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Featured Al-Sisi: Any Egyptian intervention in Libya has become legal

A French colony? Some says she is a Turkish colony

Turks never was a colony in history and French killed millions of Algerians .. still you are licking French boot
Libya and Turkiye already have signed agreements .. and everybody should know its place including Egypt and Algeria
Algeria has agreements with Lybia including a mutual defence signed in the 70's

Turks never was a colony in history and French killed millions of Algerians .. still you are licking French boot
Really you lack history facts...It was the Turks that gave Algiers to the french..for a safe passage to Turkey..and at one time after ww1, you were occupied briefly...by the French..
Algeria has agreements with Lybia including a mutual defence signed in the 70's

and now Turkiye has military/defence agreements with Libya
Qatar,Somali and now Libya are under Turkish protection
and now Turkiye has military/defence agreements with Libya
Qatar,Somali and now Libya are under Turkish protection
You should know better, wben it comes to Lybia...Algeria has her say too. So you think, that Haftar troops were just defeated by your drones, your Isis transpotted Syrian militia and the few Turkish officers? Think again....
Really you lack history facts...It was the Turks that gave Algiers to the french..for a safe passage to Turkey..and at one time after ww1, you were occupied briefly...by the French..

Nobody ruled the Turks in history
just occupation Istanbul and parts of Anatolia by British,French,Italians after ww1 when Ottoman Army was banned
and TURKS bought weapons from Russians and kicked British,French,Greeks,Armenians in Turkish War of Independence between 1919 and 1922

between 1683 and 1922 We Turks fought Europe,Russia and Iran iin 3 fronts for centuries
also Arabs,Greeks,Serbs,Bulgars,Albanians,Kurds,Armenians rebelled against the Ottoman Empire

Algeria under the rule of the Ottoman Empire was so great to block even American Ships and to take money from the US

but after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire , Thieves French killed million innocent people in Algeria

You should know better, wben it comes to Lybia...Algeria has her say too. So you think, that Haftar troops were just defeated by your drones, your Isis transpotted Syrian militia and the few Turkish officers? Think again....

No mighty Algerian military stopped Russia,France,S.Arabia,The Uae,Egypt backed HAFTAR, Russian WAGNER and paid terrorists from Chad,Niger,Sudan,Yemen ..... LOL

7 Turkish Frigates blocked Tripoli and Misrata
Turkish Airforce several times bombed HAFTAR forces and blocked Egyptian Airforce to enter Libya

Turkiye deployed IFVs , APCs , Anti Tank Missiles , MANPADS , HAWK Air Defense System , LASER Weapons , Howitzers , Radar Electronic Warfare Systems and UCAVs in Libya

Turkish Bayraktar TB-2 UCAVs changed the game in Libya which destroyed even Russian PANTSIR Air Defense Systems

btw Turkish Army trained Free Syrian Army soldiers kicked ISIS and PKK/YPG Terrorists in Syria .. and HAFTAR Terrorists in Libya

if Algeria helped GNA then thanks ... but Algeria did not allow Turkish Airforce to use Algerian air bases to operate in Libya
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Who is the US lackey in the region now? lol

smart the US always win ... SARRAJ or HAFTAR doesnt matter

France is loser as like Egypt,S.Arabia and The Uae who supported HAFTAR

Now GNA , Turkiye , Qatar , Italy , The US
The US will rule Libyan oil reserves , not France and Russia

It is going to be fun watching Turkey and the Turks ego implode.

keep dreaming dream is free
smart the US always win ... SARRAJ or HAFTAR doesnt matter

France is loser as like Egypt,S.Arabia and The Uae who supported HAFTAR

Now GNA , Turkiye , Qatar , Italy , The US
The US will rule Libyan oil reserves , not France and Russia

keep dreaming dream is free

At the end they are all going to support the winning side. Once preparations are done, like dominoes they will fall.

Turkey: We reject Egypt's warnings about interfering in Libya

A senior Turkish official confirmed today, Monday, that Egypt's warning that it might interfere directly in Libya would not deter his country from supporting its Libyan allies.

For his part, Yasin Aktai, Turkish Vice President of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, pointed out that "Egypt's direct intervention will not be supported by Algeria, another neighbor to Libya and will place Egypt in a confrontation with Turkey, a member of NATO."

He added: "Sisi has no strength or the nerve to do so."

And Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said last Saturday that "Cairo has a legitimate right to interfere in Libya," and he ordered the army to prepare for any mission outside the country if necessary.

Egypt called, earlier, for "a ceasefire in Libya as part of a new initiative welcomed by the United States, Russia and the UAE, but Turkey rejected it as an attempt to save Haftar."


But Algeria declared support for the Egyptian initiative.. just yesterday..!
And saving Libya is not saving Haftar.. this shows a huge gap in thinking..

And hiding behind NATO..!?
Most important NATO nations support the Egyptian initiative for Libya..the US, Germany, Italy, France...etc
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What is important to know about Libya is that there is also a parliament that was elected and most of it is with Haftar and LNA which is the recognised Lybian National army.. the rest that are with the GNA are militias that even fight within themselves sometimes.. and Turkey is backing them!?

Haftar move and that even Turkey could not see was just a faint in Tripoli to get out the GNA fighters out of Sirte to come defend Tripoli..than he destroyed most of them and took Sirte swiftly.. Thus it is all calculated..
During the early days of this conflict in Libya, when I first read about it. I read that Turkey was backing the junta in Libya (or that's how I misinterpreted back in the day). LNA, GNA I still don't know which is which before checking. Anyway I thought Turkey was backing Haftar and I was so disappointed when I read that man, especially considering our own recent history of coup d'etat's and how these coup's were always backed by foreign powers. But I was glad a while later when I figured out that I misinterpreted what was said and that Turkey was not supporting the junta.

I also did some research in other coup's and recent history of other countries like Indonesia and other Asian countries, Africa and especially Latin-America. And I am telling you they are almost exactly the same as Turkey's and its alway been the US being behind these events. US has been very active throughout the world installing governments to its own liking. Sometimes it failed and had blowback like Iran (they succeeded, but eventually it turned out to be a bad move when the revolution happened).

And it shocked me that Turkey's political history is similar to countries all over the world, just goes to show that the same strategy is applied all over the world and it is still going on.

You got this author that wrote the book: "confessions of an economic hitman". He has an interview where he also talks about Saddam and the Saud family, and he explains that US has put them in power through various schemes. But removed Saddam cause they weren't able to control him. The US wanted Saddam to accept a similar deal with what they had with the house of Saud, but they couldn't get through to saddam so he was removed. Installing "leaders" in countries according to US's own interests basicly is modern colonization. And they only become "tyrants" and "dictators" once they have fulfilled their purpose or goes against the wishes of the US or stand in the way of their own puppet (like Guado in Venezuela).
He explains the part about Saddam in this video at the 11'th minute mark:
I believe the authenticity of what this author, John Perkins, is saying. Because what he says, the overlapping parts, are very similar to what happens in the movie called 'Vice' among other things. Which basicly confirms over and over again from different sources and world events that the methods he explains are true.

The reason Turkey has been so vocal against the Sisi coup d'etat, by the way, is because of what happened in its recent history (not counting the failed coup, as Sisi was already in power by then). The last coup happened in 1997, but the coup that is very similar to Sisi is the coup of 1980, where Junta leader kenan evren took over and become president afterwards. CIA station chief Paul Henze was quoted saying something in the lines of "our boys have done it" referring to the junta. kenan evren took power and a little later there was a referendum to changing the constitution according to the junta's will. They got 90%+ of the votes during this referendum. Many people got tortured and executed during his reign. evren said something which roughly tranlsates to: "we hung a few from the left and from the right" referring to leftist and rightist youths as to seem he doesnt have a bias towards one side or the other.

The 'excuse' for this coup d'etat was the erupting fights/conflicts between right wing and left wing groups. It got out of hand that even the public wanted the military to interfere. And eventually it did causing the coup. However years later we learned that it was the junta itself that sparked these confilicts between the two groups to destabelize the country and give them the oppertunity to carry out their dirty plan. Same junta agents attacked gathering spots for both right as well as left wing groups in order to pit them against each other. This is also the reason they were able to get 90%+ during the referendum, they control every media and propaganda outlet at that point and they have "solved the problems" of the country, which years later we find out they were the cause of in the first place. Thankfully a few decades later in 2014 evren was tried and found guilty of staging a coup and sentenced to life in prison (better late then never). It is no coincidence that the one's behind the failed coup in 2016 are in the US.

When comparing this with Egypt and sisi it is very similar. There were mass protests and civil unrest in Egypt against Morsi at the time. And this gave sisi the oppertunity to execute a coup d'etat. But I would not be suprised if those people behind the coup were the ones that organized and provoked those demonstrations to destabolize the country in the first place (like almost every other coup in modern history). Eventually he got elected to be president by a majority vote of over 90%. Getting over 90% votes like this is because every propaganda outlet is controlled and if the opponent or opponents is some weak candidate that no one really cares about. This is the reason why Turkey was and is so opposed to the coup in Egypt, because we have experienced it and do not wish for it to happen in other countries like Egypt and now Libya.

And yes, my opinion is that sisi is a puppet of the US and here is why (other than the similarities with kenan evren and other coup's in the rest of world). In the video I posted John Perkins (the economic hitman) says that if Saddam accepted a very similar deal to what the house of Suad accepted at the 11:30 mark of the video posted above he would've stayed in power. This implies that the house of Suad is US's puppet. House of saud is known to strongly support sisi. UAE also strongly supports sisi and they basicly mirror everything the Saudi's do. And the fact that sisi, saud and UAE back Haftar so fanatically is another confirmation. Alongside the fact that haftar is the leader of a junta and wants to execute a coup, he used to be (maybe still is, who knows) a CIA asset. All these actions are linked together basicly confirming my suspicions.

All of this is fitnah in my opinion. It was haftar that started the armed conflict and marched toward Tripoli starting a war. The coup is Egypt in 2013 was a fitnah and we lost more than 1400 of our brethren in the aftermath. The conflict in Yemen is a fitnah in which we lost many civilian lives, not to mention that UAE started backing a seperatist group effectively trying to devide Yemen. This is all fitnah, trying to pit my human brethren against eachother. I am sure there is more if I were to investigate more, but the leadership in these countries are evil and corrupt in my opinion based on what I wrote here. And this is very sad and disappointing to see to be honest. We need all the countries in the region to be stable and prosper so they can feed off eachothers prosperity and grow even stronger. But it seems that puppets are installed to purposfully keep the countries in the region and the region itself down. And who's interests does that serve?

Egypt does not want to go to war but stabilize Libya with whom it shares 1200 km of borders.. but if Turkey chose to go to war.. meaning it wants chaos in Libya.. then it will have get a war.. and it will lose it.. that is for sure..

But War is an exception in Arab and Islamic Doctrines.. Because peace is the root and the basis, and war may drag on and widen..
War is a means, not an end..
If sisi wanted a stable Libya, he would not have decided to support haftar. If sisi wanted a stable Libya he would not have chosen a side in the first place and would've actively tried to resolve the problem through dialogue, trying to find a common ground between the factions. But instead he, MBS and UAE escalated the conflict in Libya by actively backing haftar and its forces's attempted coup and supporting its every action marching towards Tripoli. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that marching towards Tripoli will only increase the confict and thus destabilze the country. Not to mention installing a tyrant as the leader of a country.
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