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After MI 35 choppers, Pak wants more Russian defence hardware

Kido it's not like "mother of all deals" that takes fucking 15 years of farting with no shit in sight. Get lost, we don't give a crap to you guys and you want cash?

where you come from?

LOL go easy
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Russia wants to grow up relations with Pakistan as a tool against Indian procurement strategy. Pakistan can benefit much in that situation.

Russia is a big industrialized country indeed but At last times, Biggest trade partners of Russia are started turning their backs to go for high-quality and expensive Western equipments. Kazakhistan which is known as Russia's close friend, is conquered by Turkish, Israeli and European partners. Many new establishments, institutes are opened in Kazakhistan and transfered too much sensitive technology. Imagine Russia lost Kazakh T-72 upgrade program to Israel/Turkey. From Indian side, Russia is disappointed in attack helicopter, howitzer and fighter projects as well. No need to mention Russia-Ukrainia crisses and western reaction regarding limited sanction signals but most important part of story is;

It is seen that India is planning to enlarge attack helicopter fleet thanks to Apache and LCH platforms. Those big procurements will certainly lead Pakistan to counter What India orders/produces. That's why I think Cheap but effective air defence solutions, will also be on schedule in parallel with attack helicopters in following years. I think Pakistani response to India will be most probably T-129 B1 variant and I gave a great chance for procurement of air defence gun platforms which is known a great helicopter hunters and can't be jammed by any counter measure technics so There would be three different solutions on table.

Russian Tunguska 30mm twin barrel

ZG-07 35mm twin barrel air defence gun system


Turkish Korkut 35mm twin barrel gun system

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It should be like cash for products on the spot, or nothing, or payment on delivery with some minimal cash advance for fairness sake.. Remember the S-300 deal with Iran, a full signed contract/deal payed for in advance and nothing came of it, now Russia has to pays four billion dollars to cancel the 800 million $ deal.
PK need to be very careful here. after a long time the Russians have agreed to sell a weapon system other than the Mi-17 helos. in 1968/9 some radars, T-54/55 tanks and Mil-8 helos were sold by the then Soviet Union.

now PK needs to look at its immediate needs and work with the Russians on them. i would negotiate on the following:

1. upgrade of the IL-76 MRTT - engines and glass cockpits for the 4 examples we have in service with the PAF.
2. direct supply of the RD-93 engine to PK so that PAC-Kamra is able to supply the JFT to potential buyers and not depend on the China route.
3. salle of the AL-31 powerplant which powers the J-10/F-20 if and when PAF decides to purchase this type from the Chinese.
4. more Mi-17I med-transport helos.

these would be the immediate priorities:

requesting for SAM systems would be tricky at this stage and our indian friends will raise a huge rukus (as they always do).

another interesting purchase could be the Russian air-to-air missiles (WVR/BVR) esp for the FC-20.

the SU-25 Frogfoot would be an interesting buy for CAS sorties.

however PK need not be too greedy and present a shopping list which would scare the Russians away.
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