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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

What I saw is some tricks of the other tank cost calculation per unit.


2006 -> SA purchased 58 x M1A2 and unit cost is $17,241,379 -> delivered in 5 years
2013-> SA purchased 69 x M1A2 and unit cost is $1,923,188 -> delivered in 1 year

They said avg cost is $8,918,898. Most probably 2013 delivery is not brand new tank makes M1A2 cheaper.(deliver in 1 year) And also imagine that they are producing M1A2 since 1992.

Army Guide
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500 ALTAY tankının envantere girmesiyle birlikte TSK envanterindeki tankların yarısını ALTAY tankları oluşturacak. Halen TSK envanterinde bine yakın tank bulunuyor.

Is this information correct? So we really have about 1000 tanks? I have watched at least 2000 destroyed Assad tank videos in last 4 years and bastard still has plenty of them, and many of them captured by rebels etc. So I think he had about +5000 tanks in his army, but we have only 1000?
Is this information correct? So we really have about 1000 tanks? I have watched at least 2000 destroyed Assad tank videos in last 4 years and bastard still has plenty of them, and many of them captured by rebels etc. So I think he had about +5000 tanks in his army, but we have only 1000?
AFAIK ,first batch will be 500 with MTU engine. Second batch will be additional 500 with TUMOSAN engine.They are not mentioning 2nd batch as they are waiting for outcome from domestic engine development. I think if we succeed for the domestic engine development , I am sure production qty will be increased, due to TSK and also for the potential exports requests.
Is this information correct? So we really have about 1000 tanks? I have watched at least 2000 destroyed Assad tank videos in last 4 years and bastard still has plenty of them, and many of them captured by rebels etc. So I think he had about +5000 tanks in his army, but we have only 1000?

Bro, Altay+Akkor will be more than enough to cope with Syrian+Russian junks deployed in Syria. Altay is designed to do it so 1000 is an impressive number for a tank like We mentioned. Each Altay+Command control information system is not only an attacking system but also an surveillance armoured vehicle thanks to 360 degree rotating independent periscope. CCIS of Altay is able to contact all other Altay teams to mark enemy positions on STM developed moving maps. To penetrate Altay, The enemy should firstly penetrate Akkor shild, Than heavy armour blocks. Until this time, Altay's QWIP based dual thermals + image analyse softwares will detect enemy tanks longer range than a common Ruski tanks to sent multiple of those junks into hell.
Can't we use one of 5 prototypes in action in south east after they passed winter tests? Can't wait to see Altay in action :)
Is this information correct? So we really have about 1000 tanks? I have watched at least 2000 destroyed Assad tank videos in last 4 years and bastard still has plenty of them, and many of them captured by rebels etc. So I think he had about +5000 tanks in his army, but we have only 1000?

Syria has always been heavily focused on armor and they got some of the best the USSR got to offer because they were willing to hurt us to proof themselves to the USSR.

We have smaller numbers of LEO2/LEO1/M60T but a lot of M60A3/M48 etc. Though the older tanks are probably getting switched out every once in a while.

Even though they still have plenty of tanks there are signs that they're getting hit hard. I've seen them switch from full military vehicles to looking like a militia by employing pick-up tricks/civilian vehicles as well as bringing back historic pieces. Think self-propelled howitzers of 3-4 generations old.

And why do you think Russia is sending in T-90s as well as possible modern T-72? Same goes for Kamaz trucks, Tigr apcs etc. 99% of the time SAA just flees and leaves everything standing, including perfectly fine tanks as well as a shit ton of ammunition. I've never seen them rig/blow up their supplies before fleeing.

Check out these links for more info on their tanks, you can also find more info about stuff Russia has sent over.

Oryx Blog: Syria's Steel Beasts: The T-55

Oryx Blog: Syria's Steel Beasts: The T-62

Oryx Blog: Syria's Steel Beasts: The T-72
Is this information correct? So we really have about 1000 tanks? I have watched at least 2000 destroyed Assad tank videos in last 4 years and bastard still has plenty of them, and many of them captured by rebels etc. So I think he had about +5000 tanks in his army, but we have only 1000?

SAA had around 4500 MBTs of all models and makes (t-55, t-62,t-72). same way turkey has around 4500 MBTs of all makes and models (m-48, m-60, leo1, leo2). many m-48s are in storage or used for spare parts.
Şirketimiz ile Savunma Sanayi Müsteşarlığı (SMM) arasında imzalanan "Milli İmkanlarla Modern Tank Üretim Projesi" (Altay Projesi), Dönem I Türk Ana Muharebe Tankı Tasarım ve Prototip Üretimi Ana Sözleşmesi çerçevesinde yürütülen çalışmalarda geliştirme süreçleri ve prototip üretimleri tamamlanmış olup,
projedeki son aşama olan sistem kalifikasyon ve kabul testleri halen devam etmektedir.

Ayrıca, mevcut sözleşmemizin ilgili maddeleri çerçevesinde 250 adet tank üretimi ve bunların Entegre Lojistik Destek faaliyetlerine ilişkin Altay Projesi Dönem II Seri Üretim Projesi için teklif dosyası 18.01.2016 tarihinde SSM'na sunulmuştur.
SSM, sunulan dosya üzerinde yapacağı değerlendirme çalışması sonrasında seri üretim süreci ile ilgili görüşünü oluşturacaktır.

Proje ile ilgili önemli gelişmeler kesinleştiği aşamada, kamuoyuna ayrıca duyurulacaktır.

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