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All military bases in the Middle East within range of Iran missiles

there is a troop built up near Syrian border .. us and Jordanian forces are gearing up for the assault most likely .. Iran is now feeling the heat

LOL yeah feeling the Heat cause Jordanians and Americans are their Good Joke question how do u no they are there and getting ready to attack .

I am sure Syrians no how to defend their country but question to u is then why do u at the same time have a problem with American forces attacking Pakistan.
LOL yeah feeling the Heat cause Jordanians and Americans are their Good Joke question how do u no they are there and getting ready to attack .

I am sure Syrians no how to defend their country but question to u is then why do u at the same time have a problem with American forces attacking Pakistan.

Yes of course, but I would like to correct an error here in your post, you said "Syrians" will defend...etc. Well, we are willing to fight to rescue them from the butcher's hands. We are just going to crush Al-Assad gangs, and free Syrians from those monsters. :cool:

I wish that Iran bury the hatchet with America/Israel then shaft these Sauds from West and East.

Sauds are bigger traitors to us Muslims.

I guess we have agreed not to talk in the name of Muslims, haven't we Aran-B?
Due to incompetence and cowardines of indian pm, we are feeling high petroleum price. this man bowed at usa and stop iranian oil import.

I like iran coz they have helped india in past. now its our term to pay back, india must officially stand with iran.

but our coward kingress govt are spineless maggot, they can't stand against evil. fcuk ingratitude kongress.
Yes of course, but I would like to correct an error here in your post, you said "Syrians" will defend...etc. Well, we are willing to fight to rescue them from the butcher's hands. We are going to crush Al-Assad gangs, and free Syrians from those monsters. :cool:

So when is the fight for Palestinians and there stolen land is Going to start as we no Israelis have been butchering them in cold blood with total immunity for decades or cause daddy Israel decides witch Muslims to Kill and which to fight for and that's how you go about.

Fight has been going on for a while last i checked Syrians whooped your ***** and you had to ask UN for cease fire but i guess this time it will be different.
So when is the fight for Palestinians and there stolen land is Going to start as we no Israelis have been butchering them in cold blood with total immunity for decades or cause daddy Israel decides witch Muslims to Kill and which to fight for and that's how you go about.

Fight has been going on for a while last i checked Syrians whooped your ***** and you had to ask UN for cease fire but i guess this time it will be different.

You mean when Hafez (Bashar's father) army attacked Jordan!?:lol: well... we did crush them and kicked them out with heavy loss. Nevertheless we allowed them to pull back their dead troops bodies from our lands.

Say hello to the eagles:
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war is not solution of anything & i suggest to U.S.A to resolve the matter in table talk
if USA start fighting with iran its very dangerous for both country and might be possible usa lost this war because USA also trouble in Afghanistan and many chances to lost this war
Due to incompetence and cowardines of indian pm, we are feeling high petroleum price. this man bowed at usa and stop iranian oil import.

I like iran coz they have helped india in past. now its our term to pay back, india must officially stand with iran.

but our coward kingress govt are spineless maggot, they can't stand against evil. fcuk ingratitude kongress.

when a war erupted b/w pakistan and india >>> saudi arabia officially will stand by pakistan and lets see what ur lovers in iran going to do . would they support u agents pakistan or will take a side.
i'm answering to those who think we will lose a war against USA or etc .... . just after the end of iraq-iran war we had understood that our next war will be with one of the world superpowers, so we started to grow and build whatever we need to defend our country , our doctrine is a defensive one, and we always said this for million times. We have just one point in the case of military: Defend your country so our science can improve.
Even we won't attack SA or GCC . but if they start it we will show them that our weapons are enhanced with our faith and with the help of Imam Mahdi (عج ) we will defuse every attack against iran, and then all will see that Idealism is more than what ever they think.
this is our way: SHIA ISLAMIC IRAN
Iran shahb 3 3b has a CEP of 50 meters and can warhead of 1000-1500 Tons.

1000 - 1500 tons? Do you realize how wrong you are?

all of GCC and USA navy can be destroyed By a large arsenal of NAVAL BALLISTIC missiles. then US airforce can do nothing .(we can lunch 5000 missiles per day just in the persian gulf.... remember that the US sanctum is less than 500 meters . lol
all airports can be destroyed by sejjil 2 .
then our gran soldiers that are more than 5 million can eat you to the bones.

but we won't attack, you want to attack , then ok start. it will be more easier than 8 years of iraq-iran war.
You guys are excessively optimistic about your capabilities. This will be your undoing in a major conflict.

Ballistic Missiles are weapons of intimidation. They can be used against stationary targets but not mobile ones. And ballistic missiles never guarantee victory. Lessons from history should not be forgotten.

Iran is only boosting its harassment capabilities with its arsenal of ballistic missiles. Nothing else.

Cruise missiles are the real deal.

war is not solution of anything & i suggest to U.S.A to resolve the matter in table talk
if USA start fighting with iran its very dangerous for both country and might be possible usa lost this war because USA also trouble in Afghanistan and many chances to lost this war
Iran is another Gulf War hype in the making.
i'm answering to those who think we will lose a war against USA or etc .... . just after the end of iraq-iran war we had understood that our next war will be with one of the world superpowers, so we started to grow and build whatever we need to defend our country , our doctrine is a defensive one, and we always said this for million times. We have just one point in the case of military: Defend your country so our science can improve.

I don't see how you can win in a conflict with USA. You struggled with Iraq and somehow now, you can withstand the might of the lone superpower?. :lol: This is the type of wishful thinking I am talking about. :usflag:

Even we won't attack SA or GCC . but if they start it we will show them that our weapons are enhanced with our faith and with the help of Imam Mahdi (عج ) we will defuse every attack against iran, and then all will see that Idealism is more than what ever they think.
this is our way: SHIA ISLAMIC IRAN

If SA and/or GCC do start a conflict with Iran, it would be happily supported by the US and Israel. So are you telling me the Mighty Iran can take on SA, GCC, US and Israel?. :lol: :usflag:

Does Iran have a Death Star in space to help you achieve this?. :agree::usflag:
when a war erupted b/w pakistan and india >>> saudi arabia officially will stand by pakistan and lets see what ur lovers in iran going to do . would they support u agents pakistan or will take a side.
We do what we did with Azerbaiejan and Armanistan war ,it mean we simply act as mdiator between the two country to end the war .
Unlike for you The war between Pakistan and India is not joyous for us ,for us its a war inside a family that is handiwork of a well known old master of discord and disharmony . When you look at the india and pakistan border you'll see many families who live near borders have relatives on the otherside, honnestly its sad when you see relatives have to oen fire on each other.
In short for you as the aprentice of master of discord (englad) a war between India and Pakistan is Ideal but for us peace and friendships between the two country is ideal .

Now before you come out and say tnen why ahmadinejad said that enemy of pakistan is enemy of iran , just let ask you who is the enemy of pakistan ? You may say its india but then you must then answer why pakistan commerce with india is far more tnan all their commerce with arab countries ?
Let just tell you as how we see it we believe extermists , terrorists and foreigners that came from 10000km away are the enemy of pakistan , and I guess there is no need to tell you in the region who is the supporter of those enemies
Let just tell you as how we see it we believe extermists , terrorists and foreigners that came from 10000km away are the enemy of pakistan , and I guess there is no need to tell you in the region who is the supporter of those enemies

This was the most important. Indians are our enemies but the real enemy is America. But just as you rightly remind us that Sauds are American proxy you should not mind us reminding you India is also American proxy

1000 - 1500 tons? Do you realize how wrong you are?

You guys are excessively optimistic about your capabilities. This will be your undoing in a major conflict.

Ballistic Missiles are weapons of intimidation. They can be used against stationary targets but not mobile ones. And ballistic missiles never guarantee victory. Lessons from history should not be forgotten.

Iran is only boosting its harassment capabilities with its arsenal of ballistic missiles. Nothing else.

Cruise missiles are the real deal.
Well it show you don't know anything about Shahab-3b it has three warhead one 750kg warhead that make the range of missile around 2000km , one warhead that weight about 1 ton but reduce the range to 1300km ,and one is a cluster warhead with the weight of one ton and 1400 bomblet.
About ballistic missile that can hit a ship I think the reason you cant believe it is denial of awe , in short you cant believe it because from childhood western propaganda machine imprinted the belife of western supermacy so hard on you that know its impossible for you to belive others can do things that westerners cant do.
We had a percise missile ,we had a reentry vessel that could manuever to escape interceptors ,we only need an over the horizon radar to made the antiship ballistic missile possible ,and now we made our radar ,so we combined them and the result was persian gulf missile as chinese combined their systems and the result was df-21d.
in short you cant believe it because from childhood western propaganda machine imprinted the belife of western supermacy so hard on you that know its impossible for you to belive others can do things that westerners cant do.

There are some people like this on this forum. They have an inferiority complex which manifests itself as a superiority complex. We should educate them.
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