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Featured Al-Sisi: Any Egyptian intervention in Libya has become legal

Empty vessels make more noise.

But, as soon as any Egyptian tanks cross the border, they will break international law. This gives us the opportunity we have been waiting for a long time. I hope the coup junta in Egypt make this mistake.
Lol, haven't you already broken international law by sending tanks? Don't come up with a bullshit response like "UN Backed government" "Haftar man bad, HAFTAR MAN BAD."


Sisi visit to Western Egypt base near border with Libya.

The situation is obvious for anyone who has a little historical knowledge and has an idea about the political equations of the region. This show of Egypt's coup generals may be a glimmer of hope for the wannabe generals in Benghazi, but it does not deterrence against any state in the world, even Libya.

On the contrary, this move proves the thesis of the GNA while gives opportunity to the other countries. Do not trust France and UAE too much, this dirty business could ends with a diplomatic fiasco any time. As many times in the past ...
i am with turkey on this one. the illegitimate arab dictators in the persian gulf and this puppet trash in cairo have made a bloody mess out of everyting they touched. its time for them to shut up and let the libyan government do its work.
i am with turkey on this one. the illegitimate arab dictators in the persian gulf and this puppet trash in cairo have made a bloody mess out of everyting they touched. its time for them to shut up and let the libyan government do its work.
Except, its not the Libyan government its Turkey. I would be fine if Turkey was not involved, I would say no one else should get involved and let the two sides settle the dispute.
Sisi: I'm not a failed state!!!!! This is war! Take me seriously!!!

Meanwhile libyan government establishing ties with friendly neighbours
Heard that Ethiopian pm or president is coming to Libya to forge ties with the libyan government also.

UAE mad?

These are Z generation of something ....... that saved the world on net, which are even not know what happened in 77.

And this troll army thinks this show scares the world. But the history of the army of Egypt is full of fiasco from Yemen to Sinai, land losses, losing the huge air force in 6 days, and not being able to hold even 3 libyan villages when their masters did not allow. But same military tradition is very experienced and successful in managing coup detat, civilian massacres, mosque raids and civilian economy like mafia.

In terms of diplomatic struggle; Egypt's military intervention gives us a historic opportunity. This offspring does not yet have the perspective to understand that why we are happy for this stupidy show.
i really doubt we will run into a scenario where the conventional militaries of turkey and egypt will be aiming at each other
Sisi: I'm not a failed state!!!!! This is war! Take me seriously!!!

Meanwhile libyan government establishing ties with friendly neighbours
Heard that Ethiopian pm or president is coming to Libya to forge ties with the libyan government also.

UAE mad?
You know deep down in your heart who is the failed state.. don't you?
So go cry somewhere else..
i really doubt we will run into a scenario where the conventional militaries of turkey and egypt will be aiming at each other
It will be the Egyptian military versus the militias in Tripoli and the surrounding areas. Russia is already in Libya anyway.
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