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After MI 35 choppers, Pak wants more Russian defence hardware

The reason PA want Mi-35s is that when cobras are providing CAS they can't pick injured soldiers while Mi-35 can bring in & out medics and soldiers while providing CAS, I have seen a video where convey was under attack and many soldiers were badly wounded Cobras were called in but they were not able to take wounded out while going back to base after emptying their load. So in this kind of situation Mi-35s fits well.
Its comparable because its replacing Mi24. Russia simply doesn't need anymore troop carrying helis so it hasn't produced any successor in this class. Other options such as? Don't say T129. Its a light attack heli.

You mean what Pakistan did for the Indo-US nuclear deal and failed?

I said for Pakistan, we need troops carry capablity for Fata and Afghanistan. Pakistan will go for other options in case of just attack helicopter.
Western stuff is better. Russians are falling behind. The helis that you are going to buy from are proven failures against Taliban. Check it yourself.

Post of the year, has to be.

You better tell your defence ministry this as they have invested a great deal of time and money with deals that cover everything from nuclear submarines to fifth generation fighters.
Another idiot. Pakistan should get an award for producing hordes of these.

Listen kid. Go through the thread once and read my posts where I have clarified this point and then come back here. I can't waste any more time replying to you.

1. another idiot
2. listen kid

This is not the way we should behave...
Before a fire-forget type anti-tank missile, I think Pakistan should immediately buy a 2,75 inch Cirit like cost-effective missile system which is going to be used against insurgents from longer ranges. Turkey is leading in 2,75 inch lazer guided missile sector and Cirit is the first industrialized product which is offered to World market before USA, European and Israeli equivalents. In UAE trials, Cirit missiles reached %100 success and so UAE ordered 10,000 Cirit missiles and many other countries including Europeans are on line to sign a deal. It is on schedule to equip Cirit missiles on German tigers as well so A new deal with Eurocopter is also signed.

BTW, Cirit is hghly effective against moving targets as well. Cirit successfully engaged a moving target travelling at 60 km/h while the platform, it was fired from was moving at 220 km/h (120 knots).

I mean Cirit like small but effective missiles will be a game changer of assymetric combats so Pakistan should buy thousands of them in a short time to prepare a silent kill for Taliban.


Why waste these on talibs... even unguided rockets are enough... i was talking with regards to our enemies... we already have indigenous LGBs,guidence kits,LSBs n Laser,wire guided ATGMs.. n tank fired ATGMs.. what we lack is a fire n forget type of a system usefull against armed enemy vehicles like tanks n APCs... although there are rumors tht NESCOM is working on such systems but nothing official or concrete... just like our LGBs and PGMs .. even stand off missiles... except for pics we saw from military exhibitions or when foriegn dignitaries visited the defence complexes...

So if the NESCOM guys "dont" have a FnF missile .. maybe our brother Turkiye can help us with tht? and do share about any info regarding Crit or Mizrak etc missiles tht were offered... tht would be helpful.. and very appreciated..
Mi-35s will give Pakistan ground forces the capacity to transfer troops in an "armed-transport" helicopter. This is a good capacity to have.

For purely attack-helicopters, We have Cobras and we are looking into Turkish T-129 and Chinese helos as well.
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Which hardware Pakistan acquired from China on 'soft loans'?
they got to keep attacking us with their checklist of insults to ease the heart and soulburn
its what we call shotgun approach .. out of sheer desperation.
which is currently becoming an own goal.
whats more mortifying for them?

their Ally giving us the most unique gunships that have no world equivalent or the possibility that the copters will be paid up by coalition support funds?
Sorry moderators understood.
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Let's get back on topic.

Any more off topic posts or any post relating to India will be deleted and poster will be banned straight up.
Let's get back on topic.

Any more off topic posts or any post relating to India will be deleted and poster will be banned straight up.

thanks for stepping in..nahi to main bann ho jata :-)
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Well the big point is why secrecy in the details for the deal are we getting 200 Helicopters
Normally such news is celebrated in international media outlets

Just very odd that the announcement of 200 Helicopters is not being publicly announced



Taliban placed online orders for bad stomach pain
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Inside news 2 mi-35 already in testing phase in Pakistan.
cool hope it will help in COIN for PA
take out those scum once and for ALLL..please also add hafsex sayeed in list too

Well the big point is why secrecy in the details for the deal are we getting 200 Helicopters
Normally such news is celebrated in international media outlets

Just very odd that the announcement of 200 Helicopters is not being publicly announced



Taliban placed online orders for bad stomach pain
200 ?
for COIN ?
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