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"Air rights" as an idea to defuse Jerusalem issue & move dual states of Palestine and Israel forward

American Eagle

May 25, 2010
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United States
United States
It is a shame that since President Truman in 1947 signed off on recognition of Israel, while at the same time the UN Resolution creating both Palestine and Israel, was rejected by then in power nations such as the old Egyptian regime (now in 2014 recognize Israel); Jordan (now in 2014 recognize Israel); Lebanon; Syria, etc, etc. which nations still reject recognizing Israel.

I want to equally stay focused that the new nation of Israel in 1947 rejected creation of the new nation of Palestine.

A recent move inside the UN itself to recognize Palestine as an independent nation may in fact have merit, IF folks in nations surrounding Israel will ALL join in recognizing Palestine and likewise recognize Israel as existing, too.

Years ago I suggested that Muslims, Jews, and Christians get over arguing about Jerusalem and start thinking about the Holy City of Jerusalem as you would think about "air rights" which are legally recognized as real estate to be bought and sold in places like New York City.

The original 1947 UN Resolution defined Jerusalem as an International City open to all faiths and not as a Jewish city (only); or a Muslim city, only; nor as a Christian city (only). To me to geopolitically recognize Jerusalem as an International City was the right thing to do in 1947 and remains the right thing to do today.

The old League of Nations had whole nations, particularly in Africa and the Middle East, that it kept as Protectorates in Trust, which included old Palestine.

The post WW I Balfour Declation was the earlier basis promising to create a homeland for the Jews in the area of old Palestine.

The UN is a better organization and likewise has Protectorates in Trust, focused today in Africa and the West Bank/Palestine.

Let's move on and build hydro plants, roads, bridges, schools, homes, hospitals, a better life and a better world, with special emphasis on pacifying and lifting up now the nation of Palestine while respecting Israel's right to continue to exist, side by side.
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Since I started this thread let me offer other background general info which may be of interest to some readers here.

The United Nations being a focus of worldwide efforts at peace vs. warlike existence, using the Middle East friction as a specific example here, is built in Manhattan, New York City, on land donated to the UN by the Rockefeller Foundation and Family.

It is exasperating that some in Israel keep seeking to expand territory by building authorized settlements.

At the same time shelling of Israel is equally egregious.

The reality of the existence, which I support, of Israel as a nation state does not change the historic fact that the 1947 UN Resolution attempted to likewise create the side by side state of Palestine and have an international city for/of Jerusalem.

Whether we are talking about Israel's newest defense weaponry; the nation of Palestine; this religion vs. that religion, in the final analysis it is helps to find more "peace" to have open dialogue of a non-hostile, non-one-up-manship here about what is, which is geopolitically speaking Israel as a modern nation, and the need to lift up and give peace a change for the young and the old alike in a new nation of Palestine.

I am idealistic, understood. But try and conceive of a better way to damp down the religious animosities on all sides by seeking a neutral formal existence for the City of Jerusalem.

As well, why do we need the hostilities in Syria, where again sectionalism based on differences within the same religion, broadly speaking, Islam, result now in civil war? The Peace Conference in Geneva may seem somewhat futile to some, but to those being killed on all sides it is no game, no "one upmanship" thing. Many innocents are dying by the thousands in Syria now.
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