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Featured Al-Sisi: Any Egyptian intervention in Libya has become legal

If it were not for them hiding behind the Russians, they would have been occupied by Egypt.

smart the US always win ... SARRAJ or HAFTAR doesnt matter

France is loser as like Egypt,S.Arabia and The Uae who supported HAFTAR

Now GNA , Turkiye , Qatar , Italy , The US
The US will rule Libyan oil reserves , not France and Russia

keep dreaming dream is free
We will see.

If it were not for them hiding behind the Russians, they would have been occupied by Egypt.

Egypt and Greece were part of the Ottoman Empire for centuries as like other dozens of Countries

The Turks ( Ottoman Empire ) fought Iran,the UK,France and Russia between 1821 and 1829
and little insects Greece - Kavalalı Mehmed Pasha rebelled against the Ottoman Empire in 1821-1829 and 1830s

We Turks fought Europe , Russia and Iran in 3 fronts between 1683 and 1922
know your place little insects

Turkeys "best friend" and S-400 supplier is operating in Libya.

Russia is not best friend of Turkiye
and Russia also support another puppet Arab dictator ASSAD in Syria against Turkiye

For his part, Yasin Aktai, Turkish Vice President of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, pointed out that "Egypt's direct intervention will not be supported by Algeria, another neighbor to Libya and will place Egypt in a confrontation with Turkey, a member of NATO."

Arab origin Yasin Aktay is nothing ....

puppet SISI hiding behind of Russia-France and barking

Russia-France use Egypt and Algeria as lapdogs to attack Turkiye in Libya
as like Russia used Assad Regime - Iran-Hizbis as lapdogs to attack Turkiye in Idlib/Syria

Haftar forces need to leave Sirte, Jufra, to achieve cease-fire, says Turkish presidential spokesman ..21.06.2020

A sustainable cease-fire in Libya can be achieved if everyone returns to their positions in 2015, Turkish presidential spokesman said Sunday.



French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday launched a furious attack on Turkey's conduct in Libya accusing the key NATO member of playing a "dangerous game" that can no longer be tolerated


without Russia and France , loser HAFTAR , Egypt , S.Arabia and The Uae are nothing in Libya
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Tunisian President Qais Saeed said, in a joint press conference with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, on Monday, from Paris, that the government of reconciliation in Libya bears temporary legitimacy, stressing the need for it to be replaced by a new authority, again at the same time, Tunisia's refusal to divide Libya.

The Tunisian president said: "The existing authority in Tripoli is based on international legitimacy, but this international legitimacy cannot continue, it is temporary legitimacy, and it must be replaced by new legitimacy, legitimacy stemming from the will of the Libyan people."

France - Russia threatens Algeria and Tunis via Egypt,S.Arabia and The Uae

France-Russia are two criminal thieves who killed millions of Arabs and now they want to steal Libyan oil and to set up military bases in Libya

and puppet SISI , MBZ and MBS are doing everything for Christian interests to protect their dictatorial regimes

wth is Russia in Libya ? France jeopardizing NATO security.Mediterranean security, North African security and Libya's political stability

in 2011 bandit France bombed Libya to steal oil reserves
now France , Egypt , S.Arabia and The Uae use Russia to invade Libya
and Russia wants to set up naval base in Sirte also air base in Al-Jufra ,,,,, directly threat to Europe and NATO Countries
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Erdogan saved Qatar from S.Arabia,Egypt,Bahreyn and The Uae
now Erdogan saved Libya from S.Arabia,Egypt and The Uae

keep crying losers

The Uae is financing the war in Libya and called silly attacks by the Gulf state on Turkish President Erdogan and Turkiye because of Turkish huge roles in the Arab-Muslim world
Erdogan saved Qatar from S.Arabia,Egypt,Bahreyn and The Uae
now Erdogan saved Libya from S.Arabia,Egypt and The Uae

keep crying losers

The Uae is financing the war in Libya and called silly attacks by the Gulf state on Turkish President Erdogan and Turkiye because of their huge roles in the Arab-Muslim world
And Qatar is financing attacks on Libya by the Turkish puppet dictator Erdogan. He is pandering to all you radical Muslims whether you see that or not.

And Qatar is financing attacks on Libya by the Turkish puppet dictator Erdogan.

puppet Dictators SISI , MBZ and MBS who works with the US to give Jerusalem to Israel and to kick Arabs out of Palestine to Sinai/Egypt


and whole world has started calling all muslims as terrorists because of S.Arabia and The Uae backed radical salafi-wahabi Arab terror organizations such as AL QAEDA , ISIS , HTS
puppet Dictators are SISI , MBZ and MBS who works with the US to give Jerusalem to Israel and to kick Arabs out of Palestine to Sinai/Egypt

Lol, your leader is humiliating and a huge liar. He panders to radical terrorist muslims and does the exact opposite of what he says.

Not all muslims are terrorists, just radical ones who have cognitive dissonance.
Lol, your leader is humiliating and a huge liar. He panders to radical terrorist muslims and does the exact opposite of what he says.

Not all muslims are terrorists, just radical ones who have cognitive dissonance.

Radical muslim terrorists = S.Arabia and The Uae backed radical salafi-wahabi Arab terror organizations such as AL QAEDA , ISIS , HTS
Radical muslim terrorists = S.Arabia and The Uae backed radical salafi-wahabi Arab terror organizations such as AL QAEDA , ISIS , HTS
Lol, leaders are not actually Muslim did you not know? They advance their political beliefs and hide behind religion like Erdogan does with FSA, and Israel ties. Truth is that Erdogan is fake muslim who panders to radical muslims to win support. He talks shit about Israel, and sells them gas in the same day. He is a two face scumbag, at least Sisi doesn't pretend to be a radical muslim.
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