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Aleppo Clashes Threaten to Spill into Turkish Territory

Okay lets get back on topic. How would turkey react if this tomb was attacked? Would they just bomb it with artillery and jets or would they send in troops to eliminate the threat and then secure the location and station more troops there?

Just dont reply to that biased arab. He's butt hurt. Management does not look for our calls. Let him think what he wants. He's not Jesus after all.

Do we know how many soldiers stationed there atm?

One infantry platoon from 3rd Army Command.

Okay lets get back on topic. How would turkey react if this tomb was attacked? Would they just bomb it with artillery and jets or would they send in troops to eliminate the threat and then secure the location and station more troops there?

Officially it's the territory of Republic of Turkey. It will be an act of war no matter what.
good excuse for Turkey to drive those takfiri nutjobbers out of Northern Syria to protect the bordere.

Just remember they are ISIL, they can always infiltrate countries like they are doing in Syria, Irak, Lebanon and Sinai so be cautious about it because "revenge" exist.
Turkey has come to realisation that ISIL Salafi extremists represent a much graver danger to their security than the Syrian government, and is the worst of all evils.
ISIL and other AQ affiliated animals have threatened attacks inside Turkish soil.

Just dont reply to that biased arab. He's butt hurt. Management does not look for our calls. Let him think what he wants. He's not Jesus after all.

One infantry platoon from 3rd Army Command.

Officially it's the territory of Republic of Turkey. It will be an act of war no matter what.

I do not really get it, do you still have troops there even after the civil war ?

The ISIS monkeys do not really believe in any borders , they are simply attacking everyone from opposition , kurds to loyalists .
I do not really get it, do you still have troops there even after the civil war ?
Like neptune said, we have a Infantry platoon there, why should they leave it, soldiers are there for protecting it in war times not in peace times.
The Tomb of Suleyman Shah is the supposed burial place of Suleyman Shah, the grandfather of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire. He is believed to have drowned in the Euphrates River in modern-day Syria, and an Ottoman tomb in or near Qal'at Ja'bar has been associated with Suleyman Shah.[1] In accordance with Article 9 of the Treaty of Ankara (1921) signed between France and Turkey, the tomb "shall remain, with its appurtenances, the property of Turkey, who may appoint guardians for it and may hoist the Turkish flag there."[2][3][4] In 1973, the location of the tomb was flooded by construction of Tabqa Dam to create Lake Assad. At that time, the tomb was moved to a new location north of Qal'at Ja'bar

this is interesting , I only thought Turkey had Turkish cyprus outside Turkish territory , did not know they had a landlocked tomb inside Syria as part of their territory to.

Tomb of Suleyman Shah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

my question is how do you supply your troops their with the current civil war since it is landlocked ?

Like neptune said, we have a Infantry platoon there, why should they leave it, soldiers are there for protecting it in war times not in peace times.

how do you supply your troops their with the current war going on ? that means your planes would have to cross into syrian airspace i suppose.

interesting it turned out to be a landlocked turkish territory , first time I knew about this.

The ISIS dogs might do something there, they control manjab district where the tomb is located.

I tried Dandorma , Turkish coffee and Istanbuli white cheese before , but still have not tried Turkish tea .

Most tea we get here is mostly from Sri-lanka but a friend of mine has a place here where he buys Turkish tea , grown in Turkey .
how do you supply your troops their with the current war going on ? that means your planes would have to cross into syrian airspace i suppose.
Im not an expert in this issue but i think Syria cant just isolate a sovereign territory, they must accept the Turkish supply deliverys.
Im not an expert in this issue but i think Syria cant just isolate a sovereign territory, they must accept the Turkish supply deliverys.

Not really Syria that I fear , but the crazy extremists in opposition might try to attack the shrine , Just like what they did with other shrines in Syria in this case .
Not really Syria that I fear , but the crazy extremists in opposition might try to attack the shrine , Just like what they did with other shrines in Syria in this case .
Ofcourse we are talking about international laws, but its clearly that terrorist dont care about this, anyways an attack to this shrine means an attack on Turkey and its a declaration of war.
Ofcourse we are talking about international laws, but its clear that terrorist dont care about this, anyways an attack to this shrine means an attack on Turkey and its a declaration of war.

Turkish army could easily rape them , Syria aleppo governate is flat land , no where to hide , but these dogs could carry out suicide bombings inside turkey using their sleeping cells against tourists.

this is the main problem , I am afraid northern syria has become like the federally administrative tribal areas in pakistan ruled by terrorists and militias .
AKP is now afraid of its own seeds? AKP planted them, watered them, and now those terrorists grew to do their jobs... AKP supported them, armed them, trained them, sheltered them.. they even have bases inside Turkey... AKP brought terrorism into Syria, and chaos will spread, AKP supported terrorists already attacked Turkish civilians with their bombings... I just don't understand why would the Turkish people want to see their neighbors in chaos, don't they know chaos spreads like wildfire?? and if Turkish people don't support chaos, then it is time to end it by simply ending AKP terror support in Syria...
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