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Ahmadinejad roars Iran and Pakistan won’t be scared off

where r the turks too busy eating kangal for break fast. or busy changing account lolz.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3633601 said:
the shias in pakistan support iranians very much so they must be getting support from iranian mullahs who else then?

Please provide prove. Assumptions are not enough to accuse someone.
Hezbollah is only considered a terror group by Canada, USA, GB, Israel and AUS. That's it. You just showed how secterian you are.

im not sectarian, you first started defending shias, why you kept defending iranian mullahs stance of no sunni mosque, you are not muslim anyway so why you care if sunnis and shia pray differently :azn:
lolz u have started again - iranains are emotional creatures lolz first u complained about separation now u say keep them separate we dont want it lolz u funny guy. we have shia n sunni marriages here in uk n pak.

Do whatever you want in UK and Pak. Whats marriages got to do with it? Just yesterday Shias where bombed in Pakistan killing many of them. Now you want to export these policies to Iran?
Aeronaut PM'd me and told me I can't display the Pakistani flag, because I'm not a Pakistani according to him.

I'll talk to him ! By the way have you heard of Muhammad Ali Shehki (an Iranian who came to Pakistan as a student, became one of us & won our hearts over !)

Here enjoy Iqbal's rendition by him from the '60s I think : Muhammad Ali Shehki (PTV Live)-Halqe bastand sare turbate mann(Ghazal # 2 from Payam-e-Mashriq) - YouTube

It's not in Iran's interest to cause a sectarian war.

If only I had a nickle for everytime a country says that ! :hitwall:
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3633601 said:
the shias in pakistan support iranians very much so they must be getting support from iranian mullahs who else then?
so what exactly are shias doing in Pakistan that's so bad? I'm not pakistani so all I hear is when some sunni dude blows himself up in international news.

And who do you want them to look up to? Mozambique? Iran is the leading shia nation, so they look to Iran. WTF do you want us to do? Change your society so they don't have to look up to outsiders.
Do whatever you want in UK and Pak. Whats marriages got to do with it? Just yesterday Shias where bombed in Pakistan killing many of them. Now you want to export these policies to Iran?

if our shia president cant control the law and order situation dont blame it on anyone else

yes our president, that thief bastard looter of our country is a shia

satisfied :angel:
Do you have any proof that Iran is causing sectarian bloodshed in Pakistan?

Nope...just talked to people from that era who saw the revolution, worked in your Iranian Cultural Centers & some were part of these militant Islamist parties (from both sides) !
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3633620 said:
if our shia president cant control the law and order situation dont blame it on anyone else

yes our president, that thief bastard looter of our is a shia

satisfied :angel:

Lmao great arguments you have. Your current president is a Shia. So he must of course be responsible for Shias getting blown up in Pakistan.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3633612 said:
im not sectarian, you first started defending shias, why you kept defending iranian mullahs stance of no sunni mosque, you are not muslim anyway so why you care if sunnis and shia pray differently :azn:

mullah stance?

If it's their stance than it's a good one.

Again, because in your society everyone hates each other and shias and sunnis can't pray in the same room, it doesn't mean that we should be the same as you. A shia and sunni can pray together, if either one doesn't like it than he/she can go and fuk himself.

Lmao great arguments you have. Your current president is a Shia. So he must of course be responsible for Shias getting blown up in Pakistan.

[:::~Spartacus~:::];3633601 said:
the shias in pakistan support iranians very much so they must be getting support from iranian mullahs who else then?

Nah....both Shias & Sunnis in Pakistan don't look up to either Iran or Saudi Arabia except the fanatics or the ones who admire them for other things - Saudi Arabia for its diversification & Iran for her ballsy attitude.
Mr. Nejad,,, you have it all wrong!

Pakistan is coalition partner of US not its enemy.

While Iran and Pakistan are the biggest transit supplier to the forces in Afghanistan.

Please, have courage to block the said transit first.
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