shaped engine is as same as connecting two engine.
using two seperated engine would be hard and more problematic.
V tipi motorda Iki motorun pistonlari bir krank ustunde birlestirlirse daha etkili olur. Iki ayri motoru ayni anda idare etmek buyuk sorun.
Tekerlegi yeniden kesfe gerek yok.
En iyi motoru(mt 883) klonlamayi dusunmuyorlar midir acaba?
Hk416 nin gunumuz en iyi tufegi oldugunu bilip ve kopyalayanlar , gunumuz motorunun en iyisi oldugunu bizden iyi biliyorlardir.
I am sorry but Who would buy Turkish MBT with NATO gun and the western engine?
UAE wouldnt buy because UAE has 500 p. Leclerc with german MT engine.
Saudis also have American M1s.
Egypt will never.
Libya, Tunus , Morocco today dont need big ttanks. They have another problems.
African countries can not find food to eat how they will buy.

I dont think Pakistan would buy tank with 120mm NATO gun. Pakistan under sunctions .They will go for Chinese tank.
May be I am much more pesimist.

Pakistan is not under any sanction.. lol

also Altay weight category does not suit Pakistan's terrain, even our eastern neighbour is hesitent to add heavy weight arjun tanks in great numbers. Pakistan is interested in armour and some systems used on altay for its own tanks though.

The Turkish and Ukrainian governments have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to purchase 1,500-hp diesel engines from Ukraine's Kharkiv Morozov to supply the Turkish Altay tank, Turkish defense magazine C4Devins reported.

Turkish Prime Minister Ben Ali Yildirm and his Ukrainian counterpart Fludomir Grossman signed the memorandum of understanding during the latter's visit to Ankara on March 14, the magazine said.

Turkey has shown interest in the Ukrainian tank engines, he said, adding that the agreement between the two governments was a positive step forward.

Turkey's decision to buy tank engines from Ukraine came after the Austrian government decided in December to stop exporting military equipment to Turkey on the pretext of preventing its use against the opposition.

A delegation from the Ukrainian defense bloc, which includes 130 companies and engineering institutions, signed a memorandum of understanding with the Turkish General Presidency of Military Industries to pave the way for projects including programs such as missile defense, armor technology, tanks, space, engines, satellites and fighter jets.

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Seems like Altay is turning out to be a dead project.

It's been YEARS and it's still in a lingo.

The world will come up with superior tanks or pass by the tank era entirely by the time Altay becomes operational.

C'mon Turkey!
This Ukrainian Engine is designed for 40 t Tanks like Oplot T-84/80.

Altay the disastrous crap of a copy paste Tank is a true fatass with 65-70 Tons (Without skirt Armor!!!!)
Would Pakistan prefer NATO calibers 120mm tank gun?
@IsmailDemirSSM: Altay icin yapilan gorusmelerimizde seri uretime gectigimizde motor ile ilgili bir sıkıntı yasanmayacagini goruyoruz.

@IsmailDemirSSM: Altay tanki talebi kuvvetten gelecek. Bizim tahminimiz 250+500 adet talep gelecegi.
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Undersecretary Minister of Defence

@IsmailDemirSSM: We expect about Altay, there will not be a problem with the engine when we go to serial production
@IsmailDemirSSM: Request for Altay will come from the Turkish Army. We expect 250 + 500 units.
I hope you are aware that you cant manipulate how fast a car is driving at certain RPM's just with software manipulation.

No. It was a simple remark. Most engines are capable for more power within the production tolerances.
With Software modification you can unlock speed limits and get also more torque.
No. It was a simple remark. Most engines are capable for more power within the production tolerances.
With Software modification you can unlock speed limits and get also more torque.

Those limitations putted there for safety. If you remove it mechanisms will start to falter.
This Ukrainian Engine is designed for 40 t Tanks like Oplot T-84/80.

Altay the disastrous crap of a copy paste Tank is a true fatass with 65-70 Tons (Without skirt Armor!!!!)
Bu adamı ne zaman görsem "banned".
Bu adam banlıysa nasıl yazıyor?
Şaka gibi.
are this talk for domestic engine or for all engines because germans dont want to sell us their engines?

arn't there british engines to buy?
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