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After MI 35 choppers, Pak wants more Russian defence hardware

Wakey Wakey 8-9 billion(peanuts compared to INDIA) is your defence expenditure ,Its not for buying purposes.:hitwall:
All you can do is ask for some AID from Russians same as you do with rest of your allies.:omghaha:

If you are here to rant, you better start counting your time.
Indians are born that way culturally, they always feel insecure about everything and never satisfied. That's what make them crazy, Russia know it and ignore them in order to use these helicopters against Indian-funded terrorists/TTP.
Yep they sure do. Btw which country was begging US for similar treatment after it signed a nuclear deal with India? Height of insecurity that was.
Remember one thing , this isn't BR . This is the first and foremost thing you got to keep in mind , kid . I have seen members like you come and go before they could even make it to 50 posts .
@Manticore @Aeronaut @Chak Bamu @Web Master
is not there rule of respection memebr and not insulting ..
he is new guy and this is words of think tank'
dont shoot the mesaner dear ..
i also subcribe his pont
how can you compete with let say 10 $b ..
indias rafael goes uup to that.
leave fgfa,t90,akula so on so forth
see this
Russia seeks China, India as partners of new energy alliance - The Hindu
Russia seeks China, India as partners of new energy alliance
Atul Aneja
Comment (2) · print · T+

PTI Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry O. Rogozin in New Delhi. File photo

international relations

Russia has signalled that its proposed giant gas pipeline to China could be extended to India, setting the stage for a triangular energy partnership among three core members of the Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa (BRICS) grouping.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin, who has concluded a visit to India as President Vladimir Putin’s envoy told reporters that the construction of a gas pipeline from Russia to India would be “one of the largest infrastructure projects that could be conceived”. His comments follow media reports that during his anticipated meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Brazil during the BRICS summit next month, Mr. Putin may propose the extension of the Russia-China gas pipeline to India.

Rogozin told the website Russia and India Report in an interview that his talks with External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, yielded the formation of a Working Group on Strategic Issues that would focus on “strategic projects”.

The move, if it materialises would feed into Russia’s discernable strategic shift towards the East, especially after the Ukrainian crisis, which has sent Moscow’s ties with the Atlantic Alliance in a tailspin. Leveraging its position as a global energy supplier, Russia has already identified China as one of its core partners -- its inclination evident in the $ 400 billion gas deal that it has signed with Beijing. Mr. Rogozin told the website Russia and India Report in an interview that his talks with External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, yielded the formation of a Working Group on Strategic Issues that would focus on “strategic projects”.

Though focused on the big picture, Mr. Rogozin’s talks did address the controversy generated by the proposed sales of Russian Mi-35 helicopters to Pakistan. A section of Russian media is reporting that the transfers of the attack helicopters would not undermine stability in South Asia as a chance of a full-fledged war between the two nuclear neighbours is now inconceivable. A diplomatic source told The Hindu that cash strapped Russia, apprehending an economic squeeze from members of the NATO alliance is looking at diversifying its oil and military exports. He pointed out that there has been an earlier occasion when the Russians wanted to sell helicopters to Pakistan, but New Delhi preempted the move by purchasing these aircraft for its own armed forces.

“Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin, who has concluded a visit to India as President Vladimir Putin’s envoy told reporters that the construction of a gas pipeline from Russia to India would be “one of the largest infrastructure projects that could be conceived”.”
The Indian side on Thursday made it clear that the controversy on the helicopters would hardly impair ties, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi advocating that Indo-Russian ties should be taken to a “higher level,” following his meeting with Mr. Rogozin.

The visiting official, well regarded in diplomatic circles, as a member of Mr. Putin’s inner circle, said that a Joint Study Group would be formed that would analyse the possibility of India’s partnership with the Eurasian Economic Union -- a body that is widely viewed, as Russia’s riposte to western led trade blocs.

In his interview, Mr. Rogozin acknowledged that going beyond a buyer seller relationship, India as approaching Russia as partner in co-developing weapons, which include joint forays in making a fifth generation fighter jet and a multi-role transport aircraft. The Russian official said that negotiations on establishing two more nuclear reactors in Kudankulum are underway, to fulfill an ambitious plan to set up 14 to 16 Russian designed nuclear power units in India.

Keywords: India-Russia bilateral ties, Narendra Modi, Dmitry Rogozin, Sushma Swaraj, BRICS summit, Vladimir Putin, energy alliance, India-Russia-China trilateral ties

If you are here to rant, you better start counting your time.
what a language by mod
respect ...
@manicore @Chak Bamu @Web Master
is what pdf stand for..
i am thinking to leave this forum
i know im not superman..
reason is more imp than person
few guy rotting the full plate
If India goes ahead with FICV, we should get Russian Terminator turret system on a modified Al-Khalid chassis. Integrate Kornets as well as Turkish Mizrak ATGMs and AnzaII/III SAMs.

Ironically , all this time . I was under the impression that the respect you talk about is earned , not asked for . Since the member in question seems to be here only to rant/troll/flame , this doesn't apply to him . Forget about our defense budget or economy , what is the bottom line , we are purchasing these helicopters right ? Do Russians seem to worry about 9BN budget of Pakistan? Are they saying anything or implying anything about the Indian deals being bigger than that? They came to us and offered the Mi-35 , that is the story in the end , beat around the bush or keep running in circles , it seriously wont change anything , its only the Indians worrying about finances . We aren't looking to compete , its the Kremlin selling to both sides and earning money and since they transfer hardware and technology to you which aren't available anywhere , do not act like the dependence is one-sided and its only the Reds benefiting from deals with India .

Honestly , these are just two squadrons of Hinds being transferred by the Russians and look at the bizarre and absurd logic and ridiculous notions . What happens if in future , they agree to sell something far more lethal than these Mi-35 ? Cardiac arrest?
Respect --
you are right
about is earned , not asked for
this rule does not apply fully here
mr.Aeronaut depsite all his good work did everthing to condem his action and words ..
so theoy dont apply
rest i agress
Honestly , these are just two squadrons of Hinds being transferred by the Russians and look at the bizarre and absurd logic and ridiculous notions . What happens if in future , they agree to sell something far more lethal than these Mi-35 ? Cardiac arrest?

this is not just rhetoric .. Indians have a security advisory who has been spying in Pakistan for years and believes in terrorism and assassinations.
they can go at any lowest level to get this deal cancelled. e.g. attacking Russian embassy or conciliate .. abducting or murdering some Russian diplomatic staff and then run to offer condolence and sorrow for trusting Pakistan
recall the attack on PN buses that were carrying French engineers?

Is USA paying for them?:what:
maybe USA or KSA or China.. it doesnt matter.. we are getting them for free and this is causing double pain and hurt in the dhoti of the east
this is not just rhetoric .. Indians have a security advisory who has been spying in Pakistan for years and believes in terrorism and assassinations.
they can go at any lowest level to get this deal cancelled. e.g. attacking Russian embassy or conciliate .. abducting or murdering some Russian diplomatic staff and then run to offer condolence and sorrow for trusting Pakistan
recall the attack on PN buses that were carrying French engineers?

Yes while Pakistani security advisory made their name for herding goats instead of spying on India. As for rest of your post, we don't need to do anything, Russians have made their decision, now India will make its own. Long live Russia-India friendship
This present saga is just another example that there is nothing permanent in international geopolitics, and certainly no permanent friends or foes, only enduring national interests. Thirty years ago, it would be primarily US hardware for Pakistan and Russian hardware for India. Now the suppliers seem to be switching sides because of the monumental changes in regional geopolitics. I would expect further changes in other spheres too.
Sounds more like you have gone bonkers over this deal :lol: . Indians have been sticking more to their political threads :rolleyes:

I suggest you browse the threads on the same topic and see for yourself , what you are denying here . Maximum participation is what it is , 25% talking about American slaves , soft loans and aid , the next set saying that these are vintage 70 era helicopters , Hinds are useless - Russian junk being retired from IA , the next set reminding us of the massive Indian deals and how we cant compete with that , trade e.t.c and last but not least , ones speaking their mind about backstabbing , diplomatic pressure , India's importance to Russia , concerns and how the deal wont go through . Free free to confirm the pattern I have been seeing for days .
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