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After MI 35 choppers, Pak wants more Russian defence hardware

isn't the deal yet to be signed next month(july?) as quoted by the dawn media this morning.

Anyone else watched the news report about this deal?
Indian hoo haa over this trivial matter should be riddled in the face of our pro India lunatics. Indians as a whole fanatically hate Pakistani people. Not hating Pakistani people is anti national for them.

I hope these libtarded cants are watching close, if they have a shred of brains left they might get out of their deluded hopes of 'peace' with a fanatically anti Pakistan nation.
So---if the Bear is being nice to you & wants to be friendly & wants to deal with you---don't ever make the mistake of insulting its friendship for money---because it really really don't build relationships on money. It really don't give a shit about money.
there are somethings that are beyond money .. its good that bear doesnt see us as food. .. lol
no wonder India feels cheated
but I am sure it will get over it. my the way.. on my youtube channel where I posted the PAF and Army aviation attack runs.. an Indian has been so butt hurt that he is saying that TTP should be equipped with stingers to bring down our gunships and planes. I banned him on my channel of course but their trolling has gone overboard. Indians really are taking it very badly.

as a tribute to the Hind.. I must say we in the military were specially trained on how to survive and give a fight to this behemoth.
Who wants to bet hard cash with me that the helicopter deal will NEVER happen? Not even come close.

Not even come close? :D After seeing all the developments about Russians warming up to Islamabad , lifting the arms embargo , offering these choppers , responding to Indian " concerns " and even an official confirmation notifying Pakistan that they will proceed with the deal?

Are you following the news even or just came in here to troll/flame/score brownie points?
there are somethings that are beyond money .. its good that bear doesnt see us as food. .. lol
no wonder India feels cheated
but I am sure it will get over it. my the way.. on my youtube channel where I posted the PAF and Army aviation attack runs.. an Indian has been so butt hurt that he is saying that TTP should be equipped with stingers to bring down our gunships and planes. I banned him on my channel of course but their trolling has gone overboard. Indians really are taking it very badly.

as a tribute to the Hind.. I must say we in the military were specially trained on how to survive and give a fight to this behemoth.
Do not make the mistake of taking the reactions of a few over zealous Indians and generalizing it to whole of India. By that logic one can call all 200 billion Pakistanis as terrorists
Verbal diarrhea,and a lot of delusions I would say.

Any facts beyond just keyboard diarrhea? Nothing new there. Anything against India puts the Indian community here on diarrhea and anything that may sound in favor of Pakistan, China or anyone against India put you guys on fire. Come back with facts or two instead of wasting Oxygen and Disk space on here.
Turkish Members trying hard to Sell their T129 Atak to Pakistan

Turkey is a time tested friend, our Cobras are flying due to their urgent help in terms of spares, since creation of Pakistan they have been very supportive and helpful, T-129 is a good machine and it offer many systems which we never had and Cirit is one of them, PA may go for T-129 but they may want it more advance and customize as per their needs also PA might wait for economy to get better as there are news that Turkey has offered assembly line of these beasts.

T-129 is just one system Turkish defense industry is growing fast and offer much more opportunities for us.
But Mi28N is not really a transport heli right?
No. Its a dedicated attack version. However its a successor in terms of technology. Hind is a very niche Heli. No other equivalent in the world exists and even Russia has no plans for any more such helis.
No. Its a dedicated attack version. However its a successor in terms of technology. Hind is a very niche Heli. No other equivalent in the world exists and even Russia has no plans for any more such helis.

So not comparable at all. Pakistan have other options for Mi28 like helis. M-35 is for terrorists in FATA and Afghanistan.
So not comparable at all. Pakistan have other options for Mi28 like helis.
Its comparable because its replacing Mi24. Russia simply doesn't need anymore troop carrying helis so it hasn't produced any successor in this class. Other options such as? Don't say T129. Its a light attack heli.

if the beg and mourn enough then maybe Russians will drop the deal and India can celebrate the "victory"
You mean what Pakistan did for the Indo-US nuclear deal and failed?
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