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After MI 35 choppers, Pak wants more Russian defence hardware

I hope Russia does not supply fighter jets and warships to Pakistan.
arre we have two cheerleaders here .. One bringing human organs and another one as usual his rantings along with some links...
We need a wireless ATGM.

A laser guided version of BS with extended range is already operational... according to sources.. We need a fire n forget kinda missile.. tht would be ubber cool... maybe the Turkish missiles???

And for our ground forces it would be nice if Pakistan could procure or develop with Russian assistance a similar system to the Terminator 2 :D:

BMPT-72 (Terminator 2) Tank Support Combat Vehicle - Army Technology


We can use our old Type series hulls for such a beast... tht would be awesome...

Rd93 overhaul facility, RD 93 ma & other goodies that @ munir mentioned.

My question is that we have been trying hard to build relations with the russians for awhile now----but our relationship with the u s has deteriorated----would the u s otherthrow the Nawaz govt & install Qadri @ the helm---.

It gets so devious----.

Qadri Gov than maybe we should prepare for syria-iraq-afghanistan like shyt...this man should only be restricted to submit his demands restricted to documents not allotment of Gov positions or we'll have mother of lal masjid every 5KM.

RD-93 overhaul facility would be essential if PAF is geared to induct and operate 150-200 Thunders for the next 30 Years.

@Manticore could you make a list of potential equipment that could be of interest to PA/PAF.
Good news.

IMO Pakistan should keep it's relations very close with big influential countries like Russia, USA, UK, etc. Must not do the mistake of choosing one for another. Turkeye & China on the other hand are already brotherly nations & their influence is massive.
Islamabad: Pakistan today said it looked forward to procuring more defence hardware from Russia after Moscow agreed to provide MI-35 helicopters to Islamabad.

The Foreign Office said in a statement issued here that Foreign Affairs Advisor Sartaj Aziz met Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Moscow to discuss bilateral ties and regional situation.

"Aziz also expressed the hope that Pakistan's further request for defence equipment would also be considered soon as part of our continued defence collaboration," it said.

The Russian Foreign Minister welcomed Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's recent meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and expressed the hope that constructive dialogue and improved relations between the two countries would be beneficial for the security and stability of the region.

Lavrov said that?Russia is keen to expand its relations with Pakistan since close cooperation between Pakistan and Russia would not only benefit the two countries but would also help in building stability and prosperity in the region.

Aziz in his response said there was also a consensus in Pakistan for improving relations with Russia.

"The Prime Minister has a new vision for Pakistan. It is based on creating economic partnerships with nations. Pakistan, therefore, wanted to develop a multidimensional relationship with Russia in the fields of trade, energy, infrastructure development, defence and culture," he said.

Both the leaders agreed that the positive role of recent and forthcoming high level exchanges between the two countries would help in moving forward this objective.

During the meeting, situation in Afghanistan, cooperation in the efforts against extremism and terrorism, drugs control, and situation in the Middle East, including Syria and Iraq, were also discussed.

In the course of discussion, it was agreed that the forthcoming Summit meeting of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in Dushanbe in September would provide a useful opportunity for discussing the emerging situation in post-2014 Afghanistan.

Lavrov conveyed that Russia fully supported Pakistan's entry into SCO as a full member.

The two agreed that there was considerable scope for cooperation in the field of energy since Pakistan has a large scale programme to overcome its energy crisis and many Russian companies are keen to participate.

I wish RUSSIA may Fulfill the demands of PAKISTAN and Form a Strategic partnership with it just like PAK-China friendship <3
@Irfan Baloch , Indians burning at both ends is an understatement, forget the internet warriors, check out this so called PHD research scholar from Delhi university having a brainstorm.

Russia’s proposed arms sale to Pakistan: Deciphering ‘True Lies’
Following line from article :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
"A foolish Pakistan could not decipher this ‘diplomatic teaser’ from Russia but an intelligent India can"
Seems like this diplomatic teaser put intelligent India's a$$ on fire :lol:

Let me give you an example who the russians are---in the 70's when the PLO was high on hijackings & kidnappings---they kidnapped some russians---& demanded release of some colleagues ( terrorists ) in russian jail---. The PLO had done it to other european countries---but they did not know that you don't do it to the kgb----well kgb did release the wanted plo terrs----they came in bags---throats slit-- test-cles cut & stuck in the mouths---pen-ises cut & stuck in the ars-ses of the palestinian terrorists----. Plo never touched a russian or hijacked a russian aircraft.

Same thing before the sochi olympics---the chechens were sent a message---a total annihilation of their race---all men slaughterede & women & girls-( just use your imagination )---.

So---if the Bear is being nice to you & wants to be friendly & wants to deal with you---don't ever make the mistake of insulting its friendship for money---because it really really don't build relationships on money. It really don't give a shit about money.

Remember---MI 35 is a game changer. You can't buy game changers for money. Something else is happening---so just go with the flow.

Idar samja samja kar loogon ko thak gaye hain "Weapons" particular sell /Purchase by any country is not just because of money. Specially Indians thought if you have money - you can buy anything but the reality is different from this approach. Powers will sell you when and what - for their own objectives...
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Big ticket item...suspecting Mi26 or YAK or Supply of AL31 engines...
What do u mean by YAK over here ????

I posted on a different topic here on PDF just yesterday that there are a lot more to come between Russia and Pakistan. I can see through this, Russia, Pakistan, China, Iran, some Russian states will form an economic and semi defense block like a smaller NATO (but limited to defense cooperation only and not going to war for others. And Afghanistan will be forced to work with these big guys despite the US presence).

I think the Russians are watching out for their best interests in the region. With India just entirely bathing in the waters from the West, this potential block holds a LOT of economic and defense growth for Russia. Makes perfect sense to secure entry towards Russia from the Arabian sea all the way to Siberia.
But yea, I can see SAM's, BVR's following soon with JFT engines on a different scale than what was received from the Chinese assistance and all the way to even jets like SU series. I think give it 5 years. Very interesting strategic development.
I wish this all to be true and to happen

I hope Russia does not supply fighter jets and warships to Pakistan.
I hope and wish it does !!!

This is project 310.
I am in LOVE with this BEAUTY <3 when will this beauty take birth and land in the LAND of the pure ???
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Idar samja samja kar loogon ko thak gaye hain "Weapons" particular sell buy someone is not just for money. Specially Indians thought if you have money - you can buy anything. Reality is different from this. Powers sell you when and what - for their own objectives...
banya mentality. Some corporate companies maybe generating revenues bigger then some countries but it doesn't mean you can say they are better then countries.
25 US Mega Corporations: Where They Rank If They Were Countries - Business Insider
Money is one factor but not the only factor when deals are made between countries.
seems you guys on fire for mis ..
we have apache in place

Before Apache you have AMERICA in Place ;) ... jab new new doost bantay haina asa looog tu bare koooshi hoti hey same ilke Indians now a days "Amerika India bhaai bhaai" ye jab baad may charpayee banayge fir lagayga pata lol ... India become frontline fighter for America soon... and do what Americans want .. wanna see ? not long short debate just wait and watch ... even after saw experince of all those nations who are with America today look what they got what they achieve ? at what conditions and situations they are.... its "example" for India but if Indian are happy with Americans lol I must say .... GO AHEAD! ;)
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