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All military bases in the Middle East within range of Iran missiles

I don't see how you can win in a conflict with USA. You struggled with Iraq and somehow now, you can withstand the might of the lone superpower?. :lol: This is the type of wishful thinking I am talking about. :usflag:

If SA and/or GCC do start a conflict with Iran, it would be happily supported by the US and Israel. So are you telling me the Mighty Iran can take on SA, GCC, US and Israel?. :lol: :usflag:

Does Iran have a Death Star in space to help you achieve this?. :agree::usflag:
Not the deathstar ,its simple at the time of iran-iraq war we were at our weakest ,for everything we relayed on west and the sanctions did to our army what it did to Iraq army in 2003 ,but somehow we managed to stand our ground and against all odds and suports that iraq recieved we did what all western millitary analysts though impossible .
That war thought us one thing ,that in future its certain that we again face crisis that we will be alone against all odds and that gave us a vision ,in that for the last 25 year we worked for one thing and that is not to rely on others for our defence , right now gcc countries spending milliards after milliards on the western eauipment without undetstanding ,how those wrapons are working, the results is just one week after western country cut support for those weapons they will be nothing more than junks .and believe me the west wont hesitate to betray you look what happen to argengina at falkland war ,wasnt't it france that gave the code for exocet missiles to england and by doing so made UK victory something done .

In short right now we are confiednt because 25 years ago we precieved that the next one who attack us is not one of our neighbours as they are two group one have no enemity with us and the one that have enemity with us learned it very well that we are willing to go to war for 8 year if to defend ourselves and they well knew what this war will do to their economy. so since then we planned how to defend ourselves against one of the so called superpowers , if you want to see from where we have our confidence you can look at the lebanon of 2006 and how a 1000 man strong force made a 30000 strong force look like fool and even the support of 300 fighter jet and blindly bombing civillias did not helped israel
lol. being protected by a major regional power (iran) and 2 major global powers is no joke (russia,china)
those are just rumours to statisfy pro al saud forum trolls

There is another side of coin. Iran has proved itself to be as capable that whole US/EU won’t be able to win over Iran as per their current debt woes and at the same time it has been accepted by most of the other powers of the world that fall of Iran may reduce their deterrence capabilities by a big margin, which they simply won’t accept. Till Libya it was somehow accepted but from now onwards, none of non-NATO countries will let US/West win any more war. :no: We will simply not let them win any more war. :disagree: From now onwards, US/West will have to only talk and solve their international disputes, without any more wars, they don’t have any other option. :wave:

Western aggression has made the whole world angry as with fall of their economies, they are now going back to the age when they captured different parts of the world to maintain their lifestyle and rest of the world will not let US/West move further in this direction. Fall of Iran will mean as fall of civilization from this world and we will then have to become animals to fight for our rights in this world which we won’t let happen. :angry: see comment of even Indian PM as below. World would simply not let Iran down as it will then reduce our deterrence capabilities by a big margin. US/West will have to live with a powerful and successful Iran, sooner they accept it, better they will be able to think in the right direction for future plan…………………..

India disapproves of use of force to change regimes

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Saturday strongly criticized Western countries for using force to change regimes in West Asia and North African countries, reported local newspaper The Times of India Sunday.

In a clear reference to Libya and Syria, Singh told the UN General Assembly session that societies cannot be re-ordered by outsiders through military force and absence of democracy and rule of law cannot be a pretext to violate sovereignty and integrity of countries.

India disapproves of use of force to change regimes: PM - People's Daily Online

oh yes, that's what you don't have wahhabi brother. lol ولایت معنوی
this is make a great will for our soldiers, but your soldiers fight for nothing infact.
i don't mean he will come and help us directly but his velaiat will keep us well fighting. i think we had showed it to the world in iraq-iran war. we had prisoners from 18 countries, aboyt 58 countries helped saddam and etc. so ....

but what about arab countries that say we are the real Muslims? the were defeated in 6 days ....

a good shame for you...
oh yes, that's what you don't have wahhabi brother. lol ولایت معنوی
this is make a great will for our soldiers, but your soldiers fight for nothing infact.
i don't mean he will come and help us directly but his velaiat will keep us well fighting. i think we had showed it to the world in iraq-iran war. we had prisoners from 18 countries, aboyt 58 countries helped saddam and etc. so ....

but what about arab countries that say we are the real Muslims? the were defeated in 6 days ....

a good shame for you...

Now I am very comfortable about anything from Iran. Will be fun i say. :lol:
oh yes, that's what you don't have wahhabi brother. lol ولایت معنوی
this is make a great will for our soldiers, but your soldiers fight for nothing infact.
i don't mean he will come and help us directly but his velaiat will keep us well fighting. i think we had showed it to the world in iraq-iran war. we had prisoners from 18 countries, aboyt 58 countries helped saddam and etc. so ....

but what about arab countries that say we are the real Muslims? the were defeated in 6 days ....

a good shame for you...
You should've said with the help of Allah. Your Mahdi can't help you without God.
yes, his velaiat is under the allah velaiat, but we want him to rescue the world so our programs will be in his way and when we ask our imams there is one reason: they are with allah and we ask them to ask god for help . and this is our belief, you have yours and we can't change it.

but a little expample: you dad is mad of you , so you ask your mom to calm daddy . because asking mom is much easier than asking dad and mom is closer to dad so she can do it better for us.
yes, his velaiat is under the allah velaiat, but we want him to rescue the world so our programs will be in his way and when we ask our imams there is one reason: they are with allah and we ask them to ask god for help . and this is our belief, you have yours and we can't change it.

but a little expample: you dad is mad of you , so you ask your mom to calm daddy . because asking mom is much easier than asking dad and mom is closer to dad so she can do it better for us.

We believe that God should be asked directly because he is omnipotent and can hear everyone and everything and treats everyone equally. But at the end of the day for you your religion and for me mine.
yes, his velaiat is under the allah velaiat, but we want him to rescue the world so our programs will be in his way and when we ask our imams there is one reason: they are with allah and we ask them to ask god for help . and this is our belief, you have yours and we can't change it.

but a little expample: you dad is mad of you , so you ask your mom to calm daddy . because asking mom is much easier than asking dad and mom is closer to dad so she can do it better for us.
{And your Lord says, "Call upon Me; I will respond to you." Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell [rendered] contemptible.}(40:60)
We are not Catholics, there is no middle man in Islam. Everything is in his hands alone, why is it too much to ask for you ask only Allah.
If Allah didn't guide your Mehdi, he would go to hill, so as the prophet Mohammed.
Read the Qur'an if you believe in it and stop listening to your Mullahs. they can't help you in judgement day.
Please stop religious discussion.we both know it is going nowhere,so why bother to do it?everyone stick to topic, please.
As mosa said our beliefs is ours and your beliefs is yours,it is obvious that we can't convince each other in such matters through Internet and in cyber world!
What about antimissile system who has the leading technology......
It is indeed funny how most middle east problems come over disagreement over how God should be prayed to don't you think?? Really sad and funny at the same time.

That's why I don't believe in any religion! Every person is a direct creation of God, and therefore has an absolutely unique relationship with him, without the need for intermediaries or instruction books. Therefore, any institution that attempts to mediate, regulate, control and offer a uniform understanding of God will by necessity get in the way of that relationship. In short, if you wanna get closer to God, dump religion...
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