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Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

:D how can Pukhtuns be born in India before India was created and how can they be born if Pukhtuns dint come to that part.

:P :P or is it again that dravidian aryan issue

Indus region.....punjab....... we can still see their serike speaking grandchildren in Punjab today.

I.e= Khakwanis,lodhis,baburs etc.
bwahahahah why dont you courier that ripoff copy of that laptop to your own country men lolzzzz

again "bwahahahah" :cheesy::cheesy:

I think it is the word you use to remove your frustration...

i can imagine you doing this "bwahahahah" before every other statement in your real life.... it would be funny to see you doing that....
Says the Afghani where 50 countries are ravaging his land whose history is full of misery and calamity.
Mongols, persians, greeks, arabs, turks, indians, brits, soviets and now americans
How can you debate with a person who doesn't have an iota of sense in his statements? who calls Glory and Prosperity, misery and calamity.Who thinks he can change history by calling all the people who crumbled in this sacred land as the victors, well buddy better go to school and learn something rather than stay here coz the only thing you are doing is making fool of yourself!

And now to the history part, Not a single aghani has ever ruled the indus valley,
Its not a place but a civilization, check out Abdali Empire you might see which areas we reached,Including wherever you come from in pakistan.
The missiles which are named after the so-called islamic warior are turks not afghan
Mahmud of Ghazni a turk made 17 invasion never came back after he was harrassed by jatts.
Shahhubbudin Ghauri a turk killed in indus aalley

Do you know who Afghans are? its not only Pashtuns as you might think, we have Tajiks,Uzbeks,Turkmens and many others These warriors are Afghans in every since of the word, If you Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi got martyred in current day Pakistan it doesnt make him one of you! So please stop clinging to our history since you will never be one of us or we one of you.

Abdali born in Punjab was never able to rule outside pushtun area, was defeated many times by punjabis/sikhs
He was born in Herat, again do some research on the Abdali or Durrani Empire, you are hopelessly uneducated!
oh hey sparky. where you had been. and btw who is doubting his death ??? :P its only when he died not whether he died ;)

The Al quida confirmation was out just an hour back, hence posted.
How can you debate with a person who doesn't have an iota of sense in his statements? who calls Glory and Prosperity, misery and calamity.Who thinks he can change history by calling all the people who crumbled in this sacred land as the victors, well buddy better go to school and learn something rather than stay here coz the only thing you are doing is making fool of yourself

Afghanistan was occupied many times in the past........Every country has seen a rise and a fall.

Its not a place but a civilization, check out Abdali Empire you might see which areas we reached,Including wherever you come from in pakistan.
He was born in multan-punjab...... and fought the marathas n others...... and local muslims of punjab helped him............
Also im frm balouchistan....... and he never came to our region.

Do you know who Afghans are
According to pashtun nationalists ..."Every pashtun is afghan but not the opposite".

its not only Pashtuns as you might think, we have Tajiks,Uzbeks,Turkmens and many others
Came frm bordering countries.

These warriors are Afghans in every since of the word,
Hope ur countrymen understood tht.

If you Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi got martyred in current day Pakistan it doesnt make him one of you! So please stop clinging to our history since you will never be one of us or we one of you.

Ppl in Pakistan consider him a muslim hero.... And for a fact we have more ethnic Pashtuns then afghanistan itself.

He was born in Herat, again do some research on the Abdali or Durrani Empire, you are hopelessly uneducated!

There is a contradiction here........some say he was born in Multan some say herat.

Its not a place but a civilization, check out Abdali Empire you might see which areas we reached,Including wherever you come from in pakistan.

Do you know who Afghans are? its not only Pashtuns as you might think, we have Tajiks,Uzbeks,Turkmens and many others These warriors are Afghans in every since of the word,


:)))))))))))))))))))) ahhh the day you defined who is Afghan and who is NOT Then we can have some peace in the region. for the time being the issue is that "the word Afghan" is defined as bloods line and not as location. Thats why i use the word Afghanistanis for your countrymen (Ahmad can vouch for that).

the day you started defining the word Afghan for entire Afghanistanis including Uzbek, Tajiks etc etc trust me we Pukhtuns in Pakistan will have alot of relief .
now.. Pakistanis are claiming the history of Afghanistan .... don't worry friends we support you :cheers:
And yet the pride of the Pak Army - missile - is named Babur.

Irony ? Identity crisis ?

Nobdy cares abt them...... Some ppl consider him a hero just coz he was a muslim..... which is stupid............
now.. Pakistanis are claiming the history of Afghanistan .... don't worry friends we support you :cheers:

Coz of our ethnic pashtun population which is far more thn afghanistan itself........ im sure we can even claim afghanistan..;)

P.S=Hows can i claim bihari kebabs? coz u guys probably dnt even eat em...:lol:
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