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Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

its pakistanies who dont know who are they where did they came from.....

but just started claiming history of their neighbours... sometimes India... sometimes Afghanistan
really identity crisis
who gives a f uck what afghanistan thinks they're an even bigger basketcase than pakistan.
name doesn't matter as long it works.....as far as Afghanistan intensify anti Pakistan rhetoric has no value. 100 percent trade goes through Pakistan. Pashtun of Pakistan control the whole economy of Afghanistan. Peshawar is the capital of Afghanistan not Kabul.
The outsiders can never stabilise the country rater any country. ISAF an entity without UN mandate can never be there for stabilising a country as charity but will always see own interest.

as far as any Afghan will wish for staying of NATO/US or any other invader in their country for the purpose then it can only be proven by taking an authentic view point of people on ground not just few well off people who always were happy even under Russian invasion.

Your enemies? who are your enemies ? that you must define first and then raise this point otherwise all those Afghan nationals who want these outsiders to go are also coming under this phrase of "enemies".

UN peacekeepers though is an option but that too for limited period till the govt takes control .

Ahmad FC is scattered throughout Pakistan. Do you know even in Islamabad FC personnel along with PA are deployed.

May I ask one thing from you, what is the option then, warlordism (Taliban included) and fighting among differnrt groups to take the country below stone age. Off course the Nato countries are after their interest, who is denying that, but we cant take advantage of it. Is not paksitan after its own interest? We need peace and stability, if the Taliban are the sons of this country and not SERVING the INTERESTS of OTHER COUNTRIES, they need to stop fighting for the sake of Afghansitan. It is war and destruction that is the mother of all of our bad days, once we dont have war, we can mangage to stand on our feet. Having proxis of other countries fightng for the interest of others is a milion times worse than the direct occupation.
who gives a f uck what afghanistan thinks they're an even bigger basketcase than pakistan.

Not many nations would have survived the vagaries the Afghans underwent for the last 40 years being made to fight the proxy wars of other countries.

name doesn't matter as long it works.....as far as Afghanistan intensify anti Pakistan rhetoric has no value. 100 percent trade goes through Pakistan. Pashtun of Pakistan control the whole economy of Afghanistan. Peshawar is the capital of Afghanistan not Kabul.

I may not know the entire situation , but I know enough to suggest you are patently and grossly wrong.
its pakistanies who dont know who are they where did they came from.....

but just started claiming history of their neighbours... sometimes India... sometimes Afghanistan
really identity crisis

Punjab is a region with tribes who came frm different areas....... iran,afghanistan,balouchistan etc...... and the local jatts,rajputs etc.

Pashtuns came frm KPK ex-afghanistan.

Sindhis came frm sindh.

G-B ppl are turkic.

Balouch(myself) came frm balouchistan.

Combine us..... thts where we r frm.
Punjab is a region with tribes who came frm different areas....... iran,afghanistan,balouchistan etc...... and the local jatts,rajputs etc.

Pashtuns came frm KPK ex-afghanistan.

Sindhis came frm sindh.

G-B ppl are turkic.

Balouch(myself) came frm balouchistan.

Combine us..... thts where we r frm.

then stop claiming Indus Vally civilization ... which is our one of the ancient continuous living and still developing civilizations
its pakistanies who dont know who are they where did they came from.....

but just started claiming history of their neighbours... sometimes India... sometimes Afghanistan
really identity crisis

hmmmmm we know one thing very clearly that majority of us are not followers of idols. Pakistan is our identity and Islam is our ideology simple as that.
then stop claiming Indus Vally civilization ... which is our one of the ancient continuous living and still developing civilizations

U rightfully compliment ur username.
How can you debate with a person who doesn't have an iota of sense in his statements? who calls Glory and Prosperity, misery and calamity.Who thinks he can change history by calling all the people who crumbled in this sacred land as the victors, well buddy better go to school and learn something rather than stay here coz the only thing you are doing is making fool of yourself!

Its not a place but a civilization, check out Abdali Empire you might see which areas we reached,Including wherever you come from in pakistan.

Do you know who Afghans are? its not only Pashtuns as you might think, we have Tajiks,Uzbeks,Turkmens and many others These warriors are Afghans in every since of the word, If you Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi got martyred in current day Pakistan it doesnt make him one of you! So please stop clinging to our history since you will never be one of us or we one of you.

He was born in Herat, again do some research on the Abdali or Durrani Empire, you are hopelessly uneducated!

I wasn't going to reply since by reading your reply i found out your history is at the level of beginners as most of pushtuns but then i thought give it a try.

You afghanis have a big misconception that you people were the rulers of all Pakistan which you are not because they were turks.
Secondly Never ghori, Nor ghazni were ever able to rule sindh or kashmir or most of baochistan so the region which was always under attach were Punjab and pukhtunkhwa.

The pushtuns were as much a slave of ghazni, ghauri as were the tajiks, balochss or punjabis
I never named missiles after turks, you need to ask the generals for that explanation. And we also have tuks in our land also. You people dont have a monopoly over turks.

The term Afghan was used specifically for pushtuns untill recently, it was never used for turks, tajiks or hjazaras

When i did i say i was an afghan wannabe, i am proud to be from the land where alexanders army was defeated(read Shahnameh by the Persian poet Firdausi) where Mongols were defeated, where arabs were defeated. The turks were given a hard time where indus valley civilization was oldest civilization. Where women have equal rights as men, Where homosexuality is uncommon.

I know more about history than you will ever know in your entire life. Along the Helmand River in southern Afghanistan are scores—
perhaps hundreds—of dead communities now indicated only by jagged irregularities in the terrain. Their mud-brick foundations, gradually
collapsing back into the ground, provide mute testimony to the terror that must have seized thousands of inhabitants seven hundred
years ago. Afghanistan irrigation systems were destroyed by mongols. Timur annihilated million of its people. Where babur used to make pyramid of skulls.

Kid, it wasn't Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi who was killed by khokhars it was Ghori, Ghori ghazni were turks they ruled afghan istan away from their homeland.

The only reason those turks(ghazni, ghori) are known as afghans is due to britss, Brits glorified everything which had anything to do with afghanistan.
May I ask one thing from you, what is the option then, warlordism (Taliban included) and fighting among differnrt groups to take the country below stone age. Off course the Nato countries are after their interest, who is denying that, but we cant take advantage of it. Is not paksitan after its own interest? We need peace and stability, if the Taliban are the sons of this country and not SERVING the INTERESTS of OTHER COUNTRIES, they need to stop fighting for the sake of Afghansitan. It is war and destruction that is the mother of all of our bad days, once we dont have war, we can mangage to stand on our feet. Having proxis of other countries fightng for the interest of others is a milion times worse than the direct occupation.

Everyone is serving own interest including Afghanistan so first of all one sided complaints are uncalled for.

2. its up to you to get united against all invaders. the issue is that just like everyone some of you are having your interests served by siding with invaders while some are having their interests served by going against the invaders.
Afghanistan was occupied many times in the past........Every country has seen a rise and a fall.
Did i ever claim that? We were never subdued though, alway coming back to give the invaders a bloody nose unlike you!
He was born in multan-punjab...... and fought the marathas n others...... and local muslims of punjab helped him............
Also im frm balouchistan....... and he never came to our region.

Multan? only claims. He was born in Herat and more importantly he established modern day Afghanistan.
Just to make a point, he left his mark in in Iran,Pakistan and India and your region was well inside his empire.

According to pashtun nationalists ..."Every pashtun is afghan but not the opposite".

I'm a Pashtun myself, "Afghan" might have been reference to Pashtuns in past but presently every other ethnic group whoever they maybe in Afghanistan is as much an Afghan as the next one.The pashtuns in Afghanistan don't use the term "afghan" to refer to themselves anymore but exclusively Pakhtoon.
Hope ur countrymen understood tht.
I admit we have issues being fueled by fools from every group, but they are not the future.Afghan nationalism has taken root after a long time and the core is the Afghan National Army which is loved by every afghan regardless of his ethnicity.
Everyone is serving own interest including Afghanistan so first of all one sided complaints are uncalled for.

2. its up to you to get united against all invaders. the issue is that just like everyone some of you are having your interests served by siding with invaders while some are having their interests served by going against the invaders.

It looks like i cant convince you no matter what and how i say. Perhaps somebody else with a better communications skills tells you what i exactly mean.
:)))))))))))))))))))) ahhh the day you defined who is Afghan and who is NOT Then we can have some peace in the region. for the time being the issue is that "the word Afghan" is defined as bloods line and not as location. Thats why i use the word Afghanistanis for your countrymen (Ahmad can vouch for that).

the day you started defining the word Afghan for entire Afghanistanis including Uzbek, Tajiks etc etc trust me we Pukhtuns in Pakistan will have alot of relief .
Afghan Nationalists don't believe in all this bull crap.The pashtun nationalists from one side and the Tajiks nationalist from the other are nothing but fools who hold no vision for a prosporous Afghanistan and therefore will never be the future.
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