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All military bases in the Middle East within range of Iran missiles

Hahaha Political Suicide bombing is what it is. They think because they have a few missiles the world will bow to them. The only thing iran is very capable of is being a pain in the a$$. And it's threats I pretty much about how mich a pain in the a$$ they are :lol:

I understand that those warmongering slogans are just directed to insiders (Iranians), to distract them from the bad economic and social conditions in Iran. They know very well, no one believe those BS but uneducated people. It's very simple Mosa:
Every Saudi F-15 carries 11 ton high precision weapons while Iranian Shahab-3 has 500 kg with 750-1500 m cep.
every single thing in your post is bs.
Iran shahb 3 3b has a CEP of 50 meters and can warhead of 1000-1500 Tons.
sejill 2 which is Iran most advanced missile has a CEP much less then shahab, and mach 11 in it's final phase.
Iran missile will be loaded with chemical weapons.
The gcc airforce will only be used againt their own population when they try overthrowing the regime :rofl::lol:
as soon as war breaks, your oil fields, airports, power station will go bye bye.
Also how the **** will you planes even get near Iran? HAHAHAHAHA
1 Iranian missile with 10 grams of anthrax will kill all your wahabi friends.

Seriously PGK go read the books I gave you that talk of war capbilotes of both nations and then come trolling. Gp educate yourself in the matter more I am sure we will have much more civilized and productive discussions that way.

I understand that those warmongering slogans are just directed to insiders (Iranians), to distract them from the bad economic and social conditions in Iran. They know very well, no one believe those BS but uneducated people. It's very simple Mosa:
Every Saudi F-15 carries 11 ton high precision weapons while Iranian Shahab-3 has 500 kg with 750-1500 m cep.

Forget it BlackEagle:

ان تنادي ان أسمعت حيا و لكن لا حياة لمن تنادي

Or something like that.
Iran hardly wont do any damage, if they kill 1 American we will kill 1 hundred thousand of theirs.

Stay out of our way and run
all of GCC and USA navy can be destroyed By a large arsenal of NAVAL BALLISTIC missiles. then US airforce can do nothing .(we can lunch 5000 missiles per day just in the persian gulf.... remember that the US sanctum is less than 500 meters . lol
all airports can be destroyed by sejjil 2 .
then our gran soldiers that are more than 5 million can eat you to the bones.

but we won't attack, you want to attack , then ok start. it will be more easier than 8 years of iraq-iran war.
Hahaha Political Suicide bombing is what it is. They think because they have a few missiles the world will bow to them. The only thing iran is very capable of is being a pain in the a$$. And it's threats I pretty much about how mich a pain in the a$$ they are :lol:

Wrong,don't you really see that it is KSA and Al Saud that is a real pain in ME's a$$?
Our missiles are for defensive purposes,at least we haven't pis*ed in our pants like Saudis who are buying fancy military stuff everyday having an Iran paranoia.Americans know how fat and rich Saudi sheikhs are,very good hunt for them.You are making Amercan arms industry richer and richer.keep up selling yourselves to them :tup:
If war breaks out then I want Iran to give a hammering to the GCC especially Saudi Arabia.

You can support whatever you want..But beleive the biggest looser in war in middle east would be India and Pakistan...
Diplomatically India is not really against any one....Noone has done any harm to India so that India should take sides against other one....Diplomatically India and SA are very much cooperative to each other....And Iran has not any thing so that India should not support her...

So coming to the big question....India should ask herself? Who needs whom? Does India need SA or Does India need Iran?
If above is true then beggars not choosers..So India should remain neutral.....Without any doubt India is an too much insignificant player in middle east....

If India thinks India is too much significant that she should takes sides...then India should ask both Iran and SA a simple question?....In case of India and Pakistan war breaks out ...which side both Iran and SA will take???? And we all Indian know the answer...So no need to mention here...

So i have a simple request to Indian friends here...be responsible when putting comments in this middle east issue....Neither SA,Iran not Isreal is our enemey.....So why to take sides....And on the top of it we are not significant enough to takes sides....
So stop putting an irresponsible comment like You like to go for SA or Iran...
S.A and iranian fight second most fierce fight after pakistan and india:p:P:p:P

anyway something arabs need to know that iran is very powerful and very capable and arabs who dont have missiles wpont do **** to it however if america comes to war then yeah iran will lose and america will lose in its own way. ok i know that they wanted shia uprising but not anymore so let it all go iran is a muslim country and i hate it when arab countries threaten to attack it. we are making peace with them the world is shunning them so how about actually shaking hands with them. if any war happens i know the backlash pakistan will have to suffer and i know us cant afford it and i know that arabs are not strong enough ot fight this alone they are coming up with defences everyday you are not buying 12 planes wont win you the war it could result the same as the seven day war did unless america comes then its hell....

i say untill iran does not make a threatening gesture no war is justified against it and iran deserves to have nuclear weapon but i dont trust the western news these guys have a huge propaganda going on about who is more evil iran or pakistan
all of GCC and USA navy can be destroyed By a large arsenal of NAVAL BALLISTIC missiles. then US airforce can do nothing .(we can lunch 5000 missiles per day just in the persian gulf.... remember that the US sanctum is less than 500 meters . lol
all airports can be destroyed by sejjil 2 .
then our gran soldiers that are more than 5 million can eat you to the bones.
but we won't attack, you want to attack , then ok start. it will be more easier than 8 years of iraq-iran war.

I am sure Iranian experts are far more capable than Chinese and Russians of skipping all the following requirements. I am very impressed by Iranian hyper-intelligence that developed such an ultra high tech, high precision anti naval ballistic missile,which took from Russians and Chinese decades of developments, several advanced space sattellites, UAVs as well as advanced inertial guidance systems. I am really impressed!


China has reportedly developed and tested the world's first anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) called DF-21D, with a maximum range of around 2,700 kilometres (1,700 mi), in 2005, according to the US Department of Defense. It is estimated to have reached initial operating capability in 2007 or 2008. The guidance system is thought to be still in an evolutionary process as more UAV and satellites are added[/B]. The DF-21 anti-ship ballistic missile itself is assumed to have entered active service by 2009.
The US Department of Defense has stated that China has developed and reached initial operating capability of a conventionally-armed high hypersonic land-based anti-ship ballistic missile based on the DF-21. This would be the world's first ASBM and the world's first weapons system capable of targeting a moving aircraft carrier strike group from long-range, land-based mobile launchers. These would combine maneuverable reentry vehicles (MaRVs) with some kind of terminal guidance system. Such a missile may have been tested in 2005-6, and the launch of the Jianbing-5/YaoGan-1 and Jianbing-6/YaoGan-2 satellites would give the Chinese targeting information from SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) and visual imaging respectively. The upgrades would greatly enhance China's ability to conduct sea-denial operations to prevent US carriers from intervening in the Taiwan Strait.

A professor at the U.S. Naval War College says that carrier-killing missiles underscore that the U.S. can no longer assume naval supremacy as it has since the end of World War II.
United States Naval Institute in 2009 stated that the warhead is large enough to destroy an aircraft carrier in one hit. If the ballistic missile worked as theorized, then ships currently could not defend against it. The US Navy, after concentrating for a decade on a fleet that could operate in shallow water, in response quickly seemed to change its strategy in favor of a deep sea fleet and defenses against ballistic missiles.
The United States Navy has responded by switching its focus from a close blockade force of shallow water vessels to return to building deep water ballistic defense destroyers. The United States has also assigned most of its ballistic missile defense capable ships to the Pacific, extended the BMD program to all Aegis destroyers and increased procurement of SM-3 BMD missiles. The United States also has a large network optimized for tracking ballistic missile launches which may give carrier groups sufficient warning in order to move away from the target area while the missile is in flight.

Marshall Hoyler writes that the Chinese should be able to overwhelm the American Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System simply because it is cheaper for them to add additional ASBM (and decoys) inside their own country than it is for the United States to have additional forward deployed SM-3s in Arleigh Burke class destroyers standing ready in the Western Pacific. This is especially true if as John E. Pike suggests, multiple interceptors may be required to ensure a kill on every incoming ASBM.
Admiral Gary Roughead has said that America's few land bases in the Pacific are far more vulnerable to Chinese ballistic missiles because unlike the aircraft carriers they can't evade.
Use of such missile has been said by some experts to potentially lead to nuclear exchange, regional arms races with India and Japan, and the end of the INF Treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union, which the Peoples Republic of China is not a party of.
Some have also suggested China could develop a "MIRVd" DF-21D with multiple independent missiles.
China has recently launched a series of satellites to support its ASBM efforts:
Yaogan-VII electro-optical satellite - 9 December 2009
Yaogan-VIII synthetic aperture radar satellite - 14 December 2009
Yaogan-IX Naval Ocean Surveillance System (NOSS) constellation (3 satellites in formation) - 5 March 2010.
China is reported to be working on an Over-the-horizon radar to locate the targets for the ASBM.
Retard go research the PERSIAN gulf missile and then talk.
the chinese missile is ballistic with range of 3000KM while Iran's has range of 400Km, they have been created for different scenarios.

^ LMAO high-tech Saudi camel missile luncher last version LOL
No offense saudis, just kidding

Man why did you edited it
LOL , loot there are two naval ballestic missile : one chineese with 3000km range but i can't hit good but khalij fars with 400km is too good cep -50meters.
Russians and Chinese wont be found no where (except medical help) .. i hope you have seen the pictures masomania has just posted

So you have watched Syrian forces commit this act other wise how do u no this isn't the job of Saudi & Israeli supported terrorist and how do u no that Russian and Chinese will or will not help just cause you support the terrorist this Time so you think they will stay out.
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