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Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

you can continue believing the conspiracy theories being circulated by western media outlets ;) meanwhile Pakistan and US both know very well the arrangements they made.
Indeed the only agency spreading the truth is ISI, Its rather funny how CIA and US gov is denying any ISI role due to the fears of them alerting the HVT and the pak gov is insisting they did play a role...
:) ceremonial handing over never defines "control" when on grounds its NATO/US who is running the show with half of the world countries' troops there in Afghanistan. You also know that and we also know it well that Afghan police or even ANA is not capable of controlling once NATO/US leaves Afghanistan you may not even claim this about Kabul what to say about the entire country.
Are you on the ground in Kabul? Its the Afghan police on the street and if some incidents happen its the elite CTU(counter terrorist unit) which is deployed along with QRF of ANA with overwach provided by ANA aircorps.Perhaps you can get some details on how successfully they have carried out anti terror operations when these cockroaches have hit Kabul.
You might be a journalist but you have absloutely no evidence countering my claim regarding Kabul so you resort to hide it by getting offtopic.:disagree:
Surely nobody here is saying that you dont have a choice :) . i would be the happiest if you start getting wheat supply from other countries as it will be a great thing for Khyber Pukhtunkhwa as we here in KP are paying a high price for supplying wheat to Afghanistan. the point was that you were ranting lacking any logical reason
Well you were just saying we will die if your wheat doesn't reach us, i simply debunked your claim! so the only person who is ranting is you.Your gov is not forced to sell us wheat, they could simply block it if you, the citizens are so against it, but they will not since we pay better and get reasonably cheap wheat so win/win situation for both sides.
Indeed the only agency spreading the truth is ISI, Its rather funny how CIA and US gov is denying any ISI role due to the fears of them alerting the HVT and the pak gov is insisting they did play a role...

:) you can believe whatever appease you. US and Pakistan and their institutions involved in this entire episode know the facts very well and you can see the corresponding statements. though at personal level i believe we should not have denied our role.
dont worry i will buy that Rs30 Laptop (or whatever low price it was of ) which the Indians claimed to have built :P i mean that ripoff of the Chinese product by bharatis

why do you make such cheap comments?
Forget about the gov of afghanistan, it is like a baby who is now starting to learn how to crawl. That is the reason that any patriotic afghan will ask the ISAF to stay untill things get settled, only our enemies will wish the sudden departure of nato so that our country once again become the dogfight ground between all the groups, we dont want it, enough is enough. I know that FC are also involved in pakistan's fight, but the real fight is done by regular PA.

The outsiders can never stabilise the country rater any country. ISAF an entity without UN mandate can never be there for stabilising a country as charity but will always see own interest.

as far as any Afghan will wish for staying of NATO/US or any other invader in their country for the purpose then it can only be proven by taking an authentic view point of people on ground not just few well off people who always were happy even under Russian invasion.

Your enemies? who are your enemies ? that you must define first and then raise this point otherwise all those Afghan nationals who want these outsiders to go are also coming under this phrase of "enemies".

UN peacekeepers though is an option but that too for limited period till the govt takes control .

Ahmad FC is scattered throughout Pakistan. Do you know even in Islamabad FC personnel along with PA are deployed.
Perhaps you need to read your history buddy, Afghans have a history of invading others including you, not migration! Perhaps you forgot who the people were after whom you have named your missiles.Don't try to paint a false identity here, you are not the warrior you claim to be...Do some research on the refugees on the border with Afghanistan right after 1947.

Says the Afghani where 50 countries are ravaging his land whose history is full of misery and calamity. Mongols, persians, greeks, arabs, turks, indians, brits, soviets and now americans

Ok, Mr Abdali internet warrior, I am not a warrior and you are.

And now to the history part, Not a single aghani has ever ruled the indus valley,

The missiles which are named after the so-called islamic warior are turks not afghan

Mahmud of Ghazni a turk made 17 invasion never came back after he was harrassed by jatts.

Shahhubbudin Ghauri a turk killed in indus aalley

Abdali born in Punjab was never able to rule outside pushtun area, was defeated many times by punjabis/sikhs

Not a single afghanistan born pushtun has ever ruled india they were all indian pushtuns.
why do you make such cheap comments?

because your bharati member asked for it through his cheapest comment bellow

originally posted by BJP offtopic:

care to explain the meaning of this "bwahahahha" i have seen it in your several posts.... is it of some mean or you are just typing it as result of itch in your hands

it sounds like you are having lots of water in your mouth and they trying to say something

and then he talked about computer getting the shower so comes my reply to that.
Says the Afghani where 50 countries are ravaging his land whose history is full of misery and calamity. Mongols, persians, greeks, arabs, turks, indians, brits, soviets and now americans

Ok, Mr Abdali internet warrior, I am not a warrior and you are.

And now to the history part, Not a single aghani has ever ruled the indus valley,

The missiles which are named after the so-called islamic warior are turks not afghan

Mahmud of Ghazni a turk made 17 invasion never came back after he was harrassed by jatts.

Shahhubbudin Ghauri a turk killed in indus aalley

Abdali born in Punjab was never able to rule outside pushtun area, was defeated many times by punjabis/sikhs

Not a single afghanistan born pushtun has ever ruled india they were all indian pushtuns

:what: :what: INDIAN ??? and when was the last time bharatis were Pashtuns??????

i think we should avoid discussing things which are more to do with Muslim invasions into the areas currently forms subcontinent.
because your bharati member asked for it through his cheapest comment bellow

and then he talked about computer getting the shower so comes my reply to that.

ha ha it was for you jana.... it is common sense if you shower water from your mouth siting in front of your monitor , its only your monitor which may get harm..... how could it be it mine....

you need to get that Rs30 laptop... I can courier you that from India

believe me jana... you are having serious problem of typing before thinking :lol:
Perhaps you need to read your history buddy, Afghans have a history of invading others including you, not migration! Perhaps you forgot who the people were after whom you have named your missiles.Don't try to paint a false identity here, you are not the warrior you claim to be...Do some research on the refugees on the border with Afghanistan right after 1947.

Ahhh since i was avoiding that to mention when you were talking about giving us hospitality in case we become refugees in your country because i wanted to avoid exposing your true nature. but since you mentioned it here out of your anger then let me correct it, it was Ghafar Khan who led Pukhtuns to Afghanistan in wake of 1947 and the then Afghanistani govt closed border and let hundreds of Pukhtuns get killed so honestly we dont even have a shred of trust for any brother treatment from you.

as far as courage is concerned all the likes of you and so called educated intellectuals from Afghanistan ran away to Western countries when First Afghan war was started. It was we the Pukhtuns from Khyber Pukhtunkhwa and FATA of Pakistan who fought that war for you when you were sitting in peaceful western countries.

Many Persian speaking Afghanistanis from Northern Afghanistan also came to Pakistan much before the actual Russian invasion and by now they more like neutralised Pakistani citizens.

its ironic that you guys cant live peacefully with your own countrymen in north and want to keep them out of the rule and hence try to find solace and support in and from Pakistani Pukhtuns in KP and FATA.
ha ha it was for you jana.... it is common sense if you shower water from your mouth siting in front of your monitor , its only your monitor which may get harm..... how could it be it mine....

you need to get that Rs30 laptop... I can courier you that from India

believe me jana... you are having serious problem of typing before thinking :Rofl:

bwahahahah why dont you courier that ripoff copy of that laptop to your own country men lolzzzz
:what: :what: INDIAN ??? and when was the last time bharatis were Pashtuns??????

i think we should avoid discussing things which are more to do with Muslim invasions into the areas currently forms subcontinent.

I mean india born pushtun, Sher shah suri, abdali, were born in punjab.

There is a famous quote by Babur "people of Hindustan, and particularly the Afghans', writes Babur,
are a strangely foolish and senseless race" He was refferring to pushtuns
I meam india born pushtun, Sher shah suri, abdali, were born in punjab.

There is a famous quote by Babur "people of Hindustan, and particularly the Afghans', writes Babur,
are a strangely foolish and senseless race" He was refferring to pushtuns

Lets not start tht ....

Babur was a thief he killed both pashtuns aswell as punjabis........ and todays hes a hero.

I meam india born pushtun, Sher shah suri, abdali, were born in punjab.

There is a famous quote by Babur "people of Hindustan, and particularly the Afghans', writes Babur,
are a strangely foolish and senseless race" He was refferring to pushtuns

Afghans are NOT people of Hindustan or part of Hindu land at all.

---------- Post added at 06:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:23 PM ----------

Lets not start tht ....

Babur was a thief he killed both pashtuns aswell as punjabis........ and todays hes a hero.


:D just like US/NATO are heroes for some. all invasions are bloody for sure and no denying about that
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