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After MI 35 choppers, Pak wants more Russian defence hardware

I very much doubt the Russians will sell anything that is deemed a threat to Indian forces. A few attack choppers that terrorise insurgents are nothing detrimental to the close relations the two enjoy.

Stick with Turkey and China.

I'm against getting anything from them, bar the few choppers we need as a stop gap measure.
of course , I see Turkey becoming our significant defence partner in future and quality and durability joke wont cut it so our Indian friends will have to think of some other jibe at us to relieve their pain & insecurities.

but look at this. how insecure Indians are and how hollow this relationship their relationship with Russia is is that they are going bonkers over a handful of 70 era gunships.. despite having partnership with Russian 5th gen aircraft and SU30 etc.
of course , I see Turkey becoming our significant defence partner in future and quality and durability joke wont cut it so our Indian friends will have to think of some other jibe at us to relieve their pain & insecurities.

but look at this. how insecure Indians are and how hollow this relationship their relationship with Russia is is that they are going bonkers over a handful of 70 era gunships.. despite having partnership with Russian 5th gen aircraft and SU30 etc.

Haha true bro.

Anyhow you are spot on about Turkey. These guys are making leaps and bounds across their various weapons projects, which will give us access to qualitative tech that will become a real game changer. Combine that with our close ties, it's a win win for us.

That just reminds me, I think I'll go check out the Altay thread. :yahoo:
but look at this. how insecure Indians are and how hollow this relationship their relationship with Russia is is that they are going bonkers over a handful of 70 era gunships.. despite having partnership with Russian 5th gen aircraft and SU30 etc.

Sounds more like you have gone bonkers over this deal :lol: . Indians have been sticking more to their political threads :rolleyes:
Russia -india - indian companies stake in russioan enegry fileds heavy defence cooperation
though india is in VERY GOOD terms with west but still have there ow views so WEST is on same line
exa. usa wants india china emerging economy tag insted of developing in wto to push there farm subsidi.and stop indias.
indias pharma policy made usa jitters

india and china is key to any rubik cube. till they both are not in place properly.. cube will be in mess only.. to end
-- Ask any one in world wil they TRUST CHINA or india for there national interest ? china is in p5 and take stand too like syria
but chinas strength is their weakness.. economy.. based on USA market.... china can stair USA but not anger it..because its their bread and butter same for india too russian are not that much economic cohesive with usa india need to develop it foreign policy more wisely -- in Asia .. I for india is inevitable

Man, you are way off reality. Indian companies are considered an arm of the western companies (which they are, as all the money and jobs came from the west). And the Russians now have a ban on using western companies, specifically the consulting organizations in energy and other sectors. So that'll be a show stopper. Other small trade based businesses will go on.

USA doesn't "jitter" because of anyone's policy. You have some grandiose ideas about India. The US pretty much developed 80% of the modern India for its own interests. If it was to "jitter" as you are suggesting, because of any reason, the funding would've stopped and you wouldn't be where you are today, PERIOD.

China and US are not foes. China is a rising power and the US sees it as a big county that may get in its way. The Chinese and the US are if anything in economic related competition. That's healthy and should go on. Chinese or the Indians or the Russians can't afford a conflict with the US. You guys will go back to 1940's, PERIOD.

Trust is a subjective term, the Nepalese don't trust India, the Sri Lankan don't trust India, the Pakistanis and the Bangladeshi's hate India, this is just around your country. I think the US doesn't trust India either but its the interest that are aligned for now and these will go away in the in the next ten years when the "true" colors start to come out. Similarly, many countries hate the Chinese but many also have China everywhere, infrastructure, ports, energy, etc, etc.

The whole I for India crap is too late. Will India be a big country and economy, no doubt about it, just take a look at 1.3 billion people. But will I for India will be like the US to the World, hell no. You'll also have C for China, K for Korea, R for Russia, B for Brazil, P for Pakistan and T for Turkey. Many of these countries may be smaller in population and / or in size, but they will have very strong economies and well balanced, modern militaries which won't let India boss them around. Simply speaking, there is the United States and then others like I,R,K,P,T (whatever country reference you'd like to put in). And India will be a big military power, it just will never get to a super power status, not for the next 50 years
of course , I see Turkey becoming our significant defence partner in future and quality and durability joke wont cut it so our Indian friends will have to think of some other jibe at us to relieve their pain & insecurities.

but look at this. how insecure Indians are and how hollow this relationship their relationship with Russia is is that they are going bonkers over a handful of 70 era gunships.. despite having partnership with Russian 5th gen aircraft and SU30 etc.
You are completely wrong in every respect. Do a search on this forum and you will find a thread where Saudi Arabia had started "military cooperation" with India. Just an abstract term, no deals were announced then. Look at the knee jerk reaction of PAkistani members, and You will understand the meaning of "going bonkers"

As of other of your BS, Russia has long assured us that they won't supply lethal weaponary to Pakistan. The Hind deal was seen in violation of this promise. This is more important than the gunship itself, which is why this issue was raised by India. At the end, international relationships are build on national interests. Russians are looking after their interests we are after ours.
of course , I see Turkey becoming our significant defence partner in future and quality and durability joke wont cut it so our Indian friends will have to think of some other jibe at us to relieve their pain & insecurities.

but look at this. how insecure Indians are and how hollow this relationship their relationship with Russia is is that they are going bonkers over a handful of 70 era gunships.. despite having partnership with Russian 5th gen aircraft and SU30 etc.

Indians are born that way culturally, they always feel insecure about everything and never satisfied. That's what make them crazy, Russia know it and ignore them in order to use these helicopters against Indian-funded terrorists/TTP.
Hinds cannot replace our AH-1F/S Cobras. We will need a high tech helo which can survive in high threat environment and fight on. MMR,HMD,MIZRAK,CIRIT offer those capabilities in T-129. TAI must service TAA first, while we need an ugly flying IFV for our Special Operators.
I think the idea is to get something on board as quickly as possible that can give us an upper hand in COIN ops / fighting militancy on the western border and in Balochistan....
1.5 - 2 yrs down the road we can see how T-129 or perhaps Z10 come out and then we can plan on replacing our AH-1 Cobras....
Both will serve two different purpose....and it is funny Russians saying Pakistan needs Hind for Anti- Narcotics operations :D
Kitty India receives as much aid as we do. We have an almost 8-9 Billion dollars of annual defense budget so we can buy whatever we like. America paid for some of our Mi-17s from Russia and then wiped its hands with your lungi. Zip up now.

Wakey Wakey 8-9 billion(peanuts compared to INDIA) is your defence expenditure ,Its not for buying purposes.:hitwall:
All you can do is ask for some AID from Russians same as you do with rest of your allies.:omghaha:
Wakey Wakey 8-9 billion(peanuts compared to INDIA) is your defence expenditure ,Its not for buying purposes.:hitwall:
All you can do is ask for some AID from Russians same as you do with rest of your allies.:omghaha:

Remember one thing , this isn't BR . This is the first and foremost thing you got to keep in mind , kid . I have seen members like you come and go before they could even make it to 50 posts .
Remember one thing , this isn't BR . This is the first and foremost thing you got to keep in mind , kid . I have seen members like you come and go before they could even make it to 50 posts .
BR boley tou??? :what:
Wakey Wakey 8-9 billion(peanuts compared to INDIA) is your defence expenditure ,Its not for buying purposes.:hitwall:
All you can do is ask for some AID from Russians same as you do with rest of your allies.:omghaha:

these peanuts seem to be causing a lot of anal pain to your kind for sure.

next time when you go out in the open to defecate.. just cry over it that whatever we are getting is paid for already. and we are very thankful for that because we are not just saying money but causing a lot of pain in the arse of your kind.

Sounds more like you have gone bonkers over this deal :lol: . Indians have been sticking more to their political threads :rolleyes:
talk sense to you later.. its weekend
let me take some time off will ya?
Wakey Wakey 8-9 billion(peanuts compared to INDIA) is your defence expenditure ,Its not for buying purposes.:hitwall:
All you can do is ask for some AID from Russians same as you do with rest of your allies.:omghaha:

Khor tha de lang wur wowaye
Man, you are way off reality. Indian companies are considered an arm of the western companies (which they are, as all the money and jobs came from the west). And the Russians now have a ban on using western companies, specifically the consulting organizations in energy and other sectors. So that'll be a show stopper. Other small trade based businesses will go on.

USA doesn't "jitter" because of anyone's policy. You have some grandiose ideas about India. The US pretty much developed 80% of the modern India for its own interests. If it was to "jitter" as you are suggesting, because of any reason, the funding would've stopped and you wouldn't be where you are today, PERIOD.

China and US are not foes. China is a rising power and the US sees it as a big county that may get in its way. The Chinese and the US are if anything in economic related competition. That's healthy and should go on. Chinese or the Indians or the Russians can't afford a conflict with the US. You guys will go back to 1940's, PERIOD.

Trust is a subjective term, the Nepalese don't trust India, the Sri Lankan don't trust India, the Pakistanis and the Bangladeshi's hate India, this is just around your country. I think the US doesn't trust India either but its the interest that are aligned for now and these will go away in the in the next ten years when the "true" colors start to come out. Similarly, many countries hate the Chinese but many also have China everywhere, infrastructure, ports, energy, etc, etc.

The whole I for India crap is too late. Will India be a big country and economy, no doubt about it, just take a look at 1.3 billion people. But will I for India will be like the US to the World, hell no. You'll also have C for China, K for Korea, R for Russia, B for Brazil, P for Pakistan and T for Turkey. Many of these countries may be smaller in population and / or in size, but they will have very strong economies and well balanced, modern militaries which won't let India boss them around. Simply speaking, there is the United States and then others like I,R,K,P,T (whatever country reference you'd like to put in). And India will be a big military power, it just will never get to a super power status, not for the next 50 years
cool down bro..
i never said india will become Super power as USA .. seems diffucilt for next 30 yrs
i understand your point that Indiais incomplete witout USA .. as USa and EU are main markets..
We never trust blinedly ...
even now usa and india pitch aginast each other in wto
we both know how to bargain ..nationl intreset
i understnad korea , brazil tueky are force to recon with..
but understnad one thing ..
as india needs usa same usa companies need indian market..
you know what happnes to apple product and full new gallary in china wihout apple knowledge.
as india cant leave usa market so usa cant leave market and cheap labour supply and high end managemnt skills from india
so come down from ultra high position...

world exits in mutual need and satisfaction at optimal cost and benefit..
days of do as i say is gone
if not then atleast not now with india PERIOD..
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